and i mean relatively legit, not emma stone in kaka land
Actresses and actors who can act and sing and also dance
Who is this D-list piece of shit nobody whore?
Hugh Jackman Lipton Tea Commercial
OP just trying to push his waifu tb.h
Hailee Seinfeld
post her cute jew ass
where are her tits, dude?
Woah that's pretty agressive why do you feel the need to be such a dick?
Does he count?
>grampy doesn't watch recent media
"He'res your DVD collection of Gunsmoke that just arrived from Amazon, Pops."
she was literally nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actress a month ago.
She can do it all man.
Does he dance?
is he a good dancer?
I want to insert my erect penis inside hailee steinfeld, staple the shaft of my shaft to her vagina and cum endlessly until I shrivel up and die.
If you know what I mean.
Except have a decent show.
does he dance?
also, rihanna
I don't know if he can dance.
I understood that euphemism. You mean you want to have sex with her.
The only thing that I know of where hes "dancing" so I'm not sure.
>she can do nothing right
Uh, are you taller than her? She's like 5'9".
one of the worst actresses ive seen
landwhale, pls
Not true, take it back
>brown nips
into the trash
That girl is a solid 10
suck it, fatass
oh, sorry, virgin neet covered in masturbation crust
all these buttmad slampigs
I'd suck her ass, but this doesn't mean she's a talented actress
Her impersonation of JLaw was the shit.
It was really great. Surprised me a little because most celebrity impressions are really cheap.
he sings but not that well
musicals are for faggots
move your fat asses
Elle coming through
>She can do it all man.
except succeed
>43 posts in
>no John C. Reilly
I want to worship that jewess
Jamie Foxx and Will Smith
she hadn't seen bridges in 6 years since true grit
crying a bit
>That empty feel when everyone knows you don't have "it".
>that video of her singing and dancing around to that Drake song
never waifu'd so hard, senpaitachi
shes literally perfect. I'd love to see her in a musical
Also Bowie
Did she really wanted out of Victorious to start a music career?
Bridges ... too much coke, Man.
>Owl shirt
really makes one ponder
she's cute but she has no rhythm
>making weird movements and spinning your ponytail around is considered dancing
My guess is that the show was costing too much money, and music sales weren't that high. So they put Ariana on Jennette's show, since she was getting more popular.
Do people know she's phillipina?
You're just proving that she can't dance.
she's a mutt
but the legs on that girl
B-but she's been taking ballet and dance classes for most of her life
>wiggling your ass
Sorry to disappoint you user...
Really? I heard she sucked seed to get to present an award show?
I'm more interested in her arse mate
Why would she need to? The TCA's were a FOX production, and she was being featured in an upcoming FOX production, RHPS. I mean, Laverne Cox was there too..
muh dick
Janelle Monae