>when he pays for netflix hulu amazon AND hbo
When he pays for netflix hulu amazon AND hbo
Other urls found in this thread:
>when he uses torrents
funny because all the normies in my work who have partners are raving about kodi and how they can cancel their subscriptions
I pay for all four and still torrent lol
why is this allowed?
All I do is watch netflix and fart in my room all day. How would a woman improve this?
>when he brought enough crab legs for two
I'm paying for kikeflix until the new twin peaks then I'll switch to HBO
Where's the feminine penis?
The new Twin Peaks is on Showtime though.
do bfs prefer if you pay for media as well?
I'd love to Dutch oven with you friend
>Paid TV subscriptions
here in nothern europe it's on HBO.
not for long.
not with that stream quality.
i have all that shit and still find that when a movie pops into my head i want to watch, 90% of the time none of them have it
>Amazon Prime
>antenna for OTA network broadcasts
Am I missing anything? I think not.
I prefer the masculine vagina
>Dropped Hulu first
>Then HBO after True Detective S2
>Going to drop Netflix after Twin Peaks S3 unless they get more good originals
>Nearly dropped Amazon till GT, Ronja the Robber's Waifu and Man In The High Castle stayed my hand for another year
i've been watching Expanse on Amazon Prime.
Amazon's quality is better than Netflix so far.
>she's not on all the prerequisite invite only kino private trackers
Next time ask them about their non existing sex life.
I don't get why women need to disguise wanting a simple fuck by wanting to watch Netflix.
Yeah it seems like Netflix has maybe 20 quality movies at any one time and I've seen 15 and have no interest in the rest. HBO has tons but again, seen them all and everything else is normie garbage. Hulu is only good for tv and anime to begin with. I don't even check Amazon half the time because their UI is garbage.
Because you're not man enough to tell them what you want and society tells women they can only hint at it
>when he doesn't have a playster account
Enjoy that botnet :^)
I once showed Youtube Poops telling it's a "comedy show". She laughed throughout the way and didn't interupt for sex. Only after the poop was done.
Bullshit, grab em in the dick
>it's a retards open an obvious virus posted to Sup Forums episode