Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Stop saying woke
I've watched every episode of 24 and I never developed a fear or hate of muslims. Am I still a racist?
nah you're just a cuck
Yes, you xenophobic, mysoginstic, racist, bigoted, transphobic asshole
>Can a tv show be woke?
What the fuck does that even mean?
Are you white?
>can you realize that black people dindu nuffin and the only reason they commit all the crime is because white people are evil and raycis
OK but what does woke mean? Is that some new nigger retard twitter slang?
i think it's probably some weed thing. sounds pretty much like yet another term stoners come up with to make being high sound cool to the kids.
doesn't it come from awoken/waken whatever the correct form is
Woke means It's nigger slang for being "woke" to the systematic oppression of the white man. Basically black SJWs.
that has to be the most retarded word ever invented, even worse than redpill
"Woke" is just "redpilled" for the left.
What fresh meme is this?
>muslim terrorists want to ackbar murrica
>murricans want to stop it
How is this confusing?
No ebonics pls
Oh user, didn't you know Islam is a religion of peace. All terrorist attacks are white false flags.
Did they reveal the plot of 24? I'm expecting it to be crazy white NeoNazis.
Woke only please.
this board is only for niggers.
If you are not you need to gtfo.
More like 24 Is Black
Depends on your skin color, whites are always racist
Is the original 24 good? Never watched a single episode
Literally Drumpf: The Show
I'm surprised that whoever seems to have written that already forgot about one of the best villains on TV.
If you've seen the first season you've more or less seen them all, but it's worth a look if you enjoy some uncomplicated action.
Urban Slang for redpilled
literally nigspeak for 'redpilled'
>tfw Sup Forums and dumb niggers are exactly alike
No, I did that too and didn't start hating Muslims until the attack on the Bataclan. After that, I did some serious investigation into their faith, I read the Quran, hundreds of hadiths, and now I hate Islam more than any other ideology on Earth.
Woke is the new faggot meme for saying a person is fully awake (woke up) and can see what's really happening around them.
It's basically a leftist's way of saying RedPilled but not wanting to use such an obvious homophobic transphobic mysoginist word.
Because the right use that word, see.
Logan was fucking awesome
>OK but what does woke mean? Is that some new nigger retard twitter slang?
Literally yes. It's what a weed smoking nigger calls himself when he gets "deep thoughts" like "DANG MANG WAT IF EARTH WUZ INSIDE OUT & WE LIVIN' ON DA CEILING & SHEEAT".
It basically means that someone's brain is exhibiting signs of electric activity, something they usually don't experience so it's a strange and rare phenomenon to them, that elevates a "woke" person to the level of the tribal shaman.
If you can get past the slightly dated aspects and don't mind a few constantly repeated story beats it's terrific. Easily the most comfy and consistently engaging show of the last decade. The ninth season they just did is probably top three overall
First 5 seasons are some of the best network television ever. Top tier tension and crazy Jack Bauer moments.
>muslims negatively portrayed in the media
Stop constantly blowing each othet up then. Or chopping off heads live on tv maybe?
>Not woke
really gets the ol' biscuit stewing
>If the world were different, things would be different
Huh, never thought about it like that.
>muslims being negatively portrayed in media
Yeah better stop broadcasting their crimes, lest feelings are hurt.
Liberals just want all tv/movie antagonists to be white because they hate white people, that's it.
Back in late medieval times they had people called Flagellants.
These nutcases used to walk around beating their bare skins with whips, chains and barbed branches to "punish" themselves for the sins they saw in the world. They'd take them all on and blame themselves. Even for things they couldn't possibly have committed or could hope to change.
That's the modern liberal movement in a nutshell. Wanting to be seen to be punishing themselves for all the world's ills.
wtf i like nigga Bauer now
It's been on black twitter for like 5 years at least. Again Sup Forums is late on the new memes. Almost as bad as /asp/ and finna.
It's the normies version of saying "redpilled"
Haha yeah I watched that Sargon of Akkad video too, skeptic brofist!!! :))
I've never seen one of his videos. Or thunderfoot and whoever.
I've heard about them as youtubers but I tend to keep away from dangerous levels of salt on principle.
I still don't understand how the liberal left ended up being the ultra-religious right, it's hilarious and bizarre.
woke means having liberal beliefs while thinking youre some kind of genius that has reached nirvana