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The main reason RLM hated the prequels because is because of the incosistent tone shifts.
Unlike Empire Strikes Back, for example, where Han is tortured after being betrayed by his friend in one scene, and the very next scene has c3po comically arguing with Chewbacca because he put his head on backwards.
Or ANH, where Luke takes nearly a whole scene before he gets over his Aunt and Uncle being murdered before going back to his exciting adventure.
Star Wars was a mistake
You mean like when Leia's home planet is obliterated and billions die, yet she has to comfort Luke because some old guy he knew died? And then literally seconds later they laugh with joy when they massacre Imperial pilots?
Jesus dude... I know the RLM Friend Simulator is a meme but... there are other things in life other than obsessing over middle aged sarcastic man children you huge faggot.
People put way too much stock in Star Wars. There's really nothing fantastic about it other than the fact that Lucas got it to work at all with the shoestring budget he originally had and all the insane shit they did to make the first movies work.
RLM are so pathetic
But even more pathetic are their fans
>Apology accepted
>The emperor is not as forgiving as I am
None of those are jokes, you dumb fat faggot.
>this is your average star wars fan
cant star wars just fucking die already
i don't understand what he hoped to accomplish with that video
>The prequels were just Lucas playing 4-dimensional chess!
Suddenly it all makes sense. Now I understand why Sup Forums thinks Trump is intelligent.
>posting one comment on an anonymous imageboard regarding middle aged sarcastic man children makes you huge faggot.
>rushing to the defence of middle aged sarcastic man children does not
Wasted dubs, my man.
*4-dimensional pottery
why did i watch that
Literally what the fuck does this have to do with RLM in any way?
4d pottery with poetry etched on the sides.
This post really made me think
How do we solve the manchild problem, mandatory military service to start I think.
I didn't expect to laugh but I did
I can't believe RLM have their own NerosQ.
>thinking there aren't already manchildren in the military
>He critiqued the 'mailing a pizza roll' joke as if it was relevant to the review
Suddenly I feel better about my own autism
Will Mike and Jay ever recover?
I'm pretty sure this is just Rocco doing dick all like he basically does on his channel and it's a shot at nobody
>It's 40 minutes longer than the original review
Mike and Jay get paid to film themselves being alcoholics
In the end we all lose except them
Who is the 40-something child?
which one of you faggots did this
Is this a man or a trans woman or a cis woman?
>"Apology accepted" is a joke
>"The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am" is a gag
Excuse me? Rocco does that T&E thing of constantly being ironic all the time that I can never tell when he's actually serious. Like I dont recall anybody ever saying anything like that and it just comes off as some nonexistent strawman.
Was this a response to those numerous shitty videos RLM on RO? Cause I didn't even bother watching the most recent one.
Regardless m64 in general are so washed up and unfunny for years now its sad.
what does this have to do with RLM specifically?
>tfw your parents named you after a porn star
Literally nothing.
is this all because they gave the last star wars movie a bad review? like it seems as thought there's multiple threads every day about these guys and the controversy they caused by not liking a movie, it's fucking crazy.
>two hours, thirty-seven minutes and six seconds long
wew I remember this autist
what did he think of TFA?
This video is either autism incarnate or the most dedicated Sup Forums bait ever conceived
What's the difference?
>the controversy they caused by not liking a movie, it's fucking crazy
It's literally reddït
cannot tell if penis or vagina
shit i love the mega64 boyz didn't expect to see rocco here
Why the hell did you spend a half hour watching that?
He said he has autism
I've never been able to last more than 3 minutes
Don't bring Rocco to Sup Forums, nobody will understand what he's all about.
This, he plays chess on a level that few could understand.
Holy fuck...
post some essential Rocco "the Disneyland pimp" Botte kino
Remember all the hateful things she said about RLM?
Nerd crew 3 making fun of Mega 64 when?
The Unboxing Ring series is absolute YouTube kino
>apology accepted
>kills him
Yeah, that's a joke. But it's not a pun.
I don't know who that is.
>My dear Plinky
what did she say?
mega64 is dying a slow death
the over the top gay guy impression makes me think this is bait
As long as the podcast doesn't go away.
>review of a review
is this really a thing
You forgot to mention Luke seeing the bodies of his uncle and aunt murdered and he doesn't cry.
How does RLM call the OT masterpieces with no flaws?
oops didnt read the other person's full post that already mentioned this
child anakin honstly wasn't bad the way he was written. the actor was just super annoying and bad at saying his lines. "I'm a PERSON and my names ANAKIN -_-" etc.
I think you mean Sup Forums btfo. because you were all bitching about that "don't choke on your aspirations" line.
>wasn't bad the way he was written
"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!"
I mean, if that line was actually said naturally it wouldn't be a big deal. he just said it with zero excitement like he was reading it off a page.
The only person who could make that line sound decent is Ryan Gosling
This. Their videos are whatever, but the podcast consistently delivers some choice laughs and stories.
>and the very next scene has c3po comically arguing with Chewbacca because he put his head on backwards.
This was fishy enough for me to fact check, and you're just fucking wrong. There really was no tone shift. C3PO is just being a prissy bitch in an otherwise gloomy scene, chewbacca is depressed as fuck.
>Or ANH, where Luke takes nearly a whole scene before he gets over his Aunt and Uncle being murdered before going back to his exciting adventure.
I agree that a little more should have been done, but obi wan is treated even worse than luke's parents. The audience is actually attached to obi wan, but luke is sad for one scene where he talks to leia over the chess board and then quickly abandons it.
holy fuck what a trash
My friend and I have discussed this a lot. Shawn is an unfunny faggot who says nothing. Derrick and Rocco are the driving force and keep it alive as well as Garret who should replace Shawn
Man, you prequelfags are the second most pathetic faggots on this board. After all of these years you're still obsessing over some silly internet videos and you still can't come up with good counterarguments. RLM hate the prequels because the dialogue is horrible, none of the characters are likeable, the acting is wooden, the political drama is boring and way too many scenes are filmed in front of a green screen. The only time Mike ever bitched about "inconsistent tone shifts" is when he talked about the opening scene of Revenge of the Sith.
>How does RLM call the OT masterpieces with no flaws?
They don't. Mike has said that the OT has lots of flaws but those flaws are easy to ignore because the OT has tons of good qualities. The PT is a sea of shit that only has a very small handful of good qualities.
This was a pretty stupid video, but I still like this guy for trashing Linkara.