>13 years old
>no husband or children
What went wrong for her?
You can tell immediately by her look and obviously by how she talks that she will exclusively fuck black guys.
I disagree
Oh no... the white race is doomed!
Read Red Pill. Get pissed because all you know is a lie, all you were thought is a lie. All the knowledge you have is garbage... You became a Slave of a System, you were conditioned to be compliant and weak Beta Bitch boy who is unable to resist anyone, who is unable to fight, unable to stand up to anyone... You were conditioned to supplicate to girls and women, to feel sorry for them, you were thought to work like a slave for them...
You were conditioned to worship women, to be that soft and nice compliant guy... and today brother, today as a result you are just fucking impotent Blue Pill Beta Bitch Male... That is the Bitter Truth, all you are is just feminine male, with no respect, no balls, no spine, no clue how to get women... You are just a fucking un-sexy joke that nobody cares about...
Let's accept the Truth as it is - today, your dick doesn't even rise when you see hot girl... You want her but you are too shy and always look away when she looks back at you... you start sweating before you approach her, and always thinking day and night how to trick her to a romantic friendship with you, how to make her fall in love with you (or the better fake version of you that you pretend to be) so you can be her lover for the rest of your life...
No, you don't want to fuck the shit out of her, you just want to love her, you want that soft and gentle love, that nice and cute feelings... giggly... You want to go shopping with her to the fucking mall, you want to be her compliant little puppy that jumps around for any bone she throws you, you want to buy her whatever the fuck she wants, and then carry her fucking gifts around so every other Beta Bitch can see how great and amazing Life you've got... Look how far you've gone, look how sweet and cute little bitch you've become... Be a Nice Boy...
Instagram Live.
How does it compare to Periscope?
let's hope so
And when you see her for the first time, you fucking worry what she thinks about you, you can't even fucking approach her, you are afraid to tell her that she makes you horny - that is what Weak Beta Bitch pussy you are... You blush when you talk to a girl who is 80 pounds lighter than you, because you are fucking afraid of her... You are afraid of what she thinks, or God forbid - what will she tell you, whether she will smile back at you, or reject you... Oh no, rejections hurt, please no rejections...
Congratufuckilation to you, to all of you! That is how fucking impotent you are, impotence is your fucking future... Keep fucking practicing approaches, ten thousands of them just to confirm your impotence!
And you are lazy as fuck, you were conditioned to live nice, safe, comfortable and easy fucking life... Soft Life that all Pussies love so much... Life of Modern Slaves... Work hard Slave, pay lots of taxes Slave, feel sorry for everybody else Slave, be a great consumer Slave, contribute to the great System Slave, follow ten thousand rules and rulers Slave, be a White Knight Slave, die comfortably in sickness in clean hospital bed Slave... That's right, you are just a fucking Slave, bending and looking sadly to the ground, unable to get rid of your fucking Chains...
Admit it, you just have no balls Slave, and when she wipes her shoes all over you, when she ignores your sorry ass, all you can do is to give her a nice smile, and say gently thank you babe... Then you go home and cry, cry and cry, and then you have to google what is Alpha male again, because those soft feelings of yours are just so hurt...
But we are no longer Boys, we are fucking Men! WTF even happened? What happened to Men? Fuck this Beta Bitch Shit societal Weakness once and forever! Be a fucking Man!
it's basically the same shit
This board is cancer
What's her @ on insta?
man i just wanna see those tits
Real Men are dangerous. True Real Men fight, they struggle, they give others hard time, so hard that no one dares to fuck with them... That is what it means to be Respected Man... You never get Respect from anyone for free, you have to Earn it Yourself... No one fucks with man who has Respect, and no Man got his Respect for free, for doing shit while crying about it...
Real Men have balls, balls full of testosterone... Real Men get angry, they go after what they want with no mercy.... Real men don't need any fucking Blue Pills, real Men suppress their pain, real men sweat, real men avoid comfort and coziness. Real Men get what they want. Real Men follow only their own rules, they disobey all the rulers, the follow No One because they are Leaders and not Followers...
Real Man doesn't ask silly girl shy questions, he grabs her by her pussy instead, and tells her to suck his dick... Real men conquer, they hunt, they win... Real Men die in battle, they die in blood and pain while looking proudly in Death's eyes, laughing in her Fucking Face...
Those are True Fucking Real Men, but no longer such Men Exist on this Fucking Planet! Everybody is talking only about pussies, about how to please more and more pussies, about how to supplicate more to them, how to be nicer to them, how to seduce them more efficiently, how to worship them more and more - but nobody is talking about True Men! No one says one word about how to please a Man today! It is all about pussies, pussies are talking and learning about pussies, no one talks about Men! No one talks about what women should do to please her Men, no one says that Men should be pleased first! This Fucking Planet is nothing else than garbage, full of weakness and sorry ass Beta Bitch Males... All we have left today is cry fucking sorry ass baby-men, voting for Sanders and Clintons... That is how sick society is, everything is backwards today on this fucking Planet!
who is this?
Get pissed at that weakness, Hate that fucking weakness, dissociate yourself from Beta Bitch Males... Become Rebel, Become a fucking Viking... become ruthless Warrior, become Savage, become Spartan, become a Wild Animal, become Blood thirsty Wolf... Hit all the supplicating Beta Sheep in face, have no mercy for weak, be disgusted with Beta Males... Let the weak ones die, don't help them, never feel sorry for them... Become Strong and Powerful Man, find your fucking spine and behave like Da Fucking Man!
That's what it is to master fucking anger. Be fucking angry, become a Master of Anger and conquer that Weakness...
Fight brother, stand Strong and Proud, kick your weakness in its teeth, kick it to the ground and never look back...
So basically thots and trolling. Just a more popular app.
Because alphas live the best lives and are always happy
Don't be smart guys... be stupid!
I hear what you're saying.
You're saying:
"I'm gonna be honest with you, 99% of what you said applies to fucking me. If what you said above is true about beta male bitch, then yes i'm that beta bitch male. I'm not gonna deny that.
You are right man, yes my dick doesn't even rise when seeing a hot girl. Yes, i'm afraid to tell her that she makes me horny and i wanna fuck the shit out of her. You are right I AM AFRAID to tell her that.
You are also right about me wanting that giggly feeling from a girl instead of wanting to ravage her badly.
Man i'm feeling like a loser right now, like a pussy. GOD DAMMIT.
I do feel like i'm feminine male.
Show me the way out of it. I don't wanna be this pussy anymore. Give some basics to start working on. I'm all ears."
Well I'll tell ya the basics betabitch
Why are threads that are sexualizing minors considered fine if they're based on facebook memes?
shes 13
There is no clear answer... In today's World we don't have any real examples of true men anymore, we are walking blindly, clueless, there is no one to learn from... What happened to Vikings? Japanese Samurais? Gladiators? Middle-ages Warriors, or native Indians? They are all gone, they all died out, their secret is lost. Even our grandfathers had twice as much testosterone than we have... We became fat, lazy, surrounded by comfort and we think it is norm... We are eating and drinking garbage that we call food, we are watching garbage in TV, we are starring into iPhones and playing video-games... We are Slaves of Modern World, we are Clowns making jokes of ourselves...
The Disease of Niceness has spread everywhere, we are submerged in it every single day... What's even worse is, that many of us now believe that this is our Natural State of Mind, and that any change in other direction is highly undesirable... We even learn to believe that we have to work very very hard in order to get some pussy... Sex is the most natural thing in Nature, billions of animals are fucking every single day...
This planet is like an orgy planet where everybody is fucking left and right, yet we became to believe that we need to be seduction scientists in order to get some pussy... That is just wrong... We believe that it is our fault when we get Rejected, we believe that we are not good enough, we believe that our dick is not good enough for that silly pussy... We believe that we didn't do enough to get that silly and cute pussy, we want to do more and more... We believe that we need to work harder and harder on ourselves, work harder just to get that piece of meat... And we believe that we are somehow Normal in all that Nice Weirdness... Many of us now believe that our Natural State of Mind is simply to be a Fucking Loser, we are really comfortable with the Idea that Losers We Are...
You know the funniest part of this is someone actually watches Dr Phil and made this a meme. Reddit I'm guessing
The Disease of Niceness is much worse than it appears. It's everywhere around. We've been bombarded with it since the day we understood the first words. We've been conditioned to behave like submissive bitches since the day we stood on our feet. We've been surrounded with it in schools and universities, we've been conditioned to behave like silly puppies by our families, we're constantly reminded to act apologetically at work places, we're being brainwashed by selectivity of news media, we're surrounded by stupid and endless laws and rules left and right...
And if you don't comply boy, if you are out of range, if you misbehave in school or if you can't pay attention long enough to all the non-sense they try to shove in your brain, then there is always a good pill for you... Take some medication silly boy, because you just can't be different than the others... you have to behave boy, we have to clip your balls boy... The medication is good for you, it numbs your brain, it makes you obedient again... It numbs it just enough so you don't have to use it at all...
...So the first step is to unplug ourselves from that Matrix. It's not easy because we are constantly surrounded by the Sickness of Niceness... We have to step aside all the brainwashing caused by media, advertisements, our friends and our communities... Even our own families... We have to step aside of everything that we know and that we consider valuable... And that is very difficult, because once you step aside the main stream of Sheeple, you will most likely find yourself to be Alone... Unless you have a really good friend(s) with similar Mindset, you will be many times Alone...
>tfw you will never be born 1200 years ago in Scandinavia when men were men and everything else was prey
I hope the world collapses and we all revert back to the iron age. Survival of the fittest and all that shit.
i was surpised someone watches a show that's been on the air for 15 years
What is this and how do I stop it
Some nice ass 13 year old tits then bro
The Truth is, Being Alone sucks. The Entire World changes its appearance, you may not know what is right and what's wrong anymore, because it is all blended in some weird Mixture of Reality... You know some things, you know that you are right, yet you observe another things in your surroundings... But if you want to step aside the Herd of Sheep, you have to do it, you just have to be Alone...
The question is, can you be Alone? Do you have enough carriage, enough balls? And what's even more important, can you learn to like it? Because remember, at this time you are still only a sheep used to follow orders and directions of Others... Once you turn away from the Herd of Happy and obedient Sheeple you may find yourself scared, hopeless, even lost... You may easily fall into negativity and pessimism of Lonely Sheep... But you don't want to be Scared Sheep, you want to be Bloodthirsty Wolf. So you have to learn to be happy regardless of everything and everybody else, and that is a very tough job... You have to learn to be Happy in your Loneliness...
Accept that you are Alone, Alone on this planet, Alone in the entire Universe... Just accept that idea, that's what it means to be separated from the Herd of Sheeple, that is what it means to leave the Comfort of Comfortable Followers...
So be it then, be Alone and learn to fucking like it. Remember, that's The Key to any success on this Planet...
Now Here's the basic tips.
> Think sex all the time. Stop jerking off and think sex, think banging and think fucking. Go between girls and imagine you are fucking them. Look at them confidently as if you want to fuck them right there, be bold and don't apologize for your desire, stand your ground, ignore their shit tests... Assuming that you have good fundamentals and not are just a weak creepy bitch, assuming that you can smile and have some normal conversations - you will have lots of success with girls right there... Girls are not stupid, girls are very smart. They look at you and they already know what you want, it is as if they can read your mind... So don't fuck it up, know what you want, be patient and stand your ground...
Pedo mods and sange the child molester janitor will hang
This is why niggers fuck your woman
> Create some enemies. Everybody wants to be liked by many, perhaps all. Everybody wants to be this or that popular rock star. Fuck it, you don't have to be a popular star to get laid. If you don't have any enemies you are not a dangerous man. Man who has no enemies cannot be respected. For every 10 friends you have, especially those useless ones on FB, you should have at least 2 good enemies. People who don't like you, people who can't stand you, people who despise you, people who get pissed off just by your mere presence. People who you give hard time. Create couple of good enemies, and learn to be happy about it. Get used to the idea that you are not likable, learn to be comfortable with it...
not like what she fucks and ends up birthing into the world makes any difference
You type like a schizophrenic.
if this is supposed to get me laid why does it sound so pathetic
my friend, use a tripcode
Who's this?
Alphas don't need tripcodes
whoooo please
>Read. Join others that have similar Mindset. Join others that are or were Alone. Read Red Pill articles, read MGTOW, read it all then move on, and never forget - always make up your own mind, never follow any one else's Mind or explanations... It is only your Life, not theirs... Many brothers have fallen into Red Pill or MGTOW trap, many have been lost, many began to believe in some pessimistic non-sense... Many of them are still just sorry ass Bitter Beta Bitches, crying about how the world is unfair, yet believing that they know much better now, they believe they are better men now... They are not, they are the same sorry ass bitches like before... Cut them off too, no mercy... Life is not pessimistic, nor it is optimistic. Life is only what you make out of it, so make it happy for yourself, get what you want, take what you desire and be happy about it... Remember, be happy regardless of what you know, or what is happening around you... That is the key...
who dat?
because the truth is
work out
be confident by developing skills
get some social skills
joke around and stop apologizing if someone looks offended
don't let yourself get stepped on, be aggressive
develop a sense of fashion that helps you express yourself
stop worrying so fucking much about other people's thoughts about you
make a solid group of friends