A new hope...
A new hope
As someone who hates trump, I can easily admit shit like this is fucking embarrassing.
>tfw to smart to compare real life to shitty movies
>Thinking fiction is appliable to real life
And they call Anime watchers pathetic
Culture is a sewer.
I guess this means trump fucked Beyoncé and she'll die in child birth?
So is Jay-Z Darth Vader?
bro le politics are just like my movies xD
>our Queen
What the fuck?
Amidala was no longer queen of Naboo when she became pregnante. In fact, she was only queen in one movie, the other two she was a senator.
fucking hell, america was a mistake
if trips she miscarries.
One can only hope.
yooo twitter lit af
But Trump is not even mentioned there.
why are liberals so mentally ill?
that never made sense to me, what happened to the royalty of Naboo?
Is Hershlag carrying twins?
You spelled "Americans" wrong.
The fact that you care about such pedantry is adorable.
Why do people call Beyoncé queen now?
When will this meme of pretending pop music has any artistry die out?
It was still there, someone else just became queen when Padme went on to become a senator.
I hope we develop concentration camps for both Trump voters and anyone that writes for or follows Huffington Post or BuzzFeed
she strong blakk womyn who totally doesn't lighten her skin with makeup and other products
She's the queen of black people
It's fairly obvious that Trump and his administration are supposed to be the Empire in this article. Who else would they be referring to as the Empire?
Wouldn't surprise me if there was a mention of Kanye falling to "the Dark Side".
>correct a mistake
>hur dur autism
Kill you'reself for defending Huffpost.
heh...really makes you think
>Why do people call Beyoncé queen now?
Come on, you're begging for it.
nevermind I just realised she wasn't a Senator of Naboo, she was a Senator of the Galactic Senate for Naboo
I dont get it, why are they so obsessed with Beyonce?
yeah he goin be president after trump
It's possible, yes, but not 100% certain.
Lemonade was AOTY 2016, deal with it
ironically it's the person who made this gimmick who doesn't know where to look for reasoned analysis
she's a successful nigress
i mean do i need to say more
>As someone who hates trump, I can easily admit shit like this is fucking embarrassing.
its literally why trump won the election. no other reason.
people were sick of the neoliberal culture war, so the pendulum swung the other way to the rightwing culture war, ie fascism.
Because it allows them to feel good about themselves for liking someone that is vaguely black.
what happened to Sabe?
This is just like when Harry Potter got the ring and fought the Empire in a tardus.
They're retarded
She's rich and famous but more importantly a black woman
such a feminist icon for girls everywhere who totally isnt just in it for money
i think on naboo royals are elected
Maybe if you still listen to shit like daft punk and justice
This is why star trek is superior
Never forget this. Liberals killed the last of star wars in 2017
I fucking hate humanity
God she was total shit in this
>constant comparisons to how Trump is LITERALLY the Empire, Hunger Games shit, and Voldemort
>caring about a celebrity being pregnant
>caring about Beyonce
Man, we've really got our heads up our asses as a species.
Except star trek was the beginning of racemixing propaganda in media.
to be fair to them, these people have been doing that for years.
I want to kiss her belly :3
Trump is mentioned in the article, you flaming homosexual.
>our queen
that's not TayTay
It's a thing gay men do but now appropriated by the left to describe black females now. It's the next stage of WE
Now every black person is royalty
*is not
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people.
t. autism
google neoliberal because you dont know what it means
beyonce is an obnoxious, repulsive, talentless cunt. undeserving of her massive praise and celebrity. doesn't even have good looks. just mystifying
this is peak liberalism
>liberals try to bring popular media into politics at every opportunity
>get triggered when right side does the same
>hurrdurr look how retarded I am
She is the epitome of a manufactured success.
Who is this bitch? I only hear of here on Sup Forums and mentioned in movies as a dumb as joke line. I think t he last time I heard about her was in the Doctor Strange movie where Strange is talking to the librarian about his name. Who the fuck pushes something like that?
stuff like this makes me so happy about being a autistic shitposter instead of a normie.
>i'm too autistic to understand implications
>if they don't type his name out it's not a reference to him
Quit it you child
I was referring to the fact that they had "The Empire has taken power, the Dark Side is rising" in the tweet as blatant "analysis" of Trump being in office.
You dipshit.
She's got some lovely twins. Also she's having a baby.
I'm going to kill myself #WOW
She gonna die after giving birth then?
Don't a lot of the higher-ups at Disney support Trump?
Does anyone apart from African-Americans give a fuck about Beyonce?
Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy idiot, the proper ideological term for the neomarxist left is Progressivism
Trump won because he appealed to white working class in the Rust Belt. Keep your delusions in Sup Forums
>the queen of niggers is like 50-60% white
Even niggers don't like nigger genetics.
if that was the case he would've lost the election by a longshot, he flipped about 7 states
when was the last time a celebrity made a difference
>muh r-rust belt
Sorry, but half of the voters don't live in there.
This is shit right here is why Trump won
t. liberal
Probably like WW2 when they fought on the front lines
>the queen of niggers is like 50-60% white
Genetically speaking she would be likely 65-75% black and the rest being white. Though, there might be 1-2% of Native American genes in there.
celebrities didn't have to go to war during ww2
Just gas this country already. Ocean to ocean. It's time to stop.
I'm the guy who said he hates trump. I don't pretend to know why he won all I know is I'm 32 and becoming more introverted and political discourse has gone from WWE retarded to absurdly childish. I understand the upset on both sides of the fence but I'm not climbing down as long as shit like this is going on.