So now that Dune is popular again, can we talk about this wonderful documentary?

>ywn experience a film that big
>ywn be one of Jodorowsky's warriors
>he'll never motivate you with his kind & wise words

Also which one was the worse, Refn or the fat latino guy?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I was raping Frank Herbert, raping him, with love.

>that bit where he pulls out a fat wad of monopoly money while talking about how meaningless money is to him

What did he meme by this?

>tfw he actually raped that chick in El Topo

He's Jewish

It was good up until the end when he started describing how he would completely change the ending to some weird shit he made up. That and him casting his son as the lead.

Glad it never happened.

Member when the director came to Sup Forums to ask people to stop pirating his movie? I member

Wait, what?Give us the archive link.

Holy shit.Doesn't he know he shouldn't do that?You don't show your face on Sup Forums.

Fuck off reddit

Everything dune was boring as shit except the documentary

Jodorowsky is like a living caricature of a pretentious foreign hipster fag who can't stop screaming about evil capitalism and muh pure arts. What a repulsive bitch

you deserve a slow and painful death

I watched David Lynch's Dune and read the first four novels because of this documentary. None of them measured up.

i kinda wish it happened, but jodorowsky's dune is probably a better movie than what jodorowsky's dune would've been.

Jodo is a talentless hack, but at least it gave us a fun documentary.

I hope Dune flops.

I just read the first book and I feel part of a cult group.

I don't want Hollywood shitting this up.

Interesting though that so many iconic hollywood scenes are ripped off from Moebius' storyboarding.

Moebius actually had/has tons of talent.

not doubting moebius's talent.

the reason i kinda wish it happened is because jodorowsky surrounded himself with unparalleled talent for the conceptualization of his movie. i don't think any movie before or since has had the density of talent his dune did.

This.Fucking Pink Floyd, Mick Jagger, Welles, Dali, Giger, Moebius.

Half of these people are crazy and director of the movie is a mad motherfucker too.I would kill to see that movie.

You're not cool until you read God Emperor, get out

>people still hope for another space mohammed
get real Sup Forums. jews will never allow it

There's a big budget Dune movie coming out next year.

it's literally announced with a popular director in charge though?

It sounds too wacky to be good. Those rockstars and painters just stick out too much for it to keep the spirit of the books.

it would be a bad dune movie, but a glorious artful wreck, too great to ignore.

All this film did was point out what an awful director and person Jodorowsky is and how awful his movie would have been.

Fuck that man.

it did the opposite you fuck, jodorowsky is top grandpa material.

How fucking dumb are you?

>spirit of the books

Thank god it never happened, sadly David Lynch happened, but i feel David Lynch is the lesser of two evils here. It was boring, forced and way too short, but at least it resembled the books, this bright colored faggotry is heresy.

>I just read the one of the best selling science fiction books of all time and I feel part of a cult group.

back to Sup Forums, faggot

I liked the movie but Jodorowsky's a bit of an idiot.
>Why my movie no get made?
>*pulls out wad of american cash*
>because of this? stupid stinking money, it is shit, is is corruption
>goes back to being a millionaire.