Thoughts on this movie? i found it bordering on incoherent

thoughts on this movie? i found it bordering on incoherent

maybe it's just that the 'erotic thriller' genre doesn't make as much sense in today's culture

the Handmaiden was a good erotic thriller

>i found it bordering on incoherent
What are you talking about? It's a character-driven black comedy with thriller elements. The "whodunnit" isn't really the focus.

It was a brilliant, very well written directed and acted comedy. I loved it.

poor Elle, to have such a dud for a son

the ultimate cuck

goes to a gun shop

buys the tiniest axe they have

what does she mean by this?

she didn't know how to use guns at this point, remember?

1. She's a woman
2. The axe fits in the handbag
3. Can kill the rapist anyway
4. She also has pepperspray
5. She's not Gimli

and the videogames/hentai? i was feeling an obvious social commentary about 'rape culture' ready to be deployed but it never really came to a head.

good. that would be stupid.

so what's the point? was a commentary on rape subverted by verhoeven, or did he try to add robocopesque satire to a straight thriller script?

it was not a straight thriller script. it was a dark comedy. it's based on a book called "oh...". it's supposed to make you go "oh..."

My favorite film of 2016. Absolutely insane work from PV, great comedy-drama.

This film was about embracing your sick and perverted fantasies without judgement, pic related.

Yes I don't get what he's talking about either. Characters were great and actors too.

Huppert was fantastic! I fucking loved her performance so much, perfect.

Yes. She's fantastic, and the idea of Emma Stone winning an Oscar over Huppert is downright laughable. Also, Isabelle is sexy for an old woman.

She's like 62 and plays 49 year old character. She's still sexy.

I just saw the Piano Teacher with Isabella Huppert, very similar, so it's hard to judge the movie without comparing it to that. She was great in this.

I'm glad based Paul Verhoeven is back in the spotlight.

I really don't know what to say about her performance, other than it was perfect in crafting the character come alive. Rare to see so good performances.

that reminds me, is Louder Than Bombs any good??

I have not seen it. Huppert got a ton of praise for her other 2016 film, Things To Come. I haven't seen that either.

I didn't like TTC myself. Huppert was good but the film was meh tier.

That's such a lie. It is.

>michele was into rape, abusing his kid (tricking him into killing Richard), self inflicting pain, hurting others like her best friend, pyromania


Trier's worst, massive disappointment.