Could a world government be possible, merging all the worlds nations to one...

Could a world government be possible, merging all the worlds nations to one? It would have benefits like no foreign wars, no xenophobia, the entire world population working together on goals, and if the rule is just human rights for every human alive.

Could this work? And should this?

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>could a world government be possible, merging all the worlds nations to one?

ask yourself this

would you want some guy in some far away land that doesn't share any of your values or traditions having a say on how you should be governed?

A rational answer would be no

There will always be xenophobia, what you learn in books and classrooms doesn't rerpresent how the reality is amongst the general population, the general population no matter its geographical location tends to despise outsiders, which in turns leads to ethnic conflict and unrest. Plus if a leader screws something up or starts robbing shit, would you not want that person held accountable?

Only if everyone was white and above 100 IQ

Globalism negatively effects intelligent, hard working white people who eventually have to prop up the oceans of poor illiterate nonwhites

And what goals would it have? Without competition nothing will be built.

The UN was a placeholder for this in case the unification of every country on Earth was achieved.

That's already how federal level government works.

>Hey user, I know literally nothing about how your lives are in X State/Province but here's some legislation affecting you in a negative way.

That's the truth all the way down for each individual, though.

elect a jewish us president, watch what happens.

I imagine if the UN nations decide to merge then this would happen.

>no foreign wars
>no xenophobia
>the entire world population working together on goals
Sounds boring.

>Could this work?
>And should this?

>It would have benefits like no foreign wars, no xenophobia, the entire world population working together on goals
If you believe that you're more naive than I thought for even considering a "one-world" government

>>no foreign wars
They would all be civil wars from that point on. That's some fucking progress innit?

Fuck off Independence Day 2 Shill. The only reason to unite Earth under a common banner would be an alien invasion. And if it ever happened that aliens wanted to invade earth, we wouldn't stand a fucking chance, so fuck that. Semper fi, sieg heil

Only a right wing one all others would ensure chaos all over the world.

This is why government should be as small as possible and leave the freedom to choose in the hands of the individual state.
This is also why the EU has to be crashed with no survivors

I do think it is is possible, but only once we truly are equal or on equal footing, aka once (sand)niggers and other foreign scum catches up on us.

Only if the middle east and Jewtown are nuked for a year straight.

>I'm a retarded 12 yr old: the post

Only would happen after millions are left behind.

Nicolae Carpathia, Making Earth Great Again.

>tfw you actually know people who think like this, and a Star Trek world government would work and/or be good

World government is very possible but it will be very oppressive to the common people.

>Could a world government be possible
No, sorry. There's too many niggers and kikes.

would you rather have a world controlled by money, or by the people... hmmm. lets see corporations are for money. politicians if we elect the right ones are for the people

tough decision. one guy that pretty much is the president of the whole world if it even has a president, someone wants to send a letter to him/her... you think the president is going to give a shit or even read it if there's 7+ billion people he/she is responsible for? or someone who's president for 330 million people? you have better odds of having a president actually care about your situation when he/she doesn't have to be responsible for the whole god damn planet. and that's if corporations just don't assume the role of government for such a thing like a world gov't

What are you chatting? It's the kikes who WANT the world government

Should have been first post.
Still best post.

No, there are too much differences between our cultures and values for that to work. This would also mean free movement for the people of the world so they'd start moving to richer areas and shit everything up there as seen today.

Obama and Merkel are working hard on achieving this but I don't think that this is really possible unless you start with a genocide of certain kinds of people that do not follow your ideology and values.

God, that is one ugly ass assembly chamber.

Technically, yes. If you manage to completely merge all the existing cultures into one single culture, without ever allowing dissent in the form of subcultures to exist, you effectively destroy any form of tradition and reduce men to only belong to...well humanity. No other cultures would be allowed, thousands of them would be merged together, destroying values, traditions, hundreds of ideologies.

That's why anons are right when they say it's not feasible, but technically it's possible if you have a supergouvernment the size of the UN but with the controlling power of best korea.

it's possible.
think about it -- there's no reason for the nation state to exist if there's no national culture. what's happening to our culture now? it's being watered down. we're being fed cheap bullshit that represents nobody, a cheap and clumsy lifeless imitation that somewhat resembles how the naive and unintelligent feel things "ought to be."
the more that culture takes hold, the closer we will get.
don't kid yourself. it wouldn't be anything close to a dystopia. it would take everything good and turn it on its head. it's the insanity that we see in the contemporary left imposed on all of us, in all aspects of life. it is intolerable.

After resources become a non issue, aka fusion energy and synthesiser etc
Then we talk one world government
Otherwise, the attempt is called ww3

Nope look at us now, and then imagine BLM and stuff on the scale of the entire earth. welfare for 7 billion people etc etc

Pax Terra?

>It would have benefits like no foreign wars
Because all wars would be civil by definition. They would still happen. Wars don't occur because of nations, they occur because of pressures that exist regardless of the existence of nations.

>No xenophobia
What does that even mean you moron?

>the entire world population working together on goals
We can't even get all AMERICANS to work together on anything, why would you ever assume that this would work between Germany and Russia?

>and if the rule is just human rights for every human alive
Except, of course, for national sovereignty and self-determination. You know that Saudi Arabia is the head of the UN council on human rights, right?

I think your presumption that a world government would be more just than local rule is preposterous. Who gets to vote for the leaders? Do you think the 3 Billion nonwhites are going to want gay marriage and woman's suffrage? Do you think that ANYONE outside of Secular, Liberal Western Europe actually cares about human rights?

demoralization -- it's not going to be a blending, but rather subversion.

the problem with any of this that people create their own image of what is going to happen. just like you are doing right now

reality is far more harsher than that. i rather not live next to people who demand more socialism and then cry when they got nothing and cant do nothing because no guns

people are crazy if they think all men are equal, or that people can be brainwashed to believe it to be so. in brainwashed world, nobody will make anything great. it would be course to total failure of human kind

>Could a world government be possible, merging all the worlds nations to one?
in america no matter who wins the election, half of the people will be unhappy. you can't expect everyone of different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, traditions, and cultures all over the world to be happy under a one world government.

found the paranoid schizophrenic

it could work, which is why it's scary

>It would have benefits like no foreign wars, no xenophobia, the entire world population working together on goals, and if the rule is just human rights for every human alive.

those are the words of an idealist. what would actually happen is that individualism will come to an end, culture will be destroyed and the populace will suppress itself. if everybody acts and thinks the same way, it makes it far easier for the elites to completely control their lives. this is why the elites are all globalists - they realise that it would produce the perfect workers.
it's a terrifying prospect and nobody outside of the bilderberg group with half a brain can honestly support it.

tpp and global patent law and banking law ftw. but ill keep muh bills of rights and elect local leaders thx

With a one world government comes laws that are applied equally everywhere on Earth. Why is this a problem you ask? Precisely because one set of laws binds people to a domain they cannot escape. People are not infallible and this one world government would be so centralized that it wouldn't be able to look in the mirror it committed atrocities. This mirror exists in the multi national world wherein nations are held accountable (ideally) for their transgressions. This is not even touching upon the potential disintegration of the diversity in languages, cultures, and what makes human unique. A one world government achieves efficiency but at a heavy cost. Reflecting on how today's society loves a quick fix, I see its realization encroaching upon our world.

>Could a world government be possible

They can't even keep a european government together and we're a pretty civil bunch of people.

Add in nig nogs, the chinese and russians and it will be a complete shitshow.

So no, not possible in this age.

Why are you okay with the Jews in DC telling you how to live? Are you really going to say that an establishment elite or a billionaire businessman has your best interests at heart when they take power?

>world Jewry

>a good thing

Buy memes cheap
State laws apply.

Would be better to unite the anglo-sphere and let the other nations fend for themselves.

East Asia and Israel would be fine. The rest would be dead inside of a week.

People are tribal by nature, no matter how much you try to subdue it or breed it out with race mixing it won't change. It goes back thousands of years and is ingrained in people.