

She was so shitty in Twilight. This bitch literally plays the same character, gerself in everything. Cannot act. Jlaw 2.0.

Good thing she looks like a freak on screen and is done.

wasted dubs. Dont talk shit about my waifu

Nice wig baldy

gay kike plank


did she cheat again like Trump said she would? I don't follow celeb shit

who's that man

jelly fucks

I love K-stew but why are her legs purplish?

Is that because she's so pale?

>bruised knees


if dubs kstew is the best waifu

What hot new tranny is this? Pls I must know, need to add em to my trap fap folder

I wish, I hate getting haircuts

>tfw talked to her on the phone once right after the first twilight movie was released




because she is pure.

But that's a man.

H-how do you know her?

wew lads


why is she so ripped?

sorry kstew but your monologue was kinda lame

kek'd audibly

>not writing claimed on your pic

Outta my way pleb fucking shits


Goddamn. Say what you will about her face but that body is fucking TIGHT


You people should be extremely happy she acted in Twilight. The whole damn trilogy she was scared of getting old and hooked up with a vamp to be immortal.

Now imagine 20 years from now where an older KStew watches this and gets all depressed.


Imagine this thing cornering you in a dark alley at night.


Taylor swift plebian's waifu

>t. katy perry
>t. kanye