>makes a video about bodybuilder Connor Murphy
>top comment says "Hila is so obviously sexually attracted to that dude lol"
>everyone is agreeing in the replies
>he deletes the comment
What are some good movies about salt?
>makes a video about bodybuilder Connor Murphy
>top comment says "Hila is so obviously sexually attracted to that dude lol"
>everyone is agreeing in the replies
>he deletes the comment
What are some good movies about salt?
Other urls found in this thread:
cough man stopped being funny back around the original papa johns video, which was years ago. no one over 15 years of age should still be paying attention to him.
The fact that you even watch this guy and know about this apparently recent video is pathetic. You should honestly leave and go back to read it
poor girl fell for the marriage meme and married a fat manlet with wider hips than she has, that lives from ironic youtube videos with clickbait names
What are some movies about advertising?
Does this fat middle aged jew not realise that all his youtube "friends" are 20 years younger than him. When the money runs dry they'll all go off back to school or get a job, what's he gonna do?
His collabs with iDubbbz makes this so painfully obvious. They clearly don't mesh well and Ethan just tries to talk over him and tries WAAAY too hard to be extra funny. Also his podcast is miserable.
Ian is clearly not very comfortable around him.
>first thing I think when I see this guy is when he has sex he probably watches himself in the mirror
well who doesn't?
Ethan is so fucking Jewish it hurts.
It's becoming worse and worse with his constant ads in videos and taking all that money for his fair use shit which he hasn't done anything with.
He also makes a ton with how many subs and views he gets AND has a patreon AND did the go fund me. Fucking Jew.
I noticed that too. I think Ethan might actually be retarded. Ian's awkward smiling and fake laughs made it impossible to watch.
Ethan's just a craven, lust-driven "artist" channeling confusion and fear a sickly, limp, repetitive craft.
Ian's humour is a lot more laid back and smart. In their collabs Ethan just thinks yelling and screaming is humour
>jew tries to shit on an aryan god
>his own jew wife starts getting wet looking at that muscular aryan
It's well documented that Hila does NOT like his body, she makes constant comments about how he needs to lose weight and he just started another weight loss attempt which I doubt was his own choice.
I found it incredibly funny that he deleted the comment t b h.
>Middle aged
He's only in his early 30s
I find it incredibly funny that you have shit taste and watch youtubers and care about their personal lives. How sad and pathetic are you?
I find it incredibly funny that you're reading this thread 17 posts down and still trying to pretend you're better than anyone else. How pretentious are you?
dude is like 30. He can't get any free fitness equipement or good food?
YOu're right though. the most permanent thing he'll get otu of this is the money.
>Not realizing all of their youtube videos have a persona attached to them
In the wrestling business this is called getting "worked".
You're all pathetic
>When the money runs dry they'll all go off back to school or get a job, what's he gonna do?
Go off back to school or get a job...
You're posting on a board that eats capeshit and Star Wars from a trough like filthy animals.
I don't get the hate for this guy. Who cares ?
There's a large obsession surrounding his attractive Israeli wife from a bunch of creeps
I like him for the most part, but his schtick mostly revolves around criticizing other people, which in this case is ironic since he's more famous for his fat body than any of his jokes. The content isn't all that different.
Ethan has a persona, Hila is too timid to even play along sometimes.
Because he acts like the God and moral compass of YouTube but he's just a shekel hoarder with zero empathy or self awareness
I don't hate ethan but to be honest that guy Connor is alpha as fuck, his "pranks"might look stupid but I bet he has lot of pussy thanks to them
This t b h.
>wrestling business
What's it like to be mentally 12 years old?
Depends, how's it feel to be a pedophile?
He acts like the Jesus of Youtube and sticks his head in places where it doesn't belong.
To be fair, you basically have to earn as much as you can with these kinds of new media jobs. They don't seem to give any really transferable skills, so if your channel dies off you're fucked.
Ethan was a video editor before his YT shit
He was a marketer back in israel worked at a marketing firm.
It's why he's good at getting all the kids hooked on his vids.
To be fair, they made a video about patreon a long time ago saying that they really don't need that money anymore
trying too hard m8, chill
No it was an online casino
I would like to see connor fuck hila.
Still doing better than Sam.
h3h3 was exposed as a cuck after doing bullshit "le answer is in le middle!!!!" during the election. he's a fucking pussy who accidentally built up a fanbase of pepes and wouldn't say that trump was fucking trash
Evidence for this claim?
Can we kick up dust about it? I could use some drama.
lol CTR you are so cute when you try to fit in
You either saw it or you didn't, retard.
colored people are having sex with white women right now
Here's some salt kino.
not really. Hes 30 and Jontron is 26.
although I dont think this epic youtube crash is going to happen. Its been a thing for nearly 10 years now. The AVGN is still making shit for example and making money off of it and was doing so before "youtubers" really even became a thing.
How quickly will Hila leave him when he loses the lawsuit vs Bold Guy?
Yes, we all know about your wife.
>what is a screenshot
You fucking retard.
May I see this screenshot?
>retroactive screenshot
You must have an amazing computer, retard!
the holocaust actually happened
He's like 4 or 5 years older than jon tron and Idubbz
its fun to hate popular things.
>new media jobs
lol. NO.
so do you just not understand the concept of time as a whole or are you being deliberately retarded?
the idea is that if it had existed, someone would have taken a screenshot of it before it was deleted, which could then be presented as evidence. For example, these are some tweets that were deleted and yet somehow, magically, I have a screenshot of it here to show you.
as it is, there is literally only your word to suggest that this even happened, so excuse me if I'm a little skeptical.
yeah turns out you are all p weak
It was a normal comment, you fucking mong, not a tweet by a famous person. It had 400+ upvotes about half an hour after the video went up, then today it disappeared just as it showed Ethan was liking some other comments under the video.
This might be a shock to you, but most people don't take the time screenshotting regular Youtube comments. Now please, commit suicide.
MODS, if you ban the posters in this thread you will see a tremendous increase in board quality.
How is youtube not a new kind of media job?
Yeah, that's one transferable skill I guess. I was sort of lumping it together with people who stream on Twitch for a living, which gives absolutely nothing after you're done.
>nobody would take the time to screenshot a comment
>but apparently somebody (you) would take the time to make a whole thread whining about it
rlly makes u think
go back to your hugbox nigger
desu she looked like she wanted ethans dick all the time
bad video though, as nearly all h3h3 recently
Why do you want to get banned?
>rlly makes u think
Clearly not very hard, since you seem to believe I'm speaking for everyone who liked the comment and not just for myself.
I usually don't say this, but if you ever get the chance, do kill yourself.