Why didn't aliens just learn English?
Why didn't aliens just learn English?
Because they didnt. And I don't mean that to be facetious, but that's how it first played out- they didnt, so thats how it plays out for all time.
Why didn't OP just learn the Catalogue?
Try to learn abbo language
no vocal cords
You'd think they'd have figured out the human language easily during the time. I mean if they didn't give a shit, OK, but they were clearly in need of relaying a message.
That's actually logical, unlike many things in the movie. Why would the aliens learn the "ooga booga" language? They would think it's below them.
Because they needed the humans help for their own survival 3,000 years from now. That was their entire purpose of traveling to Earth.
They didn't need to. We needed to learn theirs to help them in the future.
Them learning our language wouldn't have done jack shit. They went their specifically to give us their language to help them in the future.
They wanted humans to learn their infinitely more useful language.
They already knew how to speak English. The humans needed to learn their language.
No, they purpose was to teach the humans their language, so that they could help them 3000 years later.
because then no one would've bothered to learn their language - which was the entire point of them travelling to earth, to deliver "the gift"
That's stupid. If they just dropped a few words in human language that they're not trying to hurt anyone, are here to leave us their language with some basic side notes so we can translate it and be friends, and are doing it in 12 parts to make humanity work together, then everything would've went smoother, humans would've learned their language just the same, several people wouldn't have died, and they could've wrapped their trip up in 1/100 the time. Not doing this just makes the aliums little shitbags.
>ayy lmaos come from god knows where in space
>offer up time travel language instead of blowing you to bits from the start
>heh nobodies gonna want to learn it guys
>implying the military wouldn't attack either way
>implying it wasn't the constant fear of aggression that forced Amy Adams to learn it so fast and submerge herself in it
Are you fucking retarded? That doesn't contradict what he said at all. The aliens came here because they would eventually need our help. Bottom line.
They think and express themselves non-linearly.
Our language is too primitive for them, not efficient, like using floppy disks instead of hard disks, it would take ages to learn their language through our way.
And even if they did we would still react almost the same, look at any real life example of a first contact with an african tribe, no matter do we speak their language or not their first reaction is fear and defense
They knew English, but making contact in english would lose all the sense of urgency that would lead to a united Earth.
Also, to Amy Adams character to learn their language she need to be immersed in it, that wouldn't happen if they simply talked in English all the time, if you want to learn Russian fast, go to Russia. In this case conversations on the shell was the closest thing.
Aliens from Earth never bother to learn the language, why would aliens from space
The military didn't attack until months after the aliens had shown up. And no, a fucking language enthusiast nerd totally wouldn't dedicate herself to learning the first contact alien language ASAP, that's for sure. Top logic, son.
They don't need to master it, just grasping a few basic words from their contact would've sufficed. And as said above, it would've made their trip faster by a lot so the inefficiency argument is moot.
Well the aliens know the future. You're a basement-dwelling manchild posting on a korean origami board
Guess which one I trust to know the correct thing to do?
>The military didn't attack until months after the aliens had shown up
And you think a few words of "We come in piece" would change that?
There was no threat all those months but they still attacked. Those two american soldiers would blow up that bomb no matter what the aliens said.
The fact that they wouldn't stay around anywhere near that long would change that.
>Why didn't the aliens broadcast their langauge across every screen on earth, I guarauntee you autists would have worked it out before the top scientists did.