If they actually fight the muzzie hoards in it, I'll give it a watch.
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
you seem to have the impression that people with actual jobs and lives went out to burn shit down the past 8 years for no justifiable reason. nope. it was the niggers doing that during the obama years too! trump is just the latest excuse.
Kek Vult
Concept has so much potential. Shame it looks dogshit
>we dindu nuffin
the Tea-Party fucking terrorized this country for the last few years
I just came here to say fuck Sup Forums for snubbing pic related in favor of that FUCKING LEAF abomination.
>We fight for the grail
Also, honestly, looks a little unfocussed.
The Last Kingdom is /ourshow/
>my face when infidels near me
>No Knights Hospitaller or Teutonic Knights
>muh libruhls
not an argument
Yah the Tea Party were the damn terrorizers. BLM didn't incite riots and violence at all.
BLM doesn't condone violence. It's sad that a few misguided souls are jumping on the bandwagon just to have a good time, but denouncing BLM as a terrorist organization for that is typical right-wing ignorance.
>BLM doesn't condone violence
How did you get here from a goddamn trailer about Templars?
fucking idiots.
/leftypol/ is leaking all over the goddamn site spreading autism and whining about last year's politics incessantly. I barely even remember the election and their still blabbering about it like anyone on Sup Forums cares.
I'm guessing Templars have something to do with Nazis or the Alt-Right or Ron Paul or some shit.
I wish they'd take it back to their containment board/site.
>Templar trailer
>No deus vult
Well I hope they show them fighting muzzies
Templars = white culture and history, and basically represents the triumph of whites over everyone else.
Naturally, the lefty's despise the very idea of it
Yes that's their official stance. I bet you'll have some alternative "facts" to refute that though.
I apologize for my countrymen. As a FUCKING LEAF I feel nothing but shame.
Oh yeah, totally peaceful movement.
>200 years ago 9 knights founded our order
200 years after they were founded, the Templars had lost all their holdings in the Middle East and were being hunted, tortured and killed by the Catholic Church on the orders of the King of France.
100% chance that any and all killing of Muslims happens within the first few episodes of the first season, probably in flashback form, before the main antagonists are revealed to be Pope Clementus and King Philip of France.
I'm not kidding, the mention of the 200 year mark means that these Templars will exclusively be fighting Catholics.
Not the guy you replied to but you don't really need alternative facts to know BLM doesn't give a fuck about using violence. Nearly every single BLM 'protest' ends with them beating people or destroying windows and cars. They're violent animals.
>crusader knights
that could make for a good edgy anti-hero series, but this doesn't seem to cut it
Haha, the trailer is clearly designed to fool the patriotic crowds to give it a chance, I bet it'll be as soon as episode 3 when they go with muh poor moslems did nothing wrong, they victims.
>reneging on peace treaties and slaughtering innocents
ya, basically
you get a bit antsy when dealing with foreign hordes that invaded and slaughtered the whole of Christian North Africa and the Near East
no its not, see pic related
fuck this gay ass world putting mudbloods into 9th century england
What are you even talking about? The Knights Templar were a monastic order within the Catholic Church, they didn't make treaties with anyone, much less break them. Nor are there any recorded incidents of them being the perpetrators of a massacre, either.
They upheld a strict code of honour, waged wars at the behest of the Pope and the Pope alone, loaned huge amounts of money without charging a penny of interest, built vaults and castles across Europe which local nobles used to store their personal wealth and armouries, and even when they were being tortured to death by their own brothers in God, many of them still didn't break and submit to false charges of heresy.
They are heroes to all mankind, not just Europeans or Christians.
They must be filming this in Dubrovnik. Look at that set near the water with the pier, seen it in GoT quite a few times.
I also spot the same area from the Battle of the Blackwater where Tyrion makes his speech.
what about it?
there is a nigger in the army of wessex
that's no nigger, clearly a swarthy white guy you retard
Get your eyes checked.
I'm sorry I had to respond to that Lefty
if you think thats a white men you are a jew
To be fair, we didn't realise you meant the out-of-focus extra who was the same light brown colour as everyone else in the previous picture you posted. Our bad, I guess.
theres a paki in the second photo i posted, i must have missed that part of english history where the angles, saxons and danes were closely followed by rasheed and his paki pack. jesus but it spoiled the show for me
There is no way they are going to have them killing brown folk and muslims, no way.
Did you watch the trailer?