Has a one man ever caused as much butthurt in recent history as this man?

Has a one man ever caused as much butthurt in recent history as this man?

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Thanks for not posting some garbage about seizing the means of production, finnbro!

I've never seen more butthurt about any one person in my entire 28 years of life, and he literally did nothing wrong

It's hilarious, almost surreal actually. Who fucking saw him coming, completely out of left field.

I wonder what the world would be like without him. Imagine a world without MAGA... Without Trump memes... Jesus I don't want to think about it.

Imagine if Trump never came around. We'd be watching Jeb vs Hillary.

He hasn't done shit. It's fear that he might that keeps the memes coming.

Nigel has actually given the elites some third degree shit burns.

Based Nigel has. At least for now. If trump becomes elected then yeah.

That shit would be absolutely horrifying, two choices with the same outcomes, thank God Trump has come along.

No. He was the man who pissed off all the wrong people. Instead of focusing on left vs right, he made the argument about nationalism vs globalism. The globalists, and the people they have been able to influence, are very upset about this.

Think about it. A year ago, if anyone talked about globalists, everyone would think you were Dale from King of the Hill. Now, people are openly calling themselves globalists. The EU openly considers itself globalist, and anti-nationalist.

He's pissed a lot of people off by shedding light on a secret that had been covered up well before he threw his hat in the ring.

Does this count as hivemind?