Where are all the superbowl trailers?

where are all the superbowl trailers?

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are we going to have a live thread?

It didn't even start yet dumbass

>posting not watching

faggot scum

enjoy the (((commercials)))
fuck drumpf and white people etc.
Sup Forums

Brit here, when is the Superb Owl? I will watch with fascination at your gaudy American traditions.

Which trailers do we expect?

you better apologize to me right now
or i'm gonna give you a knuckle sandwich buddy

trimp baned them


>serves sandwiches

faggot scumness confirmed

Well I totally forgot about that Life movie.


star wars

transformers probably, maybe mission impossible 6, Justice League

>star wars
>no handsome main character
>mary sue
>han solo killed


>faggot lisp

stop your faggotry

reddit guardians teaser just came out haha

I'm watching it. It quickly turned into capeshit adverts. It's like being on Sup Forums but with Sulu dancing with a pizza or some shit.

Is this a general purpose commercial thread?

Because that Pizza Hut commercial was depressing.


>the city of america

superb owl now!


>That GiTS trailer

Fuck, it looks kinda good until ScarJo shows up.





is the US a militaristic state?

what's up with their soldier worship?

(use Stream 3)

(this is a little behind)

>pappy bush gets standing ovation
>Coca Cola the face of US imperialism diversity ad
>scary face GitS ad
off to a good start

I think it's the right-wing version of virtue signaling. The US govt. actually treats their vets like shit IRL.

>check out the Sup Forums sticky
>500000 posts a second
Fuck that. I hope we can enjoy a comfy Superb Owl here on Sup Forums without mods shitting the bed.

Keep it focused on the commercials and it should fall under the auspices of this board

>no commercials posted thus far

yeah good luck with that one

Interesting, never thought about it like that


I saw a capeshit advert.

WE Sup Forums NOW

we have them every year
unless the new users start report bombing the threads its fine

I remember the problem with the Super Bowl commercials last year was that it was mostly boring car commercials.

Who here /Gaga/?

Can't wait to see her controversy.
Hear they delayed her halftime appearance though.

Does anyone else feel creeped out by having a google home? Like one day machines will take over and your home will trap you inside and try to kill you.

I have to admit, that Coke commercial with America The Beautiful sung in different languages kind of got to me.

Avacados from Mexico redpilled af.

i really really really hope the chicago bulls win the superb owl this year. i bet this month's food money on their winning. c'mon, bulls, win damnit win!

What about avocados?

I thought she was a Simpsons character considering her outlandishness.

Jon Lovitz back from the dead selling avocados

You really like bulls

looking forward to the day when robots look and feel human and they can fuck me to death

>tfw the Super Bowl's gone on so long that even the Roman numerals are lame now.

not really. it's just that i bet everything on their winning the superb owl this year and if they lose i lose everything. the guy i placed my bet with said they'll definitely win.

>does she go full retard and politicize the game
>while dressed like a slut
>goes on to sing & dance about pussy grabbin
>gets booed off the field

This is actually so boring. Game is slow as fuck. What even are the rules here?

>Ahnold saying the funny meem

The commercials haven't been good since 2014 and we're all wasting our time

alt-news people are so easy to trigger


Arnie memes himself pushing that awful p2w mobile game

That better not be the only Sup Forums commercial.

yo katie

>Game is slow as fuck

Do you even watch this sport? It's fucking flown by so far.

Remember when you had to record the game to watch the trailers? Remember rewinding the ID4 super bowl trailer like a thousand times

That burgular and cop addition to that skittles commercial was lit

>tfw you've been milking the same stupid catchphrases for over 3 decades

Feels gud to be arnie

h&r block ushers in a new era of invasive surveillace?

>flown by
>15 seconds of action
>reset for 30 seconds
I actually wanted to watch some sports here.

>explosion on stage
>smoke clears, gaga is there
>in a full hijab but with 2 holes cut out where her breasts are poking out
>nips covered by little swastikas
>holds the mic to her pussy
>it sings mc hammer's "u can't touch this" in arabic
>gaga turns around mid-song and pulls up her hijab to reveal her naked arse
>shits out an american football
>punts it over the patriot's goal
>it explodes, killing trump and pence (watching the game in a disguise)
>media calls it a "brave" performance

>game stops every 10 seconds
>interrupted by food commercials

this is quality kino m8

But that white guy from mad meme was there, so now I trust it unconditionally


I like the idea of U can't touch this being played by zurnas and other arabic instruments

it's boooooring. when will it end?

hooray for oil!

let's go start some wars


>I actually wanted to watch some sports here.


you only got yourself to blame

wtf I LOVE OIL now!

These adverts are trying too hard to be funny and slick.

fucking oil shills

at least we got a cringy Rickroll out of this

>Sneezing Panda
>what color is the dress
>Ice Bucket Challenge
>Roomba Cat

>Feels gud to be arnie

no, you're not. i'm arnie, you pathetic liar wannabe.

God damn, I got to go out and burn me some petrol now.


Did I just get rickrolled?

So when does play stop anyway? When the guy carrying the ball hits the deck?


Cure for Wellness superbowl trailer

Germanfag here. I never watched a full American Football match before and I am really not much into the rules. It's a quite surreal experience watching it now. Is there a good URL where I can read about the most important rules in short?

> Rick Rolling is now in Superbowl ads

Kill me now.

we've come a long way

Well this is boring

Do Americans really like this shit?

I don't think this semen slurping sport isn't for me, guys


I hate Brady but he's handsome as fuck

wtf I love diversity now

paul giamatti a shit

Remember when it was in the Macy's Thanksgiving parade?

>"hey ya dumb cunt, wanna suck my fucking dick?"

What did the australian alchohol man mean by this?

Kangaroo was creepy, the model was hot as hell

It's not complicated
Everytime the ball hits the ground, play stops
The attackers have like 3 plays to reach the 50(?) yard line. If they do that, they get more plays to try and get a touchdown
If they fail, the other side becomes the attackers

There's a separate team for attacking, defense and special
Special is for kicking the ball

That's the gist of it. I haven't played or watched in a few years, but it's simple enough


I don't know anything about this sport but this a pretty cool last name

Barbossa looks like crap.

Pirates and Cash just don't work

Thanks. And when a falg drops this means it's a foul, right?