I dont usually watch SNL or Melissa McCarthy but I gonna admit this was pretty funny
I dont usually watch SNL or Melissa McCarthy but I gonna admit this was pretty funny
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why did Kristen Stewart had to ruin it?
what was funny about it?
hahaha angry white men BTFO
Grumph utterly DESTROYED
Probably the first time McCarthy was actually funny in her entire life.
>I will put you in the corner with CNN
lolld she dresd up and lookd like da man haha loll but she woman hahhfck racist ass oldwhite ppl
You guys sound a bit triggered tbqh
Don't make fun of trump
> watching the Soros "comedy" mind virus propaganda hour
get woke you bluepilled beta cuck
I just asked a question. I haven't watched SNL since Phil Hartman played Bill Clinton.
Holy shit, Sup Forums is butthurt over this. You think they'd be used to it at this point.
Who is this Neanderthal?
The amazing part is how she looks very similar to Spicer, but the writers couldn't come up with a single fucking line that was funny. Same problem with Baldwin.
The makeup artists are the only ones putting in any effort at all on this shitshow now.
Tell that to your fellow Sup Forumsshits who whine in the live thread every week.
Pretty damn good Sup Forumstard impersonation. You sound like a fedora tipper of the highest order. Little tip for next time: Add in "Numale"
The segment with her was funny but the Trump stuff has been pretty lame lately. Last time I laughed was when they first introduced Steve Banon.
As much as I dislike KStew, that was one of the better SNL eps I have seen in a while. The Totinos lesbian thing was funny too.
the problem with Trump based comedy is making him seem more absurd than he already is
it's hard to make jokes when Donald "pussy grabbing" "golden shower fetishist" Trump practically writes the jokes for them
alt-right is so easily triggered. they literally get angry when they are merely shown an image of how embarrassing they appear to everyone in the world (hint: it's the real reason why you are still virgins, not immigrants)
Umm, right-wingers YOU are the establishment now.
You don't get to complain, you don't get to yell at the big guys in suits, you got your man elected. All your problems in the next four years are going to be on you. All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
Now it is OUR turn to protest, to resist and to fight racism, bigotry and facism, OUR turn to call your president illegitimate and a dictator. There's going to be one difference in all of this though:
We'll be right. We won't make up lies. Where you will have gone low, we'll be going high.
So shut up and cry more of your insecure, tiny-dicked tears, because the future belongs to us!
>All the Republican wars, all the debt, the one percent gaining in wealth and power will be the result of your little temper tantrum.
what wars? what debt? what one percent gaining in wealth and power?
>golden shower fetishist
citation needed
>Sup Forumstards will fall for this shit pasta
OP here
pls dont make this about politics i just want to share something with my friends :(
>New IP
Why are you lying?
a Trump supporter asking for citations? kek
I don't mind this so much but why do people have to act like this was hilarious ? It seems really disingenuous
Like when people said GirlBusters was hysterical....like whats the point in lying?? Even if you liked the premise , on some level you know its awful...
>haven't watched SNL since Phil Hartman
Woman really do kill everything that's good in the world. First Phil Hartman, than Brendan Fraser, and now Ghostbusters
Whats next?
So do you have any evidence of your claim or...?
not an argument
This is why the school days need to be longer
I didn't watch the Ghostbusters movie because the trailer made it look like dogshit but OPs sketch was legitimately funny, IMO
did you know Detroit has had a Democratic mayor since 1970?
do you have any evidence for pizzagate or any of the shit Trump pulls out of his retarded ass?
not really. It was okay. It just doesn't need to be spammed on this board.
Back go, you must
I swear posts like these are made by a bot, they all read exactly the same.
What does that have to do with your slanderous claims?
You seem retarded, sir.
Same deal with these:
racism isn't allowed on redd*t
if racism triggers you, you should go back there
Tell me, do you think Clinton's activities in Iraq, Somalia, Kosovo, and Yugoslavia were justified? what about Carter's activities in Iran? Obama's total mishandling of Libya and Syria?
They are making an all female version of ocean's eleven
>no one bully muh poor Trump
He might make a tweet about it, the poor old man.
>n-no one deport my pet shitskins! think of the children!
/our goy/
looks like they need a safe space to avoid getting triggered so much
Trump didnt invent it and he disavowed it
Still didnt help Anthony Weiner or Podesta being investigated because that is the real meat
why do people like you take everything he says on Twitter so seriously?
what is with this generation placing so much stock in social media?
you know you shitlibs actually invented the concept of the safe space, right?
>hahaha DRUMPF is so dumb and so r all his republican friends xD BERNIE SANDERS 2020 haha kick this dumb nazis ass xD
SNL is utter garbage and this ugly bulldyke has never been funny
they're retarded teenagers/niggers/mexicans with low IQ and very little understanding of the world, and they're itching for reasons to bash trump even if it's unfounded
I don't take it seriously at all. Trump's angry tweets are very entertaining and I wouldn't mind more of them.
>what wars? what debt? what one percent gaining in wealth and power?
>this is the average ameridiot voter
>some cuck redditor actually took the time and effort to make this shitty image
you have to go back
>if you're not a Sup Forums fan you're a leftist SJW
i dont care about alt -right. pretending SNL is funny is what triggers me
It's hilarious how Drumpkins honestly think memes should run the world. This is the danger of having a bunch of people just shitpost on Sup Forums/ all day long, with no jobs, friends, or connection to reality.
>haha librul tears XD
Yeah, exactly. Reality is a joke to Drumpers. They'd rather the political left be frustrated than the Us have good policies.
>tripfag telling people to go to reddit
Lmao the irony
Chernovich is ACTUALLY very pro-Israeli. As is the whole Breitbart/Milo crowd.
And of course Trump is a huge flaming zionist
>pretending to be a liberal to get a (you)
why not just BEE yourself???
>i dont care about alt -right. pretending SNL is funny is what triggers me
baldwin's trump impression is funny but nothing else on the show is in my opinion (imo, t bh)
muh vagina
I would enjoy this more if I didn't know they wouldn't be throwing a single punch at Hillary right now had she won.
>pretending he's not a sjw liberal
>Hillary had good policies
jfc hahaha
Yeah I know he is, Cernovich sucks. He brags about arguing with people on twitter.
Endlessly bleating "not an argument" like some kind of robot is not an argument
Trump wants to start trade wars with half the world.
>trade wars
I think you mean leverage other countries to get what's best for us. Stop getting your political views from CNN and Hollywood celebrities lmfao
you can admit Hilary sucked and also think Trump is terrible you know
what do you think a trade war is?
>think Trump is terrible
If you unironically do this, you're a delusional liberal. Probably a low IQ nigger/mexican that can't make sense of the world and just listens to celebrities.
But that breaks down their argument, if it isn't a binary view on things its to much for them to handle.
Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Hey, this is fine, all politicians deserve to be mocked.
So, the real question is, would they have mocked Hillary and Dems this much?
>he doesn't remember how much shit Clinton got
>quoting star wars to make an argument
>not understanding what absolutes are
you need to go back to redd*t
Holy fuck. What video is that creature in?
would Alec Baldwin Trump have gotten to sing a cloyingly sentimental rendition of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah if he lost?
I will do what I must.
>stupid nazis and their binary arguments
>anyone who doesn't accept liberal premises is stupid/evil
shitlibs lamo
>being this triggered
holy shit
>I think you mean leverage other countries to get what's best for us.
we do that already, that was the entire point of the TPP.
trump wants a trade war solely to benefit a few domestic oil companies, plus wallstreet. he has no intention of enacting any policy that benefits blue collar workers, his executive orders made that very clear "my friends on wallstreet need more money so I'm abolishing a consumer protection agency" -- he said that verbatim just a few days ago.
Why am i not surprised
And how do those compare to two wars that built up trillions of dollars worth of debt?
the only way the alt-right SJWs can argue is through these black and white dichotomies and binaries.
look even their strawman arguments are still either/or binaries. they literally cannot think of any complex socioeconomic issue with any nuance.
>we do that already, that was the entire point of the TPP
you're completely fucking retarded
you really shouldn't talk about politics
>we do that already, that was the entire point of the TPP.
Oh you mean the deal that would have mainly benefitted lower-quality nations while forcing America, Japan, and South Korea to pick up the slack? I'm so glad we are out of that horrendous "partnership".
your tears are not an argument, my little impotent friend.