“But I’m ashamed of what I’ve done. I already know. I’m not a fucking dickhead.”

>“But I’m ashamed of what I’ve done. I already know. I’m not a fucking dickhead.”

>He accused the players of putting his son in danger by “swinging their arms” and added: “They’re supposed to be setting an example, as professional athletes.

>“I put myself and my son in a dangerous position by taking my eye off the ball and getting carried forward with other fans,” he said. Before I knew it I was through the gate, which should have been shut. Everton should have provided adequate security.

>I knew I’d put myself in that dangerous position. It was not intentional but I’d been too concentrated on screaming abuse at the players for being shit. And before I knew it I was led down there – then it was like, ‘Fucking hell, what’s going on?’ and it looks the way it looks.”

>The dad insisted he is being made a scapegoat and compared the ruckus to the attack on a fan by Manchester United striker Eric Cantona in 1995.

>“It doesn’t look the best on video but I know what happened and what I intended to do. That’s why I’m so aggrieved.”

>He said his ex phoned “in tears” amid a fear social services might get involved. “I live with my mum. I don’t know what social services want to see me for,” he added.


He's ashamed of what he's done, but he's being made a scapegoat and it's Everton's fault for not closing a gate and the fault of the Lyon players for not setting a better example when fans have stormed down to try and assault them.


this has to be a fucking joke, what an ass

truly our guy

He's from Liverpool. He's also probably a tribal Labour voter.

That means it's "always somebody else's fault" squared.

>banned for life
>because he slightly slapped another Football player

Wtf is wrong with britsharts, he deserved a punishment but banning a fan for life because of this is complete horseshit.
No wonder you faggots get always beaten by russian hooligans.

he pushed the player and then sort of slapped him.
how the fuck does anybody consider this a brawl??

>He accused the players of putting his son in danger by “swinging their arms” and added: “They’re supposed to be setting an example, as professional athletes.
lmao at this nigger

>blurring out the ambiguous shapeless baby face instead of the dude's

I think the issue is more the fact he did this whilst carrying his son in the other arm.

>scouser saying he's the victim
what a fucking surprise

>“I live with my mum. I don’t know what social services want to see me for,”

What a dumb cunt. Poor kid, your dad is a fuckwit :(. Kek, looking up to professional athletes.

>Blame absolutely fucking everyone but yourself
>feign being ashamed of it (we all know scousers have no shame/feelings)
>gets his kid taken off him
>lives with his mum

What a man

I bet he's got a name like Darren, the ex is called Karen and they called the kid Jaxon.

>It was not intentional but I’d been too concentrated on screaming abuse at the players for being shit. And before I knew it I was led down there – then it was like, ‘Fucking hell, what’s going on?’ and it looks the way it looks”

this sentence is way too idiotic to be genuine, i hope to god the journalist made it sound dumb on purpose

too much money involved lad. sponsors can't be seen to be associated with that stuff so clubs have to act as harshly as possible.
no one watches brazilian footy and there's fuck all money there so you can get away with allowing that sort of thing.

2017 and these creatures still allowed to breed and raise children

baned for life and son taken for a slap
uk makes 1984 look like a joke

It won't be made up. The best thing to do with an idiot is let them open their mouths and give them enough rope to hang themselves.


Brits are sometimes hilarious.

Lot of anti-Scouse racism in this thread, fucking watch it or I'll report you Brits to the HO

> They're supposed to be setting an example, as professional athletes
Sounds like his parents failed at parenting and he is gonna fail his son as well.

A Scouser refusing to take the blame? I never would've imagined!

ITT: average english behaviour

The funny thing is the Scousers weren't actually to blame for Hillsborough but they were to blame for Heysel and they don't get any shit for it.

>Scouser complaining because he wasn't locked behind a gate

wait, did you mean to say trivial or is it really tribal?

These are the people that voted for Brexit.

Tribal. "I'm voting Labour, just like me dad."

fuck off tory cuck

Muh fatcha

>ex partner

why am i not suprised

I have voted Labour in the past, I just won't blindly vote for them and will actually consider other parties.

I grew up in a Labour stronghold, i.e. a post-industrial shithole, and the impression I always got from the council and MPs was that they wanted to keep the area in decline and the people docile and reliant on benefits so they wouldn't do things like wanting to improve their lot and have aspiration because that would encourage independent thought and self reliance, which would mean they might vote for someone else.

Then I moved to a Tory town and it was an eye opener. People actually took pride in where they lived. The council cut backs meant they stopped mowing the grass in one of the parks, so the local people actually organised a huge get together where people brought their own mowers and things. That never happened when I lived in Labour areas, they'd simply moan and moan and moan and expect someone else to solve it for them; the thought simply wouldn't enter their minds to do something about it themselves.

Your dyed in the wool Labour voter has little concept of personal responsibility, it's always someone else's job to sort things for them. This is coming from someone who actually voted for Corbyn.

>voting for paki rape gang enablers.


They only diddle chav slags. What paupers get up to is of little concern to me.