Based /chibbes/ edition
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Based /chibbes/ edition
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Why'd you link to my post lel
Actual last thread
Pretty good. I like being known as the "get stuffed" user. There have been two other occasions where I saw other people using the phrase, and I got a tiny bit jealous, but at least I'm not a tripfag.
And you?
Assume that Chinball shits the bed with Series 11 and now you've been appointed with taking charge of Series 12 (because you're fucking awesome). Also assume that for the time being you're short a team of writers and instead it's up to you to pen 13 episodes (but that's fine cause you don't fucking need them). Post the tiles to your thirteen episodes as well as anything else you'd like to include.
1. The Sea of Steel
>Cybermen decide to convert aquatic life as a suitable mass of expanding their empire and they decide to take their siege on land (inspired by Gyo by Junji Ito).
2. Full House
3. The Dark Abyss Pt. 1
4. It Came from Beyond Time Pt. 2
5. Crossroads
6. Familiar Faces
>After a particularly difficult adventure, the Doctor revisits and old companion or two for a "one for the road adventure" and gets a range of unexpected reactions.
7. Tragedy on New Earth Pt. 1
8. The Return of the Horned Ones Pt. 2
9. Wrench In the Machine
10. Smooth Sailing
11. Tailor Made
12. The Forgotten Arsenal Pt. 1
>In the Time War the Time Lords had an arsenal of unthinkable weapons that could rewrite the fabric of reality. All of the arsenal were extinguished during the Last Great Time War but millenia later a second arsenal was discovered on a secluded asteroid belt and it's up to the Doctor to retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands.
13. Sin Pt. 2
Why don't people like Series 6? Black Spot was the only bad episode.
get stuffed and never respond to me again
go to bed moffat
nobody reads these
>tfw you realize Hayley Atwell is an evolved version of Billie Piper
Is Doctor Hayley meant to be?
>I am 6 years older now than Billie and Karen were when they filmed series 1 and 5 respectively
Where does time go mang?
If you makes you feel any better, Karen Gillan is also 6 years older now than she was in 2010. As are most of us.
>Where does time go
Even Chronovores gotta eat.
It's when I get to the age that Moffat was when he got his first show is when I'll start feeling like a failure
What was he, 27 when he got Press Gang?
But he had an MA in writing and a couple of plays by that point, I think.
>But he had an MA in writing and a couple of plays by that point, I think.
Really? I'm 24 and only just starting my BA in writing this year. I'll be 27 by the time I finish it and won't have my own show.
>I'm 24 and only just starting my BA in writing this year. I'll be 27 by the time I finish it and won't have my own show.
Maybe follow RTD. At your age, he was a college dropout and a washed out comic book artist begging for jobs writing or illustrating for Welsh kids' TV, but he had Dark Season… I think not quite as young as Moffat, but before he was 30.
And at 25 Sarah Dollard was in the writer's room for Neighbours. I wish I hadn't wasted the last 6 years doing nothing.
I guess before 30 is the goal, but even that is quite ambitious, especially considering where I am in life at the moment.
Don't worry so much about what happens before some magic age. The 35+ years after that point are a lot more important than the 6 before it, unless you're a one-hit wonder. RTD isn't remembered for doing Dark Season before 30, but for doing Queer as Folk and Doctor Who in his late 30s. And does anyone remember the first series Sydney Newman produced for Canadian TV (a hockey preseason report thing, I think)?
Yeah, I know that but the early works helped them secure the later jobs. I'd love to work on some completely unimportant crappy show right now if I could, just for the experience and because it's a stepping stone to bigger and better things.
>I'd love to work on some completely unimportant crappy show
Yeah, that's good experience even if you don't get connections or an episode to your name out of it.
So, where are you going for your BA?
It's just some Australian university. Not one of the well-known ones.
Our television industry isn't great, which doesn't help. But I think there are internships here and there.
As long as they have a program focused on TV/film writing, not general creative writing. Even if it's crap, it's forcing you to spend years writing what you actually want to learn to write and listening to people tell you the parts that suck, and hopefully teaching you some of the business side of things, like how to pick the right agents to target and how to tailor your query letter to them.
For my first year I'm majoring in both creative writing and film, and then I'll decide which one to continue as my major for next year. I get the feeling that neither are very focused on writing though, especially screenwriting. I think mostly I'll be analysing film/books, at least in my first year. But it's still better than nothing and I could always defer if I find a better program somewhere else.
Who would Dr. Who have been rooting for in the super owl?
>super owl
Is that some kind of Paul Cornell thing?
I meant to say superb owl.
>I meant to say superb owl.
Is this something to do with on of your American sports, Peri? How many times do I have to tell you that I have far more important things to think about, and so should you, my dear.
So how does it feel knowing that people in the future will be ranking the nuwho Doctors
10 > 11 > 12 > literally who > 9
No, Doctor! Geez, why is everything about being American ? It's about the giant owl that literally just picked up the TARDIS!
Ten years from now 12 will be the Doctor that Tumblr skips, just like 9.
Ten years from now, Tumblr will be the social media platform that people skip when making jokes about MySpace, Facebook, and LiveJournal.
Wow, /who/ is looking dead m8s
Hope you guys have been watching fivey
>Hope you guys have been watching fivey
Listening to him.
For some reason, he doesn't shout "Erimem! Look out!" nearly as often when you can see him.
Wow, I forgot how much the Toclafane were borrowed from Singularity.
More like Sarah DULLARD.
Face the Raven was literally the GOAT non-Moffat ep of series 9
I know I just wanted use that joke. She's actually cool.
Eh, Girl Who Waited could beat it.
what are you on about m8, that's a series 6 episode.
Meant "Girl Who Lived".
She waited three extra years, and she got to live instead of getting Angel-Weepy.
But do you mean The Girl Who Died or The Woman Who Lived?
just watched in the forest of the night
...the Viking village one.
That was a Moffat episode.
no it wasn't, but it wasn't better than face the raven either
Yes it was, look it up.
I don't need to look it up because I don't have a terrible memory. You're probably referring to him being a co-writer. The showrunner basically cowrites everything, Moffat just started actually adding his name in recent years it seems.
No, RTD always cowrote everything, but Moffat doesn't.
He only added his name in two episodes, because those are the only ones he cowrote.
>Moffat as co-writer
>not a Moffat episode
Get stuffed desu.
>RTD always cowrote everything
If by "cowrote" you mean "sent it back three times with extensive notes and then just rewrote the whole thing from scratch and, if there was time, asked the original writer for comments and then ignored them". I'm not sure why he even bothered commissioning other writers.
>No, RTD always cowrote everything, but Moffat doesn't.
What makes you think this? Of course Moffat would tweak scenes, and especially dialogue. Maybe not the extent that RTD did, but there's a line in The Doctor's Wife that is lifted straight out of a previous Moffat show.
You get stuffed. They're obviously not Moffat episodes.
>Of course Moffat would tweak scenes, and especially dialogue.
That doesn't count as cowriting.
Which is why Moffat didn't list himself as cowriter in the 6 episodes where that's all he did, but did list himself as the cowriter in the 2 episodes where he did a lot more than that.
Or do you think he just made that distinction because he thought Jamie Mathieson could handle it, Catherine Trigenna would cry, and Peter Harness could handle it half the time but would cry the other half?
No, I think he probably got to the point where he'd rewritten a large enough chunk of it that he felt entitled to add his name. Where are you getting the "2" number from, btw? He starts doing it in S8, probably because he wrote the Danny scenes.
I do think some of them are a more traditional cowriting setup though. The Zygon episodes for example.
The "2" and "6" number come from S9, where there were 4 episodes he wrote solo, 2 he cowrote, and 6 he didn't write.
Anyway, just adding a couple scenes, or rewriting a few lines of dialog, does not count as cowriting. Well, at least not by WGA guidelines; otherwise, every sitcom episode would have a dozen writers listed instead of one or two. I'm sure the BBC or WGGB or whatever rules are different, but it's probably not just "do whatever you feel like to your writers".
Also, for the Zygon episodes, the first is credited to Harness alone, only the second to Harness & Moffat. But it's possible it was a more traditional arrangement—maybe they worked together on it with the original intention of roughly splitting things one episode apiece, but a lot more of Harness's stuff ended up in the second half than originally expected, or something.
At any rate, whatever the distinction is, there clearly is a distinction that means something to Moffat between The Girl Who Died and, say, Mummy on the Orient Express, or the former wouldn't be credited to Mathieson & Moffat and the latter to Mathieson alone.
>Anyway, just adding a couple scenes, or rewriting a few lines of dialog, does not count as cowriting. Well, at least not by WGA guidelines
That's a good point.
>At any rate, whatever the distinction is, there clearly is a distinction that means something to Moffat between The Girl Who Died and, say, Mummy on the Orient Express, or the former wouldn't be credited to Mathieson & Moffat and the latter to Mathieson alone.
My thought was that Moffat probably wrote the scene about Capaldi remembering his face, and a couple of other things, and that's what justified slapping his name on it.
Again, I don't know UK rules, but I suspect it would take a lot more than that.
If it was just one thing, it would probably be something pretty big. Like maybe he hadn't decided that Me had to be one of the characters from the Viking episode until after Mathieson had submitted his draft, so he had to change Ashildr's character and beef up her scenes accordingly?
When this fuck said the Daleks were in unearthly child
When I started this conversation, I honestly forgot there were guidelines for these sorts of things. I knew about the rules when it comes to movie scripts, but hadn't thought about television before.
It probably helps that Moffat is the one who comes up with the story prompts. Like he'll tell them the basic setting and possibly plot. That would work in his favour if he wanted to attain credit, but yeah. I really don't know actually.
Yeah, good point; Doctor Who is not like a sitcom, where the story ideas barely matter and usually come from someone in the writers' room.
But I don't think Moffat is grabbing as much credit as he can just to be a dick, or I'm sure he could have claimed a lot more than 2 episodes out of S9 for himself. He just doesn't bend over backward as far as RTD did.
Wow, the closed caption subtitles for S9 really suck, like as bad as most American TV shows. Did the BBC lay off most of their captioning department between S8 and S9 or something?
chinball who is going to be absolute shite
How would /who/ feel if Briggs was the 13th Doctor?
Is he s-stripping?
>puzzle pieces
>shaved armpits
he could be familiar with stipping
>he wants to spend 70000 on an 8K red camera
And water is wet. More coming soon, stay tuned.
>How would /who/ feel if Briggs was the 13th Doctor?
Well, that one comic did make it pretty clear that the Briggs Doctor is a future incarnation… as long as he wears a toothbrush.
Cool costume.
Just watched Dark Water for the first time since broadcast. It's pretty good, apart from the Cyberman reveal.
>Briggs Doctor
Speaking of, anyone have any suggestions for which of the AudioVisuals to listen to first?
If I were going to beg for $200K on Kickstarter to write and produce a video that the BBC can't actually look at because of their spec policy, I think I'd ad least ask someone who knows how to speak English to look over my proposal so that it doesn't sound like it was written by a 12-year-old who's trying to use all his big words.
I also love that he's going after the Hispanic and Caucasian markets, and also females, and teen females. Just better not being any Asian men watching him, or he'll get annoyed.
Seems more Downs syndrome than autistic to me.
you really want this to become the next /who/ meme, don't you?
>Seems more Downs syndrome than autistic to me.
Lorry driver! Honk Honk!
I shouldn't laugh but I just did.
Revelation was my first classic episode, is that a bad thing?
>bacelor of science in animation and media arts
so he got a meme degree that taught him nothing and how he's trying to create himself a job
But user
it already is
>calls himself a model because he created some unofficial poster ads with himself
Exactly the kind of new up-and-comer who should get the role desu
one person spamming images/posts about something doesn't make it a meme
feel kind of bad for him desu
this is the kind of shit you expect a child to do when they're just messing around and learning programs as a kid but this guy seems well into his 20s
He's 26.
>one person spamming images/posts about something doesn't make it a meme
You weren't here for the Chicky invation of /who/ where you?
Pathetic, and why is he wearing a vest?
vests are fashionable user
Make /who/ Chicky again
This tickles my pickle