Gender Wage Gap

Is it real, or just a meme/propaganda?

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News flash:

Electrical engineers get paid more than kindergarten teachers.



This tbqhwyf

It's real but not in the way people say it is

Work more = earn more
Work a better paid job = earn more

That's the ''pay gap''.

it's a straight-faced lie

they took all men and women and divided their average salaries

completely ignored differences in field participation (coal miners, oil drillers, trash collectors, vs teachers, social workers) for a pithy slogan to fight against. Also tendencies to vacation, take overtime, take higher risk jobs, ask for promotions, etc.

women make 3 cents more in similar fields with similar experience as men

Thank you for the compliment.

must be the patriarchy keeping women from becoming electrical engineers

i'm a girl and it's not real

the WAGE gap doesn't exist, but there is an EARNING gap caused by women not wanting to do dangerous/hard jobs, and not being as hard on their bosses for raises

A baseless bullshit statistic. Spend ten minutes researching it and you'll figure that out.

Boobies or Begone!

Go to bed, Gilpin...

The most recent argument I heard is that it is because there aren't enough women promoted to leadership positions.

Just wait, the "more women in leadership" slogan is just around the corner.

post feminine penis

it is not real

often women do make less at office type jobs but they also take far more time off work then men do

also men tend to work in fields that pay more... see first post.

but if you work as a teacher, police officer, if you are a waiter or if you work at Walmart, Target, CVS, etc... you get paid the same.

because they take pregnancy leave or drop out of the work force entirely

companies owned by women make considerably less profit than those owned by men, because they prioritize family life, short hours, and vacation

not all women want leadership positions

fucking crazy, I know.

Working both on a construction site and getting a degree in engineering after that, I have to say this:

Women only have themselves to blame for the choices they make. They have free education, and still not going for engineering degrees. Really makes you think...

Does not account for
>Work hours
>Men being better negotiators
>Days of vacation used
>Pregnancy leaves
>Career choice (Engineers and Doctors tend to make more than grade school teachers)
>Corporations would only hire WOMEN if there really was a wage gap to maximize profit
>Worthless degree's
So yes Gender pay gap is bullshit.
Good day.

It's propaganda.

If you look at statistics of how much longer men work on average than women, it's about the same percentage more.

The "wage gap" meme-plex is a way for some people to justify their lack of success in life. There is no wage gap, unless you fail to negotiate a high-enough wage. The wage-gap meme serves to perpetuate falsehoods that only negatively impact the gender equality movement. The only people who still use statements like this are extremists who don't actually want equality, but want to drag men through the dirt by their balls, or the misinformed; both are equally as dangerous and detrimental to the gender equality movement.

And if you still need proof, here, educate yourself:

You fucking sexist piece of shit kill yourself

*blocks u so u can't trigger me with a response*

I'm not going to say there isn't a wage gap.
There is, Just not something as fucking simple as some mastermind patriarch meddling in the background and just going "FOR EVERY $1 A MAN MAKES A LADY WILL MAKE $.79"
Just the higher paid jobs, More men are employed.
Normally if someone brings it up and i am begrudgingly dragged into the argument i just ask "Can you tell me why males make up 9/10 workplace deaths?"
Thats about the most i'll bother with.
And the most i need to say.
They'll either say it's not the issue and we're talking about the wage gap, in which case i'll politely ask that we change the conversation
Or I'll they'll think about it a bit and normally come up with a conclusion i can reverse to apply to their initial statement, Agree to disagree and request we talk about something else.

No need to be an ass about it, but when most of what they hear is the simple bottom line on the dollar, they get outraged and switch off. Like you know most of us would/do.
If you can open them up to the idea that there are many different angles and perspectives on the issue

male suicide is nothing to scoff at

>comes to Sup Forums with bullshit feminist propaganda
>expects not to get raped

If they wanted it they'd earn it, instead of throwing a tantrum like a two-year old until they're given something they don't deserve.

>Corporations would only hire WOMEN if there really was a wage gap to maximize profit
People who propagate this absolute shit do not realize that this actually DID happen. Guess what: that's not legal anymore.

>Career choice
Also this.
We have a government mandated safety class for any dangerous jobs. Most people who have said card are men. Other stats back this up. Men do most of the dangerous jobs that exist. Endangering yourself pays more.

its just meme propaganda.

i make more than every woman at my plant, on average 3x to 5x more, even more than the accountant and bosses daughter.


hazzard pay.

you want someone to do a dangerous dirty job day in and day out without calling in sick for 12 hours a day 5 to 6 hours a week?
hire ME

you want someone to just occupy space and occasionally fix something that they can physically handle?
hire a woman.

go ahead, find one that can do my job.
haven't seen or met one in all my time in the workforce.


NOW ITS .79!!!!

I've yet to see one example of jobs where women get paid less than men with the exact same experience, skills and education.

Sounds like cunts are being overpaid.

hey, in what do you work? sounds interesting

office jobs were male co-workers ask/negotiate for slightly higher raises

this man is a professional memer

At least they're not claiming "for the same work" in this image.

I can prove it isn't real, right here: If women are only paid 79 cents, why are men ever employed?

Industrial maintenance tech, master mechanic.
Basically if it moves, i can fix it.

Systems analysis
Chemical Titration

Leftist propaganda.

They forget that qualifications, line of work, experience, dedication (how much you can work), and other factors are considered when talking about pay.

The leftists intentionally synthesize data (with bias) that produces the conclusion that they wanted, instead of actually conducting an objective search for the truth. They're essentially using the flawed methodology that some scientists use to arrive with the conclusion that they wanted, instead of actually conducting experiments that may or may not disprove them - it's an ego thing for scientists.

In other words, it's not about the search for truth. It's about searching for the "truth" that validates their predetermined conclusion. So any "study" that they've done was geared to prove that there is a gender wage gap, even with missampled data.

That's leftists methodology, in a nutshell.

because even with the difference, men are still worth it

Female porn stars make more money than their male coworkers

Yes its real.

Its misleading to use the aggregate wage gap to support your claims that there is not "equal pay for equal work" but it is also misleading to say that the wage gap doesn't exast after you control for education, experience, overtime, occupation, hours worked and almost everything you can think of.

Any claim about equal pay for equal work is a claim about conditional means - if you control for education, experience, hours worked and occupation - the question you are effectively asking is "are women with otherwise equal education/expereince earning the same as their male counterparts in the same field of work?"

However, this doesn't say anything about "discrimination" (statistical, economic or sexism). The question that economists are almost always interested in is "why do women select into lower paying occupations?" or "why are the top paying occupations predominantly male?"

To answer these questions you do not control for occupation, otherwise your wage gap will tell you absolutely jack shit.

The problem with the wage gap controversy is that people use it to mislead people. I remember when Milo used to recite his stump speeches on those YouTube TV segments when he debates feminists on the wage gap and I thought he was misleading people.

Women don't earn 79 cents on the dollar but the fact that the gap is that large (and comparatively much smaller after controlling for occupation) should prompt policymakers/economists to figure out why women are choosing lower paying roles and working less - is it discrimination? is it lack of negotiating power? are there a lack of policies to help women during their childbearing years (maternity leave, income protection, more spending needed on daycares so women can resume their careers faster)? are employers choosing men for promotions because women are more likely to leave the workforce?

This. The gender wage gap simply reflects the gender beneficial societal contribution capacity gap.

give us stats

it's rand(0,1)

Pic related

>Yes its real.
>Women don't earn 79 cents on the dollar
You're contradicting yourself. The claim is entirely "women are being paid less for the same work", which is laughably false.
Women choose to go into careers that earn less money overall. That's all there is to it. Incentivizing them to do otherwise has minimal effect. Very few women are going to want to work in a coal mine or service hot water boilers or scoop roadkill off the highway. Those are not jobs that involve sitting in a comfy chair at a desk.

it's the biggest lie ever told by the jew media. the sad part is most people believe it, some of them are males too.

Propaganda and misrepresentations of facts.

Here's how it works;
>1. The Wage Gap in a way, technically does exist, but only exists because of the misrepresentation of facts. These facts are that men typically choose more physical, and dangerous jobs. These jobs generally pay more, while women tend to choose jobs which are more relaxing and easy (i.e. office jobs)
>2. These jobs are then compared toward each other.
>3. Another way they are compared is that when you look at education, it does not give specifics into the teachers education, degree or level. For instance, A University Lecturer and a Primary School Teacher will both be called an "Educator" under law. However, each degree offers significantly different money.
>4. Most University Educators are male. This isn't a bias in hiring, this is more or less because most women CHOOSE to become small time educators because it is easier.

If the Wage Gap is proof of anything it's that men work harder than women.

is that a real tweet? fucking savage.

It's a gross misrepresentation of gaps in earnings between men and women. Calling it 'the wage gap' is misleading and saying women 'earn 77% that men do for the exact same work' partly because the figure is from ALL full time workers and partly because the figure is several years out of date

These are the latest statistics, no significant analysis into the wheres and whys of the gap, but still shows that taking hours worked, occupation and other factors into play, you reduce the gap significantly.
And the overall gap is 17.5%, which reduces to under 10% for the younger generation, aka the ones who keep whining about "muh wage gap" and simply expect to be paid more.

Of course the real problem is that many employers have policy against talking about pay allowing them to easily fuck anyone over that they feel like (regardless of gender). Any real pay discrimination will go unnoticed unless this is fixed.


>mfw nofw tbqhwyf

If women make 80% of what a man makes for the same amount of work, why don't companies hire only women and save 20%?

Sorry meant to say that 'earn less for the exact same work' is a flat out lie.

It is actually a textbook definition of a meme: the phrase got repeated often enough that people adopted it and now use it without actually knowing anything about it.

The truth is that there is (if anything) an earnings gap, not a wage gap, but people are too stupid to realize the difference between the two and just simply repeat the meme. Here are some reasons as to why there is a gap in earnings between men and women:
>Women work less hours than men
>Women take more days off than men
>Women work less years of their life than men
>Women make different career choices than men
>Women study different subjects at university than men
>Men work the hard labor jobs
>Men work the dangerous jobs

If you need additional arguments to leave wage gap proponents dumbfounded:
>Paying different wages for the exact same work, in the exact same position and with the exact same background of the employee, is illegal in pretty much any western country. So according to you, thousands upon thousands of employers around the western world are breaking the law on a daily basis without any fear of consequences?
>Why are there not dozens of law firms that specialize in representing women who have been illegally paid incorrect wages?
>Why are there no big companies who exclusively, or at least semi-exclusively, hire women, since they could just pay them less money than they would have to pay men?
>Do you think it plausible that the general public has fallen victim to a meme here, which blatantly confuses the terms 'earnings' and 'wages'?
>Don't you think that employers would be incredibly afraid of today's judicial system, if they were blatantly discriminating against women in the millions? Keep in mind that modern/western judicial systems tend to rule heavily in favor of women.
At this point you will obviously be called the usual buzzwords, but you will have won the argument.

>why women are choosing lower paying roles and working less
So it's their fault that they're making less then? They could work in dangerous (buy high-paying) jobs like working in oil rigs, crab fishing, mining, but they choose not to. They could work in jobs requiring higher mental faculties, but (again) they don't.

Yet they blame men when they get what they deserve, and what they deserve is less than what men do.

Feminism (and leftism, in general) is a mental illness. Sexbots can't come soon enough.

You made me laugh, you asshole.

incorrect, there is no "if it exists"
rule 34 reads "there is porn of it, no exceptions"

nice try better luck next time new friend

> tenancy to vacation

Americans don't always take the max vacation they get allowed? Top lol. Literal wage slaves.

That isn't how capitalism works.

If you've ever had to work with a woman in a field that requires any thinking ability whatsoever, you'll know that 99% of them are fucking retards that couldn't get by a day without a man doing their work for them. There *are* intelligent and capable women, but they are pretty damned rare.

The "wage gap" complaint is actually a red herring. In a truly free market with none of this PC feminist bullshit floating around, in which people got paid for merit instead of muh feelz, the wage gap would be *even fucking higher.*

If the pay gap was real, business would hire women over men and save 20%

Oh and then get sued into oblivion, as wage discrimination laws already exist

But both of these points are ignored by wage gap memers

Stop mansplaining your privilege

Search it in r34 paheal and you will get your answer

With the way it is I'am surprised the ratio is only 1/0.79
Every single most paying job is dominated by males and every single least paying job is dominated by females.

>But muh paygap
Work harder if you want ot earn more
If anyone could just hire female for 4/5 of what male makes it would be dumb to ever hire any males.

just a meme. Now if they were comparing the same job, position, same work hours and days then I'd listen.

But I'm not going to listen to a slag bitch about why male doctors earn more then female cashiers.

>The truth is that there is (if anything) an earnings gap
Don't even call it a "gap". It's like getting a mail room job and demanding to be paid the same as the CEO.
All it is is pandering to stupid women with lies. There is no way that women working their sedentary """"""careers"""""" are ever going to get a 25% pay bump.

It's actually quite opposite in services.

For example I wokred as a bartender and waiter and I made 72% of what the girls I worked with made.

And I carried all shit by myself from storage and etc. I always left everything clean and in the place (bartenders would know how important that is) but bitches didn't.

That's why I wrote "(if anything)", to make it clear that you shouldn't go around and use the term earnings gap either. It was just for the purpose of demonstration.

As you can see, women keep our wages low. They fail at demanding high wages, and therefore the wages are not rising. We could all make more money

Women are stupid as niggerz.


this myth is based of shit like this, after a womyn sees it and thinks "OMFGWTF THAT ISN'T FAIR!!1!!1!"

what they don't understand, and will never bother to understand, is that if not for men creating something from nothing first, and then sharing it with them, they wouldn't be making any fucking money at all.

In France, for the same job, woman are less paid.

Female wage is empirically lower, however on all the studies the feminazis state, only 2-3% of the difference is explained by variation in regression. Most of the other reason for the gap, is preferences for less hours worked, less physical jobs, maternity leaves, desire to raise kids over advancing to the highest level of a career.

The myth that it is because women are just paid less cause of their vagina is retarded, if it were true all companies would be staffed by women who have cheaper labor of the same value.

It's propaganda, and honestly I'm fucking AMAZED people still fucking fall for this shit.

It's very clearly illegal to pay someone less for the exact same work. What idiots don't take into account is this.
>Man working job A makes $50 an hour
>Woman working job A also makes $50 an hour
>Man works 40 hours a week, meanwhile woman works 20 hours
>Woman proceeds to bitch and moan when she finds out man is getting paid more, for working more hours, BIG FUCKING SHOCKER

The other case is when a man works a real fucking job and makes bank, but a woman takes a gender studies tier job and makes shit, then this info gets made into skewed statistics of MEN MAKE MORE, HOW IS THIS FAIR?

It's real but it's used falsely to imply that women earn less doing the same job and the same amount of work which is not true.

It all comes to down life choices men and women make. But saying that out loud will hurt fragile feelings of women which is the ultimate crime in leftist books.

>People honestly think womens basketball stars should be paid the same as mens
They would be right, if they had the same number of dedicated fans tuning in and buying tickets. Womens basketball, no, sports in general, is fucking torture to watch

Source me up senpai

And there are simply different numbers of employed men and women. That's also a factor.

It's real.

And if women want to take action to fix it, they should start by working as hard as men.

Isn't that illegal?

The best part is that when they did divide it by fields, they did stuff like include Economics alongside Gender Studies.

They take the average.

Tell me how many women are working on oil rigs, as miners, electricians, waste disposal?

if it were real companies would hire all women and pay them less than men. Women suck ass at work and so you need men to get shit done

Propaganda. Virtually no one complains when you tell them electrical engineers make more than kindergarten teachers.

>pay gap
>wage gap
bullshit^2 in fact, most western countries have this outlawed (I wonder why no feminist ever mentioned Equal Pay Act of 1963)

>income median gap
This is true, but unless woman pick up more well payed jobs (and those are the hard and dangerous ones) nothing will change
Communism will not fix this, unless you start paying everyone the same no matter the job they do. And in that case, why would anyone risk our life welding underwater in arctic sea, or coal mining if you get paid the same working in a little zoo feeding cute wabbits.

Anyone who complains about people calling them "bossy" doesn't deserve a leadership position.



Tough to say isn't it. If you've found yourself going "there is no gender pay gap -- women are just shit at their jobs and they don't work as hard." Then very likely women are being discriminated against by people like you.

You anti-feminists are so bizarre sometimes. You can't argue that women are blowing everything out of proportion when you are also pumping out a bunch of shit about how women are worthless.

Buuut, I don't think it's accurate. It's an average taken against all workers of all ages. If a young woman wants to earn a lot of money she can do. If she'd struggle to negotiate a better salary then she needs to get the fuck over that because the world isn't built to hand out meek people money.

I've studied this.

The last hard data I saw was from 2014 and the "wage" gap (really, income) not due to controlled-for factors (everything they could think of) was 4%. It's narrowed since then, the previous trend shows that it should have. So we're talking 2, maybe 3%, easily explainable through unconscious bias in handing out non-wage payments; management tends to be a boys club so you probably end up slightly more biased towards giving your friends a bigger bonus, and your friends are usually guys.

In other words, it's no big deal, any attempt to solve this 'problem' would have to go full socialist (and is a terrible idea), so ignore it.

it's real

>man does difficult job and is compensated proportional to the effort and risk required
>woman chooses to do easy job where she can sit around chatting with other women half the day
>woman gets upset when she gets paid less than man

Wage discrimination used to exist, usually justified by believing the women not to be the primary breadwinners of the house and mostly just doing it as a hobby. But then the Supreme Court made it illegal and legislation later was made to make it very easy to spot out and call out. So the liberals changed their goalpost, removed the "for the same job" aspect and tried to pass it off as if nothing has changed.

This all happened decades ago, mind you.

It's real but you can see why jsut from the subtitle of your picture
"all full time working"
If it was "college educated full time working" then the gap is tiny. Because the majority of the gap is in two places.
1. The very top: Hedgefund managers and corporate lawyers who make squillions are almsot all men and jews.
2. working class people: For men without college edcuaiotn, well they can be a plumber or some other lucrative trade and make plenty of money. For women, they can be a receptionist... or a cashier.

See also the RACE wage gap (Asians earn the most) or the religion wage gap I wonder (((who))) makes the msot there!

basically what this annon said it does not exist because there is no porn of it

>Not controlling for occupation
That's the very issue. The crusade against pc culture has nothing to do with the average person online calling others niggers, kikes and spics. That's just juvenile. (However, Sup Forums is all about juvenile)

The real issue is that it's become politically incorrect to say that people affect their own success with their own choices. When people say that women are payed less, it's somehow taboo to say "well, I think their own choices in career and education might affect this" or anything similar.

Women are free to do pretty much anything a man is in the western world, and there are plenty of women that do. You, unlike most that keep on saying the same old tired bullshit at least understand that investigating if they are being discriminated is the right call if there is suspicion of such a thing. Coming from a country with free university education, I see the same patterns of women not pursuing degrees in the STEM fields, but rather going for arts degrees and becoming home economics teachers. If there is no wage gap between people in the same field in with the controls in place, the most logical explanation is that the choices a woman makes influence their pay. What can we do if blaming people for their own choices is not pc? This only applies very slightly to this issue, as people are beginning to see things rationally.

Now, you have black people going "fuck tha police" in a slum, where companies cannot invest due to rampant crime, keeping black people in a perpetual cycle of poverty generation after generation. What to do if you cannot say that it's their fault for having a culture for disrespecting the police, and that they need more police overwatch instead of less to get out of this cycle? See how Asians had the same problem in the US, but broke the chain and rose above whites in earnings?

>every poster who says something I don't like is the same person making the exact same argument

You're a woman, aren't you?