Fragile States Index 2016

You can only post in this thread if your country is Sustainable or higher

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>the best """""""third world"""""" country in the map

I'm so ok with this

image too small


>USA not deep blue

well meme'd

You wish, Fiji is blue.


how is it third world state if its a commonwealth state?

Actually I take it back, the map labelled Fiji wrong, they should be orange and Samoa should be dark red.

Also the Commonwealth is full of thirdworld shitholes. India, Bangladesh, Kenya, Wales etc. are all part of the commonwealth. Being part of teh commonwealth jsut means that you can get British consular assistance in foreign countries.


That's why they're set to become a third world country within 2 decades.

>yfw it's just a measure of whiteness

>Ukraine more stable than Russia

Dumb Russophobic propaganda


weeeeelllllll... still the best """""third""""" world country then

feel free to visit us straya, ill buy you a beer


This 2bh famalam.

What does it even mean? How is NK fragile?

>"""Sustainable""" means condoning a ponzi scheme economy

In reality, it is not sustainable at all.

Southern Cone stronk

Sweden, Germany

>Not having a tier of your own

What is it like living in a fragile country?

How that fuck Venezuela is orange? They should be dark red as hell.



Sup Forums knows nothing about us. The only true Aryans in the region.

Fuck off Paki nigger, don't you have 3 first cousins to impregnate?

>US isn't dark blue

>Germany and Portugal are




Speaking of pregnancy..

America is Pregnant with Islam just needs a good doctor to give birth

Did you know that the most prestigious university in America Harvard Law recognizes the Quranic verse 4:135 as one of the greatest expressions of justice?

Did you know that Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] was listed as the“GREATEST LAW GIVER” of the World by the US Supreme Court?

Find out more by watching this video!

The only time we would visit is to invade mate.
Push you whales back into the sea.


>This is your brain on incest

The difference between Finland and the United States is that our people are far more educated and the income inequality is nowhere even near as bad that it's in the United states. World could have something like Global economic collapse and our people would be drunk and pissed and we'd maybe drop to dark green while you'd likely have a civil war in your hands against police state.

Lol. That's your response. Typical

t. Assburger

To our Aussie neighbours I ask. Who got screwed over more Aboriginals or Maoris?