Ok Sup Forums this happened today:

Ok Sup Forums this happened today:

>Be a psychologist
>Some dude brings me his child because he is "misbehaving". Starting fights in school, stealing and shit like that
>Tells me they're going to the US to visit family on summer vacation so he wants his kid to be checked out before they go.
>oh ok
>kid arrives, he seem a little anxious
>Listen to him and shit.
>Tell him "listen mario, i need you to make a drawing for me about anything you want, the only condition is that the drawing has to say something about you"
>give him paper and pencil. He has a big fucking smile on his face
>he draws pic related
>"what is this, mario?"
> fucking 911
>Let him go. Tell his father to come in.
>Tell the father he has a mentally healthy child.
>Tells him he should consider getting a job on the USA
>Wish them a nice trip

So how was your day pol?

you gave me a lol and you rolled dubs, you deserve a bump

Now this thread only allows dubs


Are you even real?




Correction: mexican pacman did 911. Notice the hat

at last i truly see

kid has a healthy imagination

>be lying mexican self hating cuck
>decide to draw a shitty child drawing to make it seem like "i hat da JEWS!"
>make a shitty reddit "look wat i found!" thread
>stare at my mexican online degree for kinesiology (same thing as psychology??)
>cry in the mirror

nah man

He will surely make america great again soon kek

Lol what a delusional murican.
Let me guess, trump supporter?

Believe it or not faggit