Oops, wrong pic!
Fuck guys, my falcon is so down right now
What do I do? I was planning on going to movies tomorrow but I don't think I can take him out like this
Why would Trump do this?
Keep it on your own board, you childish mouthbreathers.
Trump and Brady are friends. Winners stick together.
>didn't watch the game
>go on Sup Forums when patriots won
>threads and posts of people from an hour ago saying there's no way the falcons will lose
>nothing but (You)s of people laughing at them
Good times
But why would Trump be friends with a giant faggot?
Fuck Brady but holy shit the Falcons choked hard
Also, the only good thing to come out of the super bowl was the Stranger Things trailer.
MAGA is an automatic stand, also apparently he left his superbowl party when the score was 28-3 falcons.
Trump has no friends. Only sycophants and business partners.
It was a beautiful game but I'm mad
My teams never win even when they start with the biggest lead in superbowl history
holy shit you are one bitter cunt lmao
How do you choke this hard?
sounds pretty comfy desu
What? Brady is a cheater and the Falcons choked a 25 point lead
>Tom Brady tonight
unless you're a falcons fan there is no way you can be a football fan and not have enjoyed this game. unbelievable
I agree that was an amazing comeback.
>blowing a 28-3 lead
>game ends with overtime
That trailer sucked, and the next season's going to be dicks. The only good thing to come out of this game is a historic overtime game, one of the most beautiful catches in football history, and a man wearing five rings that will allow him to slay pussy across the galaxy.
Shit, well forget I posted this
Trailer was pretty good in my opinion, sucks gonna have to wait until Halloween
Yes, the game was objectively good, but I didn't enjoy it because I know that pats fans will now, forever and always, be insufferable cunts.
I just realized earlier tonight the Falcon logo makes an F
as a euro who watches actual football I gotta admit that comeback was pretty entertaining desu
well sure, but patriot fans were going to be insufferable cunts for all eternity anyway, at least we got a good game out of it.
first trump and now this
will the left ever recover?