Implant white babies in Mexico

You know, for a country of ruin and hors of invaders, I would fuck a Mexican girl booty and leave them to surfice in Mexico.

Think about it.
Breed white babies into Mexico until they have nothing but noticeable white skin left.

The society slowly becomes more acceptable and prosperous.

You go home to a white family later on in life while you've impregnated maybe 6 women in Mexico to have the white genes spread and conqure Mexico to the point the nation does a 180 turn around.

If every white male visiting Mexico on vacation or a business trip did this before settling down Mexico would be a better place in the next 20 years.

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who is that bum cake?

You want her instagram? I guess she's from nyc. She's a Mexican stripper. All of her friends are on instagram too.

There is a fine ass asian stripper, but she hosts ghetto culture and photos with some blacks. Absolutley disgusting. Don't support her.

I guess she gas a kid
Which is my point
These girls can be impregnated with white babies that grow up to marry other white babies born to other impregnated women in mexico.

the asian slut instagram too please

No it wouldn't be a better place because the kids would be raised by single mothers.

ehhh thats what us spics and niggers are doing right now genius

your op pic looks like a poo in loo not a spic

Lilly white Spaniards already bred with them. That's why they aren't all still 100% native American anymore. Well, most. They still have some indian tribes that don't assimilate, and they treat them like lesser humans.

Oh Gosh. She's just posted photos with black babies. So gross. She's even got the black tan that's all the hype 2 years ago in japan.

What has this world come to.
Yeah. I am there with you. The family is the core of society and it fosters sociey's growth toward success.

At the same time half white baby community down in one area that breeds with each other can become successful if those father's are visiting the areas life long and such.

GraceKR. Is she korean?