Do I need to watch Finding Nemo first?
Do I need to watch Finding Nemo first?
Only if you want to be disappointed in the turd that is Finding Dory
if youre going to spend 2 hours on one of these movies just watch the first one
i wonder what the fuck happened with Pixar,do they want to be mediocre now?
I mean you won't understand who any of the characters are in the first half hour without it.
Finding Dory was good though.
no,it wasn't
it was bland,soulless and generic,at best
Finding Nemo is a fantastic film. Finding Dory has a recap withing the first twenty minutes to catch you up though.
Nice buzzwords, it was none of those things. I know you want to shit on Pixar because of how they've been hit and miss lately, but that doesn't mean you can just paint all of their films with a broad brush.
>Finding Dory was good though.
kys habibi
they don't care about making good and meaningful movies anymore
it's all about sequels and money making by now
It was extremely mediocre.
So, like I said, you want to shit on Pixar because x y z. I don't care about any of that, I wasn't thinking of Cars 2 or The Good Dinosaur when I saw the film, I just watched it for what it was and enjoyed it.
Another buzzword. Mediocre as compared to what? If we're comparing sequels, it's about on the level of Toy Story 2 if not better.
Compared to every other Pixar movie (or at least most of their older ones). They're usually bursting with originality and emotions, this one just feels like it's going through the motions.
>I just watched it for what it was and enjoyed it
you and a few people did
i wasn't even thinking about their other movies,it sucks by itself
I'm fine with it being mediocre like most sequels are, but this? 94% on RT?
When even normies only give it a 84% rating (which is like B minus for normies because even the most asinine crowd pleasers get +90%), it's proof that there's some fuckery afoot
it's Pixar
every movies critics praise it and lick its balls,no matter how bad they are
There's plenty of originality and emotions in Finding Dory. It's not just a rehash of the first movie. The least original stuff in the movie all happens in the opening twenty minutes, and that's just acknowledging the existence of the first movie. Everything after that is completely fresh.
Kill yourself.
Pixar is reaching Dreamworks stupidity level
>LE IRONIC SHITPOSTER ECKS DEE telling others to kill themselves
Fucking cancerous idiot. Also did you even watch the first movie? There's plenty of ridiculous stuff in there too. Pixar has never been realistic.
If it's so bad how did it get a 94% on RT?
t. Pixar CEO
Fnding Nemo was charming and semi believable. The unrealistic set pieces had some basis in reality to the point where it was still grounded in reality.
In Finding Dory they went completely overboard with full blown autism which redditors like yourself obviously lap up and the film lost its charm. E.g.
>FN unrealistic scene: Pelican with water in his mouth scoops up some fish and carries them for a little bit
All that big flashy number you retards always look at is just a watch-ability meter.
Naw, they was pressured by Disney execs who thought they could smell an easy $1B. Same execs who said Moana will be the big one and Zootopia as the filler between releases. I swear they must've been govt workers at one time.
but it was an easy 1b
>vegetarian sharks
>Dory's whale speak
>fish using turtles as a ride
>fish intentionally polluting a tank and then escaping outside while in baggies
>fish being able to communicate with each other
>fish giving a shit about missing/dead kin when they spawn them by the dozens
>fish leaving their habitat to do anything except mate/spawn
>fish being intelligent period
And that's off the top of my head. Like I said, Pixar has never been realistic. The only "semi-realistic" thing about Finding Nemo and Finding Dory are the setpieces, the actual characters not so much.
>oh no an """ironic""" shitposter called me a redditor, whatever shall I do?
It's a movie about talking fish, don't try and bring realism into this.
>Pixar,do they want to be mediocre now
Cars and its sequels are pure shit.
Finding Dory was soulless and a cashgrab, but it was very well done. I was disappointed with the storyline, as I hoped for more exploration of the ocean with more detailed environments. But the characters worked, the voice actors I thought would be bad turned out to be charming.
You're retarded
Not an argument.
Their magic napkin has gone silent on them.
Literally all those things you've listed are more believable than any of overblown shite that happens in Finding Dory.
>comparing talking fish in the original to an octopus police chase in the sequel
It's cartoony shit vs cartoony shit, you've just decided that one form of it has crossed the line because you have a blanket vendetta against Pixar.
It's the same movie. You see one you saw the other.
Not an argument.
I think we're done here, kiddo.
And? Cars has a 74% rating and it was garbage.