Antifa -- a growing problem in America

What can we do about the growing "Antifa" problem in America?

From what I know, I can tell you that they're mostly being organized by a far-left party known as the "Party for Socialism and Liberation" as well as a PSL offshoot brand known as the "ANSWER Coalition". PSL ran Presidential campaigns during the last few elections, but their true goal is the same as any radical leftist LARPing group -- to gather around and pretend that a violent revolution in this great, god-fearing, gun-toting nation will somehow put them into a position of power.

Unfortunately, as loathsome as this sort of IRL ideological dress-up game may seem to us, it becomes a potential issue when they're organizing live-action role-playing events at our Traditionalist Workers' Party free speech gatherings.

What can we do to stop them, Sup Forums? Encouraging violence in any form is not recommended. Instead, let's learn more about them and engage in what our board is best at: memetic warfare campaigns.

With that said, what do you know about antifa movements in America?

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We should start sabotaging Antifa.

Pull Sup Forums style operations on them to destroy their ability to function - sending them out on blind leads, infiltrating them with trolls, whatever.

We have to put up with that shit for years know.

Enjoy the destruction of private property, Antifa is the lowest scum that's walking earth.

Mindless drones.

Really, though, if this thread doesn't take off today, we should keep this idea in mind.

We need to deal with Antifa. They could hardly stop us, but they're a real annoyance before we get bigger numbers.

We need to start really scattering and fucking up their organization.

That's why we need to stop it now. They are pretty weak. However, they've gathered tens of thousands of dollars to heal the antifa drones who were stabbed at Sacramento, which means they have active support from the Left in this country.

Who are they? Who is leading them? What do they want, besides violence? How do we stop them? These are questions we must answer before the problem gets as bad as Europe.

Fascist scum like you all should be fucking thrown out of the country. I'll take illegal immigrants over you traitors anyday


most US states have concealed carry laws and castle doctrine.

be polite, defend your viewpoints, but if they go to lay a hand on you, end their life.

The rise of antifa will be a good thing. It will put actual nazism and fascism into perspective and it will foster a nationalist movement in the US as an equal and opposite reaction.

>Opposing fascism is bait
You'd have to be a retard to think fascism works.

>1 post by this ID