greeks are predominantly middle eastern semites who emigrated to europe with some european admixture. Purest greeks(most similar to ancient greeks) are cypriots and they can be as dark as some pakis.
Jayden Gutierrez
Jaxson Hughes
greeks are honorary whites
Cooper Bell
define white
Logan Long
Backwards, greeks were originally white, then they mixed with ancient anatolians and eteocypriots and look like they do now.
Joseph Bell
but I thought you were very similar with greeks
Bentley Harris
No. Jews are non-white semitic parasites. Get your facts straight.
Julian Morgan
Shut your fucking mouth.
Josiah Lopez
duh people with white skin
Mason Peterson
> white skin
TOP KEK ^ 99999
Elijah Robinson
Who wants to be part of the cuck race anyway ?