Why is moon music so much more intricate and mesmerizing than anything that the western world can offer...

Why is moon music so much more intricate and mesmerizing than anything that the western world can offer? No american soundtrack can even come close to the lyrical construction found in even lowly animes.


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Maybe it's that the people that made this had some sort of compassion for what they were making?
There's plenty of "western" entertainment that is on-par or tops the construction and effort placed into something like Ghost in the Shell or Evangelion, but I don't think people value a sad, emotional story like this jap shit tries to convey. More focused on triumph and heroism in a practical sense that an abstract one, war movies and such.


You forgot drive my human bean

I don't even know if I could name an original lyrical song in a movie. any good song is essentially instrumental and done by that john williams guy.

>uses the word "eyes" in almost every line

it does not!

That was gay as


But the ending track to NGE was Fly Me to the Moon

Granted I actually thought Claire Littley's cover sounds nicer than Frank Sinatra's version but I think she's English


>English version

Anime OPs>Johann Sebastian Bach=shit>Americanic music

>english version

It's better because it's not gibberish. Like, is that a hard concept for you?

Most of the popular animu soundtracks heavily rely on western influence.

That version sounds like it was recorded down a telephone.


Japanese is a language you moron.

so are the mews of a cat, but I'd rather listen to english singers

>so are the mews of a cat

Meows are not a language, you really are dumb

>it's an "OP learns none of the moral lessons about life from all the various forms of media he has consumed and instead mopes around all day thinking about how his life would be better in Japan, while he does is best to ignore the voice of truth in the back of his mind screaming that he'd still find a way to fuck it all up because he is to blame for all his failures" episode

I'm just a fan of good music, I don't need to live in japan to enjoy what they make.


I have more kino songs.


and this one is of note, it's the first in the series of four songs about a time loop kinda, depicting the events of the same night as they try to unravel why the day keeps repeating:
