The closest solar system is only 4 light years away

>The closest solar system is only 4 light years away.
>We might be able to visit other solar systems in our lifetime.
>Four years of travel takes us to Alpha centauri and discover new planets and moons and alien civilizations.

Are you excited for the future of humanity?

Other urls found in this thread:

>four light years
>four years of travel

since when can we move at lightspeed?

Pic related!?

Lets not forget the amount of times it would take to accelerate, and decelerate

Enjoy rotting 20 years in cryosleep just to get to the nearest system.

We're literally never going to do interstellar travel unless we find ftl means of traveling.

if they can make the large hadron collider they can power some spaceship to go fast.

alternately, they could create a worm hole and cheat over large distances (which is how aliens probably do it.)

>if they can make the large hadron collider they can power some spaceship to go fast.

E = mc2

Google this.

There is next to no chance there will be anything interesting in the Alpha Centauri system.

We have to hope for something to come along that fundamentally changes our understanding of physics and makes faster than light travel possible.

In my opinion we should be throwing everything into FTL research rather than even worrying about Mars or the rest of our solar system. Mars is a dust ball that would take 1000 years to terraform into anything useful.

The intense intellectual discussion going on here is making me feel self conscious.

You forgot
>instead we spend hundreds of millions of dollars creating circuses for the plebs

is this movie about mcdonalds or space travel ?

Good I'm not the only one who thought that statement was retarded. Making s hadron collider does not involve any of the same mechanics with space travel

And then what goofball? Colonizing the Moon or Mars is basically training wheels to figure out how to establish permanent settlements on other worlds. Not to mention you need a transition to a space based economy to support any kind of interstellar trade.

There's talk of making a small craft that we'd send through space by firing an extremely powerful laser at it.

In theory if we could get it to travel 20% the speed of light, it would reach Alpha Centauri in roughly 20 years.

we aren't even at 1% of light speed

we won't be in our lifetimes, our children's lifetimes, or their children's lifetimes

fuck off

>Colonizing the Moon or Mars is basically training wheels to figure out how to establish permanent settlements on other worlds

Wrong. With FTL we may find Earth-like worlds that could speed up the colonization process by a millennium. There is also the notion of encountering alien civilizations and learning from them to jump ahead even farther.

area 51 discovered anti matter from alien ships, so we can do it by reverse engineering the alien technology

I read somewhere due to time dilation, then by the time the ship reaches it in 20 years, it would be a few hundred years on the ship (watch interstellar to know what I'm talking about) and they would arrive at a solar system already inhabited by humans because we invented light speed travel in those years and beat them to it.

This is the 34th dumbest thread I've seen on Sup Forums

I agree, but it's pretty funny, so I don't mind the discussion.

Its the other way around, less time would pass on the ship

watching this now. is this literally just a documentary about McDonalds? this isn't like Social network at all.

>area 51

as someone living in vegas, i can confirm that a majority of alien 'stories' are just experimental test craft run by the AF out here. if there are aliens down there, they would be running experiments in Alaska instead of a stones throw away from vegas. greys only exist to cause willing, self induced mass extension to give us all their cool tech in a convenient library that does not detract from the fact that over the past 6 months, there has been such a spike in military craft doing flybys of vegas that it should be genuinely concerning

Yeah, no.

Name 33 less dumber threads

Oh no he's retarded.

Fucking popular science.






I read somewhere due to time dilation, then by the time the ship reaches it in 20 years, it would be a few hundred years on the ship (watch interstellar to know what I'm talking about) and they would arrive at a solar system already inhabited by humans because we invented light speed travel in those years and beat them to it.
None of this makes sense. Please do some research and not rely movies. Time slows the faster you go. The ship will experience time passing slower relative to earth. Also time dilation at 20% light speed is not as significant.

>a billion billion planets in universe

>chance for life is 1 in a billion

>1 billion inhabited planets


>area 51
>(watch interstellar to know what I'm talking about)
>people are falling for this bait

>>We might be able to visit other solar systems in our lifetime.

>>We might be able to visit other solar systems in our lifetime.
What makes you think payload light speed travel will be possible for old people in your lifetime?

It's been confirmed for a while now that Area 51 was created to test the U-2

>they could create a worm hole and cheat over large distances
The what is the point of saying its 4 lights years away, when you could theoretically fold through millions of light years at the same cost?

Why does a mediocre band need a test site?

>E = mc2

Which also predicts wormholes, just sayin.


There is life on other planets
There are intelligent, self aware aliens
They have never come to earth
They will never come to earth
We may one day find some indirect evidence of them, perhaps even receive a signal, or even have a rudimentary two way conversation. This won't lead to a meaningful or lasting cultural exchange between our societies
They will not resemble humans in any way.
It is quite likely we will never discover much more than indirect evidence. We are likely to be too separated by distance and time from them. Most societies probably do not last much past the time that they develop the capacity to destroy themselves. If they never develop that capacity, they will also never develop the capacity to defend themselves from asteroid and comet strikes, so they will still tend to become extinct in the relative astronomical short term.
I would say, and many would agree, that human society is unlikely to last another 500 years, at least one with an advanced technological level.
There is no such thing as FTL "research" any more than there is magic research. FTL is a concept that is contrary to our current understanding of physics. There's no serious theoretical framework for it.
Maybe one day, general physics research will change our understanding enough that FTL might be realized, but it would be a major change to our understanding of the universe, and it's about as likely to happen as scientists discovering psychic powers. I.E. it can make a fun and interesting story, but it's not going to happen unless we are really living in the matrix or something like that.

>chance for life is 1 in a billion

Didn't it take 10 billion years for life to form on earth and isn't earth less than 1 billionth the mass of the solar system?

I want to live forever.

I want to travel the stars.

Time and energy required to accelerate to speed of light according to current theories - infinite

imagine the cheat codes they could give us, if we came across aliens 10,000 years ahead.

No you don't, they're actually boring as shit. It's why all us aliens are shitposting and harassing you dumbass humans.

How much has human contact benefitted the cow or the chicken.

Lol u sound like a fkin 14 year old retard.

Aliens are here already. They actually look very humanoid. The default design of life in our galaxy is bipedal humanoid. Get a clue u fat nerd lmao

Your opinion is fucking stupid.

I have serious doubts that something like that could have proper communications and sensors onboard, maybe in a decade though

We have a ton of ridiculously awesome stuff in our solar system that we haven't even touched. Could easily be life underwater on europa due to heat generated by massive tidal forces. Warm water likely exists on the poles of mercury. Just want to see that and and titan explored within my lifetime.

What part of Vegas do you live in?

I like boring stuff.

>Implying we wouldn't die soon from the common cold because of stuffing antibiotics in everything

>>Four years of travel takes us to Alpha centauri and discover new planets and moons and alien civilizations.
Thats traveling at the speed of light
You could push a generation ship up to 10-12 PERCENT of the speed of light
Using Nuclear Pulse Propulsion or Laser Propulsion (saves on reaction mass)
And be there in several DECADES
But these are technologies and levels of engineering far beyond our current capabilities

>giving a general location to someone on a roman fountain graffiti wall

nigga you must be out of you god damn mind

Any alien planet that is habitable would be toxic to us, we would have to walk around on it in extreme biohazard containment suits
If it is habitable, has water and oxygen and etc, it will have microbe life
And we will have zero immunity to it
It will be toxic to us
We would need to sterilize the planet

>it will have microbe life
>And we will have zero immunity to it
Then it will also have zero ways to interact with DNA if its made of something else entirely.

>believe humans will ever truly leave the earth
This timeline is not designed for it.

you round headed twat, you're mental, you're properly mental

I live in North Town, I was just asking what area you are from, is all.

time slows down when you approach c (speed of light) tard

CRISPR took care of that

Space travel would evolve faster if we closed the NASA and let the free market doing it. NASA is literally socialism.

>Then it will also have zero ways to interact with DNA if its made of something else entirely.
why would you think it is "made of something else entirely"?

this is true btw but manchildren that still believe in fairy tales about spacehips and shit are too scared to admit it

It's been confirmed that Area 51 contains the studio where the moon landing has been filmed and the ISS studio.

>a planet that is habitable wouldn't be habitable
This is what you're saying

I was working under the assumption that are zero ways for the immune system to interact with it which means its not based on the DNA of earth life.

more like faggot
just like you in your moms basement
this guy has been to other galaxies apparently, you guys
hes also a pea brained trumptard

i like how you also gave no proofs or sources to your autistic shittery

crispr does literally fuck all and doesn't actually guarantee any successes

>All they can offer are capeshit movies/comics/videogames/literature and thematic music.
Worth it?

>le aliens
grow up


... it would need to be based in an entirely different table of elements than anything on earth life for that to be the case.

It takes 30 seconds for a happy meal senpai.

>talking about and pondering the existence of life outside of our realm is childish

tearing peoples ideas down because it makes you feel scared is pretty immature daysue

this fag has the fluoride fucking his brain up

>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>soros bow to the bogs
>rockefellers bow to the bogs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Controls the British crown
>keeps the metric system down
>keeps Atlantis off the maps
>keeps the martians under wraps
>holds back the electric car
>keeps Steve Gutenberg a star
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies.
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>These are the Bogdanoff twins
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanovs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

>People itt don't know about inter-dimensional travelling

True but it will only be Chads who get to discover it, or billionaires. The rest of us can do some math formulas forit at best, or at worse look at photos while stuck in the liberal censorship hell

Water filters can do that?

>He doesn't know about the break out civilization

No it wouldn't, the elements could be the same, the molecules would be rearranged.

Maybe exclusively RNA or more advanced in its own right somehow without needing the DNA, XNA variants are a reality, or replace carbon with silicone, maybe something based on an alkaline rather than an acid, or arsenic instead of phosphorus, and I am sure many other possibilities I failed to mention.

>Thats traveling at the speed of light
>You could push a generation ship up to 10-12 PERCENT of the speed of light
>Using Nuclear Pulse Propulsion or Laser Propulsion (saves on reaction mass)
>And be there in several DECADES
>But these are technologies and levels of engineering far beyond our current capabilities

Ever seen ascension? If people were in a generation ship they'd be fighting one another all the time, if it was a real ship it would blow up just like that.

People are dumb and violent, too much to keep them together on a ship for generations.

Space is gay. I like big macs

>>And we will have zero immunity to it
And it will have zero effect on us. It wouldn't have evolved to affect us. Just like there are lots of diseases on earth that affect only specific species. Only this time, we wouldn't even be from the same world.

did you like the founder user?

negro, functional groups are functional groups. Take a goddamn chemistry course.

That's what they taught you?

It is what it is?

And then they expect you to use that newfound smug superpower to try and recruit more idiots to pay them?