Just like the Iraq war and Libya, History remembers the truth
Global U.S. Military Presence
usa has the biggest fucking cock of all the world and theres literally nothing tiny dicked euros and pussy canadians can do about it but whine LOL
And you know this how?
based czech
actually usa have one of the tiniest dicks in the world.. 5.3 inches on average
then why cant you stop the BAC from penetrating your asshole all day? serious question
>says an asian
I'd say he's an expert on the matter.
As national cultures are decayed into the mess that they soon will, there will be no U.S. anymore, nor any country.
What, is there one single thing I can say that will "prove" anything? Nobody can do that. But I think we can just take a look at what's happening now and see that the ultimate goal is control by any means necessary.
Most telling in my opinion is that modern society is becoming very sick, and this isn't by accident. Terrible food and propaganda through the news and entertainment program us. The whole idea is to degrade us from our rightful form of a sovereign, rational thinking being into a domesticated slave. People are being given a fake account of the world they live in through the media, being told they have a choice when the political system is clearly manipulated. The government is controlling a bigger and bigger part of the economy and imposes more and more on our day to day life, and we've long since become dependent on it. The police are being militarized, new technology is being developed (drones etc). I dunno man maybe this is all just a coincidence
>map of camel fucking paradise, irrelevant desert
>EU & US to form global government
>"dark time ahead"
>OP canadian
what. Are you a raghead?