Look at the difference in hair. That's fucking crazy.
Look at the difference in hair. That's fucking crazy
The ravages of time cannot be escaped
Is that kid to the right wearing a marvel shirt?
why didnt cyborg look like that in the recent promo pic?
I think the idea is he changes throughout the movie.
Should've hired that dude from Smallville to be frank with you.
Cavill looks angry all the time. He hasn't got that peaceful look on him unlike the dude from Smallville.
the dude from Smallville looks like a gigantic faggot. Cavill is high test. The receding hairline makes him look wiser and grizzled.
I have the same hairline like him since childhood. Some people have high hairlines.
Some people have high hairlines but his has noticeable receded.
It could stall, as not that many people make it to full horseshoe. Some people stay at NW3 and recede very slowly.
Either was the dude is insanely handsome and jacked and he could be full costanza and it wouldn't really matter. I don't mind receded hairline Supes, gives him more of a classic look
>Cavill looks angry all the time. He hasn't got that peaceful look on him unlike the dude from Smallville.
This supes is an edgelord so it fits.
Balding Superman
guys, it's 2017, the world is ready for a bald superman
>implying Hollywood wouldn't just pay to clone his hair like they did with Matthew Mconaway
Cavill will never go bald even if his genes want him to.
It'd be kind of weird if he just suddenly had the MoS hairline though. If he just kept it where it was in Man from UNCLE, I think he'd be in good shape.
What's up with Supermexican's shoes?
>implying this isn't the best he's ever looked
>Mexican Superman
dat ass
Why does he wear the ass?
you realise he slicked his hair down in BvS and not in MoS? He looked normal as Clark
Also grown men fretting about other people's hair is pretty fucking weird, must be an American thing.
Look at this dood.
>Cavill looks angry all the time
The fuck? Cavill is all smiles outside of Superman
>t. Baldlet
/fa/ as fuck
Never watched Smallville or looked into it, but how come they weren't able to get Lex from that show if everyone said he was god tier?
What's so bad about that supes as well?
Need a rundown on these things.
I get strong homo vibes from him.
>that bulge
It would be:
The vibes are coming from inside the room!
No one wants TV actors in their big time movies, and Jesse's casting as Luthor was somewhat of a fluke, he read for Jimmy Olsen but Snyder said he saw something in his performance that he instead gave him the Lex Luthor role.
>this supes is an edge lord
He's an inJUST supes
injustice/justice lords movie when?
It's not photoshopped.
btw I have the same hairline and am in my early 20's
Damn... so he balded fast :(
Is that his boyfriend?
REALLY makes you think... sad
>balding means you have lots of testosterone
Why is this meme still alive in 2017?
I am balding myself and I find this kind of pathetic to believe
Except Henry isn't balding.
pretty sure his hair is just shorter
wtf I'm installing Grindr now
>Cavill is high test. The receding hairline makes him look wiser and grizzled.
this is coming from the same board who routinely makes fun of short people
I will never understand why people with money allow themselves to go bald.
>wanting a tiny brit for superman
for shame dcucks.
If you've got the skull for it it's not that big an issue, dude's like Bruce Willis, Corey stoll and Jason Statham look damn good bald
You could fit 3 Tom wellings in Cavill, in fact that's a recurring dream I have no homo
he's at least 40 pounds heavier and three inches taller than cavil, so how do you figure?
Except Sup Forums appreciate manlets over lankets.
Every board, and on loads of other sites and in real life people make fun of short people.
I'll never understand how anyone thinks they're allowed to call themselves men while gossiping about hair. Extra hilarious that all this celebrity gossip shit comes from alt right shills who call people "nu-males" and "cucks." Possibly the single most comically obvious case of mass psychological projection in the history of the internet. Literally a bunch of vapid impotent failures who think and talk about the personal lives of celebrities calling others unmanly. The irony of that could replace the definition of irony.
wohh ho hoo no no no......... HAAAAAAAAAAAAA.. LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD
Sociopaths do. Functional people don't find it entertaining to mock people for circumstances they can't change. You almost certainty have an untreated personality disorder if you do shit like that.
I think you are the one with some undiagnosed shit, fucking autist
>mentally ill lunatic gets exposed and lashes out
Smallville aka Trannyville