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id let him baywatch my anoos any day of the week what a hunk!!!!!
i wonder what beach hes cuising
Who do you think Daddario deepthroated more, him or Dwayne?
They filmed this with a greenscreen rather than on the beach because they didn't want any on set photos leaking. For months we were teased with set photos like this
I see they fixed his face digitally. He looked like dehydrated shit in the promo images.
i wonder if having small testicles from taking roids like that affects your horniness. i feel like most of the horniness i experience comes from within my testes
These days steroids are the least of your problems. A lot of "supplements" are performance enhancing drugs, human growth hormones and steroids. This is why people grow muscle in unnatural amount of time. This is why they're also damage in the head and nervous system.
He definitely looked roided in the set photos.
He doesn't look roidhuge, just dehydrated.
>being this new
google natural body builders and you'll see how big its possible to get without roids. it's about half his size.
>be natty
>be bigger than him
>dont even into bodybuilding
He's not big at all, he's just lean and dehydrated.
First off, you're "bigger" than him in the sense that he's a manlet, not proportionally bigger.
Even with manlet gains taken into account, it's not possible to achieve this in such little time.
Literally everyone on Hollywood roids. Every single actor you see with a god tier body has access to the best personal trainers, dietitians and you've guessed it, roids.
Why are you so hard on his dick? You have some sort of inferiority complex or something? The dude's roiding, what's the big deal?
But I am proportionally bigger, as a fellow manlet.
I have no doubt that he uses them because >hollywood lazyness, but he's really not that big.
His physique is easily attained natty.
penises did not evolve for that reason
Fuck off and buy Joanne on itunes
Nonsense, post pics or I'm shitting on you.
Been to the gym for 6 years and the only dudes who make that kind of speedy process is on roids. Some nerd posted pics of him where you can actually see his stretch marks on his shoulders and back indicating an abnormally fast growth.
Why are you having such a time accepting that he's on the juice? Look at his traps and shoulders, nigga ain't natty.
>What is that!
Joanne is bad and you should feel good.
I have 2 rockets across my chest and shoulders from stretchmarks, and my back is covered in them.
They are no indicator of roid usage.
I never said he's not on the juice, I'm saying anybody could look like that in a reasonable time span if they gave a shit.
>Stretch marks aren't indicators of roid usage
Wanna know how I know you don't lift?
>Outing yourself as a DYEL lurker
He does nothing for me desu.
You're just trying to get me to post pics, aren't you? You little faggot.
I know several other people who are covered in stretchmarks from natural training.
You should just accept the fact that you have low test and get something done about it.
Maybe you'll actually achieve something then.
If nature wanted us to mate with women, why did he make our arms long enough to pleasure ourselves?
He looks like a serial killer. Reboot American Psycho.
Did you misgender nature?
Tiny benis
Would watch. Christian Bales exercise routine is the only reason I rewatch that movie.
Don't all packages look small in speedos? All bunched up and flaccid.
You're going to die of AIDS like every other hellbound homo. Please correct yourself.
AIDS prevention is more effective than ever, my friend. You should discover the joy if the prostate.
Not rewatching it just to see him point at the hi-fi
Forgot this. I want to drink his bathwater.
Not really?
I mean, you already admitted you don't lift, that's all I wanted to confirm with the pics.
>Low test
Lmao. Manlet gains don't count, first hand. Second, he's clearly roiding.
Get off his dick, maybe YOU will achieve something one day that isn't dickriding Effron online and defending your husbandu.
>implying you can only do that if homo
Stop drinking estrogen. It's rotting your brain.
Thoughts on his body of work
Hollywood types are roided to hell. Not even a strict diet in high protein will yield results like that in a 18 months. Its not a simple calories in or out situation as well. To naturally build up to his body it can take you two to two and half years. With a proper diet or semi proper diet.
cycling trenbolone makes your skin appear thinner and makes it tighter, giving the dehydrated look.
Wasn't a High School Musical fan, despite a surprising amount of guy friends who were.
When eh began to break out I thought maybe he's got some talent after all.
But he's proceeded to be in nothing but torrid chick flicks and dumb comedies where he takes his shirt off. Not that I'm complaining about that part.
Kudos to straight people exploring the wonderful world of assplay
This trailer looks so fucking bad.
Something is leaking in my pants right now.
it's because of your loose sphincter caused by too much mandigo cock
I'm just waiting for it to leak and someone to gif all the good Efron parts. I don't want to support Hollywoods latest attempt to make money off a name.
>the chart says kids like 21 Jump Street
>let's do something like that again
>What if we rebooted...*spins wheel of forgotten shows* Baywatch
>With *picks names out of a hat* Zac Efron and the Rock
b-but I thought I was straight. Why is this making me sweat so much
Just let it happen.
Dwayne is 100% gay.
Zac is a musical star.
I'd say neither.
Stop being a jealous incel.
i want his body of work to come sit on my face!
I bet mammario would suck the cum out of his cock like a high powered vacuum. His prostate's been as dry as the desert for the whole duration of filming for this movie.
>The Rock
There is nothing more disgusting than buff manlets.
yes there is, disgusting obese neckbeards, like you :^)
but I'm a grill :3
Rude desu
cool story bro.
I'll say
me first
>Implying a 11/10 woman like Daddario wasn't on Dwayne's dick
She wouldn't pork a manlet like Zack. Doubt she's porking a manlet again.
Good, more manlets for me then
this trailer sucks so much, it screams the movie will be shit
more like gaywatch lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
There's a joke about our shrinking civil liberties somewhere in there
>cgi background
for what purpose
now zack, if you do more if this i will stop calling you a hack.
I can't believe they filmed that in front of a green screen. Either the Rock or this faggot were probably being faggots and didn't want to get their feet sandy.
the real outdoors is too unphotogenic. you can see this if you watch the lord of the rings.
Not him, but I'm even on the small side and I got stretch marks on my shoulders just from doing shit like handstand pushups (full ROM).
>using mr. Broscience as a source.
>calling somebodies physique mediocre is dickriding now
You seem to be projecting, mister homofag.