/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Cinematic cancer edition.

QOTT: What are the most cinematic tv shows or episodes?

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Fanny and Alexander is the most cinematic TV show.


Depends, you could say

>Halt and Catch Fire
>True detective
>Black Sails
>Mad Men


each in their own way.

Luck was shit btw

>Luck was shit btw
I didn't like the show overall, but Mann's directing work on the pilot episode is as great as his recent films.

Perhaps that was hyperbole, but I really didn't think it was up to scratch. I should add I loved Miami Vice. Black Hat was visually impressive, but honestly one of the biggest misfires.

There was a thread after that one though...


This one? Four posts, what a thread!

>Previous thread fag confirmed for lying hack

What do you mean by cinematic? Generation Kill isn't "cinematic" in my opinion but is one of the best things I've ever seen.

Yup and I think another one which was deleted by mods

Can't trust anyone these days

Now why would they do that? archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/79142085/

Also found this one:

>This thread will probably get deleted won't it

>I knew that last thread would be deleted.

>mfw machill was right

Because two dumb discordniggers kept shitposting about Synt/boyfriends. It was a sad thread.

Machill is such a faggot

t. Synt boyfriend

Machill is so cool!

Which one should I watch now

>most cinematic tv shows
Gotham = KINO

Syndromes and a Century

Don't watch Celine and Julie Go Boating.

Is it bad?

I didn't like it. Maybe I need to see it again. Why were the 70s so ugly?

ive heard some good things about it but yeah you're right, the trailer doesn't make me wanna watch it that much

They weren't 'so ugly'. And stop giving dumb advice

lol if you say so buddy

70s were the height of cinema, you embryo.

Dumb lolbuddy poster

60s > 50s > 70s > 90s > 40s > 00s > 20s > 30s > 80s

All decades are valuable, important and full or riches, regardless of possible rankings


This is closer.


>ask for television shows
>Sup Forums and Sup Forums come out of the woodwork

I have a dvd of mirror, its been really hard to drag myself to watching it, seems heavy

That and I watched 31 films + shorts in 31 days last month and it burnt me out a bit.


Mirror is pretty shit, you can skip it.

Neck yourself, memeposter

Will Cinemos ever launch


>tfw falling for the la la land is shit memes

I'm sorry you got tricked. You should know better than listen to this place

Sopranos. Episodes S1E12 Isabella, S2E10 Bust Out, S2E13 Funhouse, S3E05 Another Toothpick, S3E11 Pine Barrens, S4E09 Whoever Did This, S4E13 Whitecaps, S5E03 Where's Johnny, S5E05 Irregular Around the Margins, S5E11 The Test Dream, S5E13 All Due Respect, S6E02 Join the Club, S6E09 The Ride, S6E13 Soprano Home Movies, S6E18 Kennedy and Heidi

lol I highly doubt this buddy

Of course you'd doubt because you're a stupid fucking memer.

It's a dumb HBO show. I couldn't make it past the first few episodes, I was so bored.

Yes, exactly, you're a stupid fucking memer, we all get it

>when a fan-made poster actually looks pretty cool

Post it then

Have a cat.

Les revenants

Haven't seen the second season but the first is goat and nicely filmed.

It's just a still from the film...

>it's just dabs of paint on plaster

Does /lbg/ like Zack Snyder?

>the slow descent of evolution_rex

I thought Watchmen was decent but the rest of his filmography I don't care for.

I didn't like Watchmen nor MoS but I really enjoyed the director's cut of BvS. I kind of hope that he makes a Batman film, only because I want more of his BvS style.

Don't know the comics his films are based on though.

Watch the remaster.

The Outer Limits S01E07 - O.B.I.T. (dir. Gerd Oswald)


Lads I just creamed from the AR sounds

>Mann shooting on film



Any comparisons available between the 4k remaster and the original blu ray?

Luck was GOAT

Sick so currently just laying down and watching movies





miranna.... ;_;

gb l on suckide wach
nonhappen just lg neet wo kill self llol

>if you don't have the same embryo shit taste as me you're a memer!!1!1!1
Pathetic, to say the least.


Yes, you are

>I try to make my films as slow as yours

Get this shit out of here.


I hope you get well soon friend

I hope you die very soon friend

I really enjoyed the europa trilogy

>borderline personality disordered

He was in clear state of mind, much like Breivik. The cop out of the left calling these people mentally headfucked is rather sad

True detective

False criminal

television is anti-art

True, most tv shows are shot unimaginatively but there are auteurs who have worked extensively in tv, like Joseph H. Lewis, Gerd Oswald and Paul Wendkos, to name a few. Sometimes they overcome the bland tv style and make something great and distinctive, sometimes not. The fun of being an auteurist!

Is anyone planning on seeing this?

probably not it looks dumb and also boring

Synt shitposting is made by 2016kid , 2015kid


The person who posts "discordnigger" is an ex-irc/discord poster that joined this general in 2015. Synt shitposting comes from this guy, who acts like he's an oldfag but only got here last spring.

t. paranoid jackieray

t. exposed virgin

You seem very knowledgeable and wise, user.

How does that post has anything to with synt when it was in response to a post about LLL?

t. paranoid retard

he's a paranoid discordfag

Only that the post is made by the guy who shits the threads up with "t. Synt boyfriend, X and Y". It's not like he'll have anything substantial to say about LLL. He hasn't discussed film since he joined this general despite whining about shitposters.

No need for paranoia when you have the right clients.

You still didn't explain how you make the relation between syntposter = LLL (reply)poster

Yes, I did. You can tell the posters with "the right clients". Even if you don't have that you can follow syntax easily.

i found the fan cut much better than the official

>when a Synt boyfriend forgets to take the meds