Not a single good movie in a month

>not a single good movie in a month

Do they expect me to make my own popcorn like a caveman?

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Yeah this is a brutal stretch. Might go see Split just because there's absolutely nothing else out.

Split was great though

>I am not your negro


>Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities

No thanks shamalamadingdong

Sup Rëddit. Maybe you should go back to r/movies.

>caring about modern releases
>caring about RT
>being a phone poster

time to kys

Man, it's great to see all the 95%+ films that have been released in the past few years, obviously this means these movies are all perfect

>rotten tomatoes
I guess Ghostbusters 2016 were really good for you ;Δ]

Well I see something with 97 percent

I would hope I Am Not Your Negro address racial issues in an intelligent way. I hope it's not more BLM propaganda that blames all black problems on whites.

But knowing Rotten Tomatoes, it's probably the latter.

Your loss. Best movie in six months.

It's called "I Am Not Your Negro"

The very title is race bait.

Dumb tomatoposter

Watch more film

Everyone knows Rings and a Dog's purpose are the greatest films of the decade, but those dirty dang jews want us to think it stinks

>I Am Not Your Negro 97%

You gentlemen seem to be new round these parts, Sup Forums posts RT often.

dude drumpf is prsident, donald "fascist" drumph

It's the January/February dry spell, kid.

I'm hoping that's a reference to how certain blacks like to refer to each other as negro or nigger and how other blacks hate when their peers do that.

I acknowledge that I'm probably giving the filmmaker too much credit.

>I Am Not Your Negro
lol every time.

The Comedian looks like it could be one of the worst movies ever created, it has all the elements

What critic in their right mind would risk a dogpile to post a negative review for something like that? Armand White is the only one who can get away with it because he actually IS a gay black man.

looks pretty good to me

>address racial issues in an intelligent way

one cannot responsibly do this without bringing up historical pushes for white supremacy

Thry're good films because rptten tomatoes told you so?

jesus christ, literal propaganda.

That's not what that word means you useful idiot sheep piece of garbage

You are a moron, also if I were from Sup Forums I'd be supporting things that increase racial tension between blacks and whites.

Literal or propaganda? Because they're actually both correct in this context. The film is clearly misrepresenting baldwin's ideas to support a BLM narrative.

> The film is clearly misrepresenting baldwin's ideas to support a BLM narrative.

This sentence is propaganda, not the movie. The movie you haven't even seen. Cringeworthy alt right shill.

>Very frequently propaganda is described as a manipulation for the purpose of changing idea or opinions of making individuals 'believe' some idea or fact, and finally of making them adhere to some doctrine—all matters of the mind. It tries to convince, to bring about a decision, to create a firm adherence to some truth. This is a completely wrong line of thinking: to view propaganda as still being what it was in 1850 is to cling to an obsolete concept of man and of the means to influence him; it is to condemn oneself to understand nothing about propaganda. The aim of modern propaganda is no longer to modify ideas, but to provoke action. It is no longer to change adherence to a doctrine, but to make the individual cling irrationally to a process of action. It is no longer to transform an opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief

>I am not your Gentile

>The jews have oppressed whites for centuries
>*photos of soviet terror*
>Hitler speech "I dindu nuffin I just wanted to help my people, peace and love"
>And it still continues today
>"Two dollars for a bagel? You filthy holocaust denying goy, you'll die in jail!"
>photos of dead palestinian children

Yeah that wouldnt fly huh

>implying a true kike would ever accept a bagel from a goy

t. hebrew prince

jan and feb are known to be the months you stuff the worst movies in, you underage

nobody goes to the movies during the beginning of the year

summer time and the holiday season is when the good shit happens

how do you not know this? oh yea youre 12

Probably has something to do with you being a deranged pathological liar whose beliefs fly in the face of all of factual history trying to push a violent agenda against Jews. You're a psychopathic lunatic.

That's the impression the trailer gives. It's possible that it's actually a period focused documentary that's talking about a unique moment in time without trying to relate it to the present, but as someone who has seen more than one documentary in my lifetime I find that unlikely.

Also it sounds like you have some personal issues you need to work through, so I hope that goes well.

nazis are the biggest dindus in history


>not a single good movie

are you new to cinema user?

looks pretty comfy

All of you kike rat scum should violently be tortured to death

anything good released this year? i love adding shit to my backlog

>Darn! There are no good films out as I base my knowledge of film quality on rotten tomatoes. I guess I'll just wait for the latest disney film then! they usually get great scores!

six months is 0/10 bait sempai, nobody believes you could enjoy it more than Doctor Strange, Rogue One, Fabulous Beasts, any late release Oscar nominated film, I mean bitch please.

You baited me though heh.

Its only summer in the Northen hemisphere.
Feels bad.

good movies don't come out right around now