There's a black guy playing a japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell live action movie

>there's a black guy playing a japanese character in the Ghost in the Shell live action movie

How do you feel about this?

as long as their not whitec

Stay on your garbage cartoon containment board.

THe guy in GiTS looked black. At least in the show.

Nobody like white bois so it's ok

most of the section 9 crew isnt japanese and neither was that guy if i remember right

also the jews aint gonna invest millions into a franchise if it doesnt star one of their own and they cant push their diversity shit

This is an American movie. So the car changes make sense. Did anyone really expect a full Japanese cast? They were only full Japanese because it was made in Japan anyway

he looks so BLACK, like straight out of nigeria

i can't fap to animated characters so i don't care what the voice actors look like.

But is scarlett johanssen not playing a japanese character too? Wtf?

from this picture alone looks fine

Apart from skintone he looks closer to his counterpart than Batou and Togusa do, why the fuck is togusa played by a 60 year old man?

If he looks like a black guy it might be because he's a black guy.


if you wanna see a real black guy go and meet my wifes lover. this guy is white in comparison

What's the big fucking deal?

>its yet another Sup Forums gets triggered thread

Back to your safe space, cuck

I got it.
All the non-asian organics with Japanese names are children of refugees that migrated to Japan after one of the world wars because they managed to not get too nagasaki'd this time and they have the super radiation scrubber technology.

Curious to know this gentleman's name tbqh

Sup Forums is multicultural and next to black countries asians treat blacks the worst and dislike them openly

Can someone please respond to this

Why outrage over a side characters casting? The movie is USA made, whats the point???

Eternally triggered autists

>Can someone please respond to this

Why? You're a barely functioning retard, why bother.

oh. y'all talking about a live-action film. the immense shame and stain on my honor requires i go forth and slit my throat. bye, y'all.

It's based on a Japanese children's cartoon that autistic people enjoy so you're not wrong.

No answer

The sky is blue. What's your point?

Is he playing an asian though? Is the character in the movie asian?

Hollywood is still racebending and denying a Japanese actor the change to play a Japanese character. Why the fuck do Asians get the short end of the stick? Making them black doesn't make it right.

This is why we shouldn't change a character's race.

Not enough black guys in the story for you? Adapt another fucking story.

Heaven forbid we don't have the fifteenth James Bond reboot or yet another damn Starsky and Hutch or Brady Bunch.

Something like Hamilton or an all black MacBeth in Haiti is at least making it the point of the production.

Just racebending characters at random is fucking dumb.

Find something else to adapt, with characters that actually match the race you want. It's less artificial and the character is more authentically that race and speaks more naturally about being that race.

this. there's no film-value for making a non-black character black. they only do it to avoid accusations of so-white-reyseeest or for attention-hey-look-imma-innovative-i-made-white-character-black.

no he didn't

>with characters that actually match the race you want

you're talking as if there was a single gits character that looked asian

what a surprise

goddamn jigaboo

The only people who've looked Asian in GITS were the evil CIA agents in Standalone Complex

Don't care. Probably won't even have a major role.

There are way bigger things to worry about.

GITS is just as homogeneous as real Japan when it comes to race. The entire second season is about this.

Doesnt look japanese to me in the original. Seems to me like an alright casting. All actors in this seem to be like a great choice desu.


Isnt that the scene from Solid State Society where Togusa almost commits suicide but the major saves him in the last second ?
Christ that scene was intense