Whats your opinion on this?
Memes aside, I think is a great movie, but the pacing is awful, it needed 30 more mins because I feel it went from zero to hero too fast.
Whats your opinion on this?
Memes aside, I think is a great movie, but the pacing is awful, it needed 30 more mins because I feel it went from zero to hero too fast.
I felt similar. end came too quick and was a mess. Also the beginning kind of spoiled the movie
Politically overcharged story with meme tier direction.
i liked it. it was a nice departure from the genre, besides the interwoven stories had the right pacing. the most important came first.
I see your point, China and Russia both wanting to go guns blazing was a little...off.
it basically told you it was going to be a recursive theme in the movie.
No fucking way did you call that from the very beginning. Half way through, I'd believe, but not at the start.
trust me I did. very good at predicting tweests
My only real criticism is the whole bomb thing was kinda hamfisted
There's no hint to that at all in the beginning though. How?
The flashback scene
The one at the very start?
Well, that's impressive if true
I really enjoyed it. I guessed what was going on by the time they first showed the ink writing, but man oh man it was enthralling from start to finish.
My only complains are the really shitty cheesy lines near the end. Almost ruined it for me. Really took me out of the movie.
I guessed that the first scene was a flash forward at the first scene with the aliens.
The ink writing is what clued me in too.
>Sci-Fi movie based on the science of linguistics
Wow this is actually cool and unique-
>Halfway through the language stuff is thrown out for generic time travel bullshit
How did they understand the alien language so fast
That bugged me
Only a Sup Forums zombie could confuse love with politics
It really isn't. The movie wants you to think shes all sad because she lost her daughter but it isn't exactly subtle about the fact its dropping hints that she hasn't had a kid yet.
First time seeing a sci-fi movie?
It's been a while since I've seen it, could you remind me what hints you're talking about?
They made a program that brute forced it with the limited stuff they already knew was my guess
The thing that made me suspicious from the beginning was that she looked the same age throughout all of the scenes, as in she didn't look younger in the earlier scenes.
Then there's other bits like talk about her profession, the conversation with her mother, the doctors question about pregnancy and her reaction, more...
Terrible, boring, huge disappointment.
>he cant think in non-linear time
I'm talking about right at the start.
>time travel
so you never watched the movie?
there is no time travel and she wasn't the only one that could predict the future
case in point: the chinese general was also living in non linear time because he knew the only way to save the world was to tell Adams his phone number and dead wife's dying speech
the more you learn about the language the more you see in non linear time so when she learned enough she was able to see the book she wrote in the future which had all the translations
>memes aside
>complains about pacing
I don't know what is trolling and what is genuine retardation anymore
>the general
No, he knew that waaay after she became so popular as to attend glamorous parties, ergo, everyone knew her to view time non-linearly and the General says this with "I don't pretend to know how your mind works but I believe it is necessary for you to see this".
You don't understand how the language worked. Once you learn the language you can see into your OWN future. That's what the general meant. He knew that telling her that will save humanity but he didn't know why because he can't see what she's doing in the present. He can only see his own life
Did they really need the cgi hair?
*Flashforward scene
It was alright, 7/10 at best. It was one of those TOODEEP4U movies.
It should have been made into a series instead of a film.
felt more like a film about humanity rather than aliums
like the ayys were just there as a tool to tell the story of amy adams's character which really bugged me
Yeah. I gave it 4/5. The idea could have been executed better but it was shot well enough and was interesting throughout. It could of done being a bit longer so they could get more stuff in. They kind of hinted about having the "people are too easily influenced by the media" bit but then just set off a bomb and left it at that.
This to be completely fair.
The linguistic and communication problems seemed like an actually original concept for a cool story. A shame the movie was entirely about time tricks tho
It was a good premise that didn't need all the 2deep4u bullshit that it tried to go for.
Story and characters were utter shit and politics laughable. Most angry a movie got me in over a year. Shouldn't have gotten hyped.
From my perspective it was flashback
>Highly intelligent beings capable enough to travel through space and see through time
>The onus is on the humans to communicate
First major flaw. If you can see that you will need to talk to them I highly doubt they cant learn the language.
this plus some other lazy writing (i.e le angry military bomb men) drastically weakened the film)
>le angry military bomb men
literally lifted from contact pretty much
Yes but you didn't have the higher ground.
>yfw you realize all the shots the army gave is what her caused her kid to be diseased
Even if the whole point was for us to learn their language so we can see the future n shiet, they could have just held up a white board that says that, and then gave us a heptapod-to-english dictionary, since that's basically all Amy Adams was making anyway, and they understood english fine at the end.
Great trolling material. So many inconsistensies, loopholes and intricacies enough to beat useless 'discussions' on this board. Well done psychos.
three words
humanities major bait
8 more threads and we'll be able to complete the picture.
>the movie revolves around a nigger
If she learned the language from looking at the book she wrote in the future how did she learn the language in the first place?
scifikeks btfo
>how did she learn the language in the first place?
Different timeline, dumb frogposter
Not just the book, she accessed her whole future memory, that's why there is a montage of her teaching students the language. If you're asking how she got the knowledge in the first place, well, she studied. For years. 50 years of perfecting the language and you can access that information at any point in time since you first starting thinking in Heptapod. It's better explained in the short story.
why would she need to learn it at any point if she learned it from looking at her future?
Because she is a linguist and likes to learn new languages, and she is doing the same thing she saw in the future because literally wants to. As I said, better explained in the book. I'll give you an example. While reading a story to her daughter:
"First Goldilocks tried the papa bear's bowl of porridge, but it was full of Brussels sprouts, which she hated." You'll laugh. "No, that's wrong!" We'll be sitting side by side on the sofa, the skinny, overpriced hardcover spread open on our laps. I'll keep reading. "Then Goldilocks tried the mama bear's bowl of porridge, but it was full of spinach, which she also hated." You'll put your hand on the page of the book to stop me. "You have to read it the right way!" "I'm reading just what it says here." I'll say, all innocence. "No, you're not. That's not how the story goes." "Well if you already know how the story goes, why do you need me to read it to you?" "'Cause I wanna hear it!"
how can you learn a language you already know?
What really took me out of it is that they spent all that fucking time on making these aliums with a neat time is a flat circle kind of shit going and then they just drop that in favor of shitty drama, I want the fucking sequel with how they helping us helped them in 3000 years. This film took a nosedive as soon as Amy Adams got INKED by Abbot, actually it took a nosedive in the first 10 minutes with the shit flash forward.
4/10 will not recommend
what i liked
>everything but the
what i didnt like
>cheesy lines and cliche shitty sad violin music at the start and finish
You can perfect it, like, I know English but it's not my first language. I could keep studying to get better at it. I know the language but I'm not a scholar in the subject.
thats not really a good analogy to explain a time paradox
>calling anything by Max Richter "cliche" or "shitty"
yeah spot on observation user lmao
not an argument
Just like saying something is "shitty" isn't an argument too
not an argument
Read the short story, it actually addresses the paradox. It's a deterministic universe, once you see the future, you're bound to make it happen. It's science fiction though, I wouldn't try to apply it to the real world. It's logical within the story though. Regarding the paradox, it references Borges and the Book of Ages. (a book where all your life is written). Pretty good stuff.
There's like a million different posters for this movie yet they all look the same
i didn't come to Sup Forums to read if they don't explain it in the movie it's not part of the movie
You didn't come to Sup Forums to read..., right.
They explained it pretty clearly in the movie, but you didn't understand it so user redirects you to the other medium which could help you understand the same thing the movie was portraying.
she learns the language from the future and then learns it again because it's a deterministic universe and that's just how it is? i guess this is an explanation but it comes with the idea that the universe forces her to relearn a language she already knows
she learns the language because she chooses to relive her life exactly as she sees it in the future. is that really living then? she's just a replay of what she has already seen. she literally cannot have a thought that she didnt see in the future and this would make no sense
>and this would make no sense
how can she make a choice she has already seen herself do in the future?
The second one.
Here's an excerpt from an interview with Villeneuve to answer your question:
>"The idea is that the heptapods see life like a [scripted] play. They know what will happen, so they have the choice — either they do it bored to death, or they embrace it and try to be at their best, like an actor on a stage."
Same goes for Amy Adams character, she loves those moments with her daughter so much that she thinks the short life she is going to live is worth living for just because of that.
That's what the movie is about, embracing and appreciating every waking moment of your life.
So tired of the emerging "China saves the day" trope being forced into every movie made in the last 5 years. Buuuut this is what you get when you don't finance your own country's movies.
By...making it? She doesn't see herself shitposting on Sup Forums, she sees herself doing something that, based on her personality, would do. Hence, she "chooses" to do the same thing she saw herself do. It's not that difficult a concept to understand.
Why the fuck is everyone suddenly talking about this movie agai?
Saw it on Sat. I thought it was really good. Wish it had spent more time on the science of getting to know the ayylmaos and the ending wasn't resolved so fast.
Also, I thought even China and Russia wouldn't be so stupid to attack an alien ship that has incomprehensibly advanced technology. Africans sure, but major world powers would realize they could end up getting the Earth vaporized by accident or some shit.
Bluray released a couple of days ago.
>Feminism the movie, oh shit my kid died of cancer and im the worlds best linguist, ayy lmaos land, i figure out the language of cthuthlu ayy lmaos with the help of hawkeye from the avengers PLOTTWIST ayylmao language rewrites your brain in such a way as that you perceive time differently so memories of dead kid is really just premonitions of future kid with hawkeye, ayylmaos leave.
Truly enlightening experience. Now, I understand that China and Russia are war-mongers and that globalism is the true path forward,
Thanks for asking brother, user.
The countries escalation was added to the movie, same with the bomb, to add some "danger" to the whole situation. None of it appears in the book.
why does she see the exact universe she wants to and WILL live in? why doesn't she see the opposite and choose differently? i guess you could make the point that FOR NO REASON she sees a universe that she WANTS exactly as is.
she's the biggest pussy to ever live or the world is simply deterministic.
and when you think about a choice that you have though about with 100% the same thoughts in the future and you make the same choice. it doesn't strike to me as a choice but as a certainty. she sees the future therefore she chooses to live it, no other way is possible
I'm literally Sup Forums and I can tell you there was no feminism shoehorned in this movie. The fact that she's a woman shouldn't trigger you so much mate.
I'm guessing you have problems understanding Determinism. You should google it, but I'm getting tired of spoonfeeding you the whole thing. Eventually you have to either understand the film or admit you don't.
What's really going on is logic loopholes, as in all time bending movies. The future of Amy Adams as of before the phone call is dying in nuclear war. That's what she would see if she could see the future in that moment. She can't see the general's phone number there's going to be nuclear war and she's never going to meet the general. Amy Adams prevents the war by magically seeing an alternate future where the war didn't happen. Why did the war not happen in that alternate future? Because she magically saw that alternate future, before the war should have happened.
Anyone who takes the concept "non-linear" seriously is retarded. "Non-linear time" is like "non-tall skyscraper". Time is literally the observation that motion / change happens in a linear fashion. If world events weren't linear you couldn't even differentiate between past, present and future, there would just be random events happening in random order. There couldn't even be laws of physics, there could be no gravity. There could be no humans. The whole idea is fucking retarded so just stop.
Aside from the general's phone number there's another scene that should jump out at you upon reflection: The ayy lmaos let themselves get blown up knowingly. One of them dies, and it's for nothing. There was no reason this ayy would want to "sacrifice" himself or whatever. He just ignores that a bomb is about to explode and kill him, for no reason. On first viewing it doesn't irk you because you don't know they can see the future yet. But once you think about it, or if you ever watch it again it should really, really anger you. Wtf were the writers thinking? Wtf was the director thinking?
kidding me? no one here has brought up any valid points
>durr hurr read the book
>durr the movie clearly states this and that
>i totally understand the movie and will not accept any criticism to my understanding
The latter then. Alright, have a nice day.
This must be the most misinformed post in the thread, congratulations.
There were multiple daily Arrival threads since the release, then the screenerfags came, then web-dl and now threads because of the bluray
Screenerfags were the worst.
Not that guy and I didn't pay attention to your argument but you're defending the movie which means you're retarded.
Zero arguments as expected.
and determinism ISN'T the law of the universe in the movie if she has a CHOICE
the movie fucked it up and made it seem like people had choices. the book is much more explicit.
people are just acting out their parts, making the motions. the future is set in stone.
If she learned the language from looking at the book she wrote in the future how did she learn the language in the first place?
this is still a paradox