Daniel Radcliffe

Will his career achieve new heights?

the one manlet who learned

Being a manlet is nothing to being in one of the dullest franchises in history

6 foot 2 here. Why do you people care so much about celebrity heights?


t. manlet

manlets are so fucking disgusting

they're just jelly and they really can't find anything valid to criticize so they invent one like the celeb's height. if they're jelly of a tall celeb then they'll make fun of his eye color or something.

Short people have my sympathy and are scorned by women and get no pussy

5 foot 7 manlet detected
you are not fooling anyone

Yeah it's bad. Some roastie asked me how tall I am and when I told her my height she said" oh, I'm just asking, it's not like it matters". Eye rolls. I'm 6'3

i know several girls who crush on guys shorter than them. it's the handsome face they're after not the height.

i guess height used to be important to older-generation women based on the old phrase "tall, dark and handsome" but i don't think current generation women use that phrase as their basis of the ideal guy. what does the dark in that phrase mean, anyway?

But the books are gud

>manlet damage control

>all those dogs
>still a manlet

you tried

>unable to refute truth
>resort to jellybutthurt damage control

mysterious, reticent, "alpha"



kek. all these jelly guys itt screaming manlet at a celeb who was millions of girls wanting to marry him. admit it, y'all hate him because girls want him and girls ignore y'all irl.

Man its a shame that all these child actors are forced to take hormone blockers so that they can complete that second or third movie. Its fucking inhumane.

I mean for huge actors like Mr Harry Potter its okay because they have millions in the bank. But for others? A couple grand in the bank can only buy you so many shoe lifts.

you can see she is soaking wet
they boned that night

ohhhhhh. the dark part does not refer to skin color but to dark edgy (i guess current to current teengirls it would be angsty) personality.

i've also heard some women talk about how they'll look together when discussing if a guy and a girl are a good match and once i heard the height thing mentioned but not a specific height but a relative height as in girl has to be shorter than the guy. but they're older women who also consider skin color. i don't know if current generation women still consider relative height i haven't heard that from them all i've heard is he's hot he's handsome etc.

What do you do when you're not handsome, famours or tall?