Why did this hack take all the credit for McDonald's? He literally did nothing, just set up businesses with a name, idea and business scheme from smarter men than himself.
Why did this hack take all the credit for McDonald's? He literally did nothing, just set up businesses with a name...
Just like Steve Jobs
Who cares about anything that happened in this movie? It was one boring clinical scene to the next with some of the least interesting characters put to film. Who gives a fuck about his wife and how she feels neglected? Or how they revolutionized assembly line production of quick-service restaurants? Even the music was sleepwalking.
and Stan Lee
t. CEO of McDonald's discontent with the quality control of propaganda in this film
>Who gives a fuck about his wife and how she feels neglected
The point of the wife character was to show how he was preferring business over his relationship. He went from a loving husband to hiring a jew lawyer to make sure she doesn't get a penny in stock.
I'm already familar with the history of this, will I still enjoy the film?
and Zuckerberg
You succeed in life by fucking people over. No other alternative.
>Dr.Pavel, I'm Mcdonald.
>If I pull that off will you die?
>It would be extremely tasty
>You're a Big Mac
>For You
Dick and balls
If you took the time to read about the subject, yea probably
Stan Lee at least wrote a bunch of stories while on top of Jack Kirby's wife.
Building a business about brand awareness marketing it to the consumers that its the best thing ever since slice bread. The part where Ray was listening to a self help record explains why smart or genius people fail in life. They don't become like Ray.
Well the McDonald brothers lacked vision. We would never see those golden arches if it wasn't for him. I couldn't live without them spicy chicken sandwiches.
and it doesn't really explore WHY he made that shift.
>I couldn't live without them spicy chicken sandwiches.
Objectively garbage... But I've got a soft spot for them too.
movie puts capitalism in a good light. those idiots didn't have the will to make a global business like that. its kinda cool but evil.
Ray Croc is clearly the villain by the end
>set in 1955
>men and women existing in harmony
>black and white people existing in harmony
>christians and jews existing in harmony
anyone else notice this movie went out of its way to show everyone treating each other fairly regardless of their skin color, religion, or gender? You know, like what definitely happened in the 1950s....
Dude, it's a movie about fucking mcdonalds, why would you expect a realistic view of the 50s in there?
I don't remember a single black person
>anyone else notice this movie went out of its way to show everyone treating each other fairly regardless of their skin color, religion, or gender?
And the funny thing is this sorta stuff is considered extremely right-wing these days.
>I've got a soft spot for them chicken sammiches
yea its called your fat fatty fatness, you Tubbo McChubbo
>Americans have actually made a movie about burgers
I'm done guys. I just can't
We're ashamed
>supersize me
Kroc did nothing wrong
Without him, McDonalds would be replaced by another chain and long forgotten family restaurant
Both the McDonalds didn't have the drive or vision to push it beyond that, they even tried and failed before. Kroc busted his ass and got nothing out it and then took it.
Well cutting them out of the profits entirely was completely wrong
Kroc himself says he felt justified in cutting them out because they refused to give him their 1st location.
None of the books published about Kroc's life really expand on it either. Most of them simply state that the drive to attain wealth drove him to neglect his wife and daughter.
there were a few
i think its trying to illustrate that mcdonalds was always an all inclusive establishment
besides the movie doesnt take place in the south where the jim crow laws where enforced
think a little more before you start spouting your rhetoric because you just sound like an idiot
yeah, it mostly takes place in the post-racial utopia of the 1950s midwest.
"No Blacks No Jews" was official policy in good neighborhoods in the midwest until the 1970s
Really goes to show how stagnated society would be without people fucking each other over.
How different would fast food, social media, technology, etc be had these people made 'ethical' decisions.
Yeah where would we be with FatDonalds or Normiebook?
its not like they had a separate window for blacks
and they openly worked with jews, they bought into the franchise
stop projecting
>Dat horn / satan symbolism
That was different because it was a commentary on how fat you all are. This is an unironic celebration of a multinational, exploitative burger franchise. We truly have reached peak America
Just curious, has anyone ever attempted a shop of CIA from the back? Like watching Pavel pull up in the jeep?
>he doesnt see the irony of his post
Yeah, 60% of obese Americans definitely should thank Rey Croc.
>People should never think for themselves or have their own willpower. Instead companies should have to offer only healthy choices so brainless slobs can't get fat
Tumblr is down the hall and to the left kiddo.
SHHH! You speak of legend, no man dare attempt such a thing!
>You think the man got paid?
>Man who invented these.
>Shit, he richer than a muthafucka.
>Why? You think he get a percentage?
>Why not?
>Nigga, please. The man who invented them things? Just some sad-ass down at the basement at McDonald's, thinkin' up some shit to make some money for the real players.
>Naw, man, that ain't right.
>Fuck "right." It ain't about right, it's about money. Now you think Ronald McDonald gonna go down in that basement and say, "Hey, Mista Nugget, you the bomb. We sellin' chicken faster than you can tear the bone out. So I'm gonna write my clowny-ass name on this fat-ass check for you"?
>Man, the nigga who invented them things still workin' in the basement for regular wage, thinkin' up some shit to make the fries taste better or some shit like that. Believe.
>Still had the idea, though.