1. Tries to be like Arnold so hard but doesn't have the same charm and comedic talent
2. Looks fucking ugly compared to when he was The Rock in his prime
3. He's never been in a good movie
4. Ugly tattoo
1. Tries to be like Arnold so hard but doesn't have the same charm and comedic talent
2. Looks fucking ugly compared to when he was The Rock in his prime
3. He's never been in a good movie
4. Ugly tattoo
Go to bed Vin
>. He's never been in a good movie
I kinda hate him too though
The Rundown was pretty good
I'm getting kind of sick of his shit too
He's actually much more charismatic than Arnold and actually has natural comedic timing.
The only movies I ever liked him in her this and Doom. Doom was just a shitty movie that he managed to make better by being a total cunt
Arnold is classic strong man and the Rock is swole Obama
The unegotistical "body builder" of the people...
If you can't tell how much of a contradiction that is then you deserve this sub-par idol.
his instagram is really weird like he's trying too hard
like he's a serial killer and that is his cover
as a nice guy
OP is a candyass and If anything the Rock has charisma
Bet your mom and sister like him
I'd say "your girl" but you don't have one.
fucking nigger.
He is not even comparable to Arnold, but he is a genuinely nice charismatic guy irl, he's not "fake" in his presentation in any way.
Don't care for any of his roles though.
Based Dwayne working the neckbeards
I also hate chads because they are better than I ever will be.
how could a crazy BODYBUILDER in the 70s like Arnold have such screen charisma anyway? I never understood.
How you seen Pumping Iron? The man just owns the room when he's in it, naturally magnetic personality with top tier bants. He was destined for greatness in more than just lifting heavy objects.
>3. He's never been in a good movie
Pain and Gain is good enough.
Was it quick?
The Mummy Returns was alright
I also feel inadequate as a male in comparison to this specimen and therefore dislike him very much.
Damn, who even talks like this? Fucking idiot americans.
Rock is a big guy
Never been in a good movie he says.
what is southland tales?
>Mommy Returns
When will she realize she NEEDS my cum on her boobarios?
I like him a lot but all I see from him is wasted potential.
I really wish he was in some kind of fun arnie-style action movie with cool one liners but it never really happened, and I fear it's already too late for him.
>Claiming Arnie is ego driven
Get out
back off bucko she's mine
Your taste is shit. And so is your mother.
There. That put you in your place.
For you.
Now I'm going to have to watch Pumping Iron again and lament that I'm still a fat shit despite idolizing prime Arnie
Arnie would want you to better yourself, user. Be the man he knows you could be.
Not untill I destroy her tight asshole while she's riding me and I'm having her boobs on my face.
Never heard of that one. His movie Welcome to the Jungle was pretty good though
Name ONE (1) currently active American action star
I want a friend that's like dwayne in CI
is he back?
>ywn save this hack's life
>hwn become so indebted to you that he adopts you even though you're 23
>hwn make you into a man
I fucking hate my life.
yeahm but he seems like a decent bloke who genuinely likes to hang out with fans and kids hospitals
Tom Cruse, Vin Diesel, cape shit actors, Matt Daemon, Chris Pratt
that's a strange fantasy you have there. made me think of a new cartoon show.
a lonely neckbeard makes a plan to endager the rock so he can save him and get adopted but every time he tries it, his plan goes horribly wrong.
he ties up a piano above where the rock would stand, cuts the rope and jumps to push the rock out of the way but since the rock is so massive, the neckbeard just bounces of his body and falls on the ground. obviously the piano then falls on our neckbeard and reveals that it's filled with TNT.
meanwhile the rock just goes "MEEP MEEP" and runs off to shoot another crappy comedy movie.
you probably didn't think of me because you couldn't see me under all this punani I'm covered with.
>never been in a good movie
yo I went to watch it with my niece and despite the movie being the regular boring disney shit, the rock did a pretty good job at voice acting.
gotta give him some credit for that.
>words came out of his mouth, wowee zowee
jesus christ, kid.
I could give you the line "Hallo, I'm user." to record and all we'd hear would be the sound of spaghetti dropped on the mic.
go ahead and vocaroo it to prove me wrong.