Is Netflix propaganda?
Is Netflix propaganda?
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is anything not propaganda?
Netflix is false advertising.
5 bucks says this is leftist drivel.
he made a couple standup albums i liked but his last two specials are just him whining about republicans
like, he doesnt even attempt a joke
The joke about dead children and suicide bombers was so fucking good.
>david cross
Way to go out on a limb
I really fucking hate David Cross' standup. Far too preachy, far too sure of himself, far too smug and self-righteousness. Self-congratulatory, masturbatory drivel.
However, knowing that he is EXACTLY as pathetic as Tobias in real life is kind of satisfying.
Well considering funny right wing comedians don't exist...
So do you genuinely believe there are no funny right wing people out there?
one word: same hyde
I love that you couldn't name one
Has he never heard of Steve Harvey?
Doug Stanhope
>That nose.
Really makes you think.
I'm not into standup comedy. I think it's a crock of shit and monologues don't usually make me laugh at all.
From my perspective, standup comedy is typically very poor humor. You needn't go up on stage to be funny.
Sounds like you are a great authority on great standup then
I wasn't talking about standup comedy or professional comedians at all though.
>so 20,000 illegals sneak into a bar
>that open letter of him just shitting all over Larry the cable guy
Oh, thanks for clarifying.
Was wondering why you were saying retarded shit in a stand up comedy thread
You know why there are no right winged comedians? Because left winged ones make fun of right conservatives AND liberals. They're covering the whole spectrum.
oy gevalt
didn't fox try to make their own Saturday night live and it failed completely
Makes sense
You think a right wingers could actually be introspective and self deprecating?
The internet lists fucking Jimmy Carr as a conservative comedian. Grasping at straws.
How big is that fucking bar lmaooooo
For someone who is a lighthearted, funny liberal you seem angry my friend.
They're covering a spectrum alright.
I was just hoping to have my comedy spectrum widened. Im always looking for new stuff to watch and listen to.
Just a little disappointed
I'm sure there. But I think they realize other comedians and audiences are either liberal or not vocal enough for it to care. I mean by the general definition of a "conservative comedian" Jerry Seinfeld would be one.
stand up comedy isn't even funny
No, as cons don't understand comedy they're autists.
Standup is good.
but it seems like the funny conservatives thrive on podcasts/talk radio.
and the biggest exception to the "conservatives aren't funny" rule is Donald Trump himself.
he is fucking hilarious. the reason daily show/colbert/current year man/etc. weren't able to hurt Trump with their jokes because Trump's speeches were significantly funnier than any joke you could write about them.
Fuck you nigga Dave chappelle is hilarious
well theres George W Bush but thats it
>I mean by the general definition of a "conservative comedian" Jerry Seinfeld would be one.
What an interesting take on a "conservative comedian".
Being a non political or vocal comedian would be "conservative"
How weird
Yeah because a white dude wrote all his jokes.
You can rant and rave on stage, the left does it.
Why would being conservative have anything to do with the platform?
Bill Burrs latest special was pretty insane.
Couldn't believe I was listening to him talk about becoming a dictator and talk about killing people which segued into talking about how Stalin and Mao had higher kill counts than Hitler.
It was incredible.
A nigger a jew and a faggot walk into an oven.
>liberal standup comedians release Netflix specials
>conservative standup comedians get elected president
I don't wanna hear any Eric Andre jokes.
Bernard Manning
I think Netflix has helped kill standup comedy for me. Wall to wall jnfunny, sheeplike Trump jokes now. Nota single testicle between them
I'm sure david used to be less a dogmatic SJW boner back in the Mr Show days
>rightwing comedian elected president
>gasses all left wingers
>So 6,000,000 Kikes walk into Auschwitz and the guardsman says "Work sets you free"
I hope it's not ridiculously whiny, i never remember David Cross being a die hard liberal so i hope its balanced, considering he's boys with Gavin Mcinnes i doubt he has that creepy zero tolerance to anything conservative that a lot of comedians have. I remember some old school Vice travel show where they both went to China and just shat on the place the entire time and did gimmicky shit like eating dog and getting cheap suits, was way different to Vice after they went super progressive where they never judge or mock the locals for doing goofy shit and only try and show the locations in a positive light. shit is hilarious
>haha its bc jews get it
t. Daniel Leibowitz
I'm not sure but I think he's gone full SJW. He's been pretty rabid in recent interviews
I've seen it. He shits on republicans and Trump so of course you frogs won't like it.
Yes. They shilled for Euromaidan and the White Helmets. Don't expect this to be any different.
The cringe is real
That was a legit protest against a corrupt government, faggot
Which then installed an even more corrupt government.
Left wing "comedy":
Daily show
>show host staring at camera
>host repeats something stupid a Republican politician said or did recently
>looks at camera smugly.
>"I can't believe this is still a problem in 2017!"
>laugh track
Standup comedy
>"I don't like Trump"
>waits for applause
>"He looks like a cheeto"
>waits for applause
>"I support all the mexicans who have been attacked by him"
>waits for applause.
Clean comedy is the highest form of comedy desu
Political satire and dirty humor is trash
Poroshenko isn't perfect but the corruption is better than it was
How dare you insinuate this man did not COMPLETELY reinvent comedy as we know it?!
Do you even KNOW what year this is?
It really isn't though.
Right wing "comedy"
>why russians always steal 2 cars in germany?
>because they need to go back through Poland
>What do you call a jew on a swing
>An irritation for a sniper
>Two jewish brothers are fighting with each other, suddenly one is grabbing a bar of soap to throw...
>Don't put mother into this!
>Auschwitz, jew is talking with the guard
>Hans is it true that you're building a new barrack for us?
>Yes Schlomo it's gonna be brand new it's only one condition
>What is it?
>If you go near window we will shoot you
>Sounds fair
>Later Schlomo returns from work to see the new barrack with all the other jews
>The barrack is a greenhouse
"Right wing'' comedy is just comedy. There's no particular theme to it, other than be funny.
This is what comedy used to be.
Left wing always has to have a ''omg you guys, current year!" or "Republican is LITERALLY Hitler!"
This is the current state of what we used to call comedy. It's why every late night show / traditional platform for comedy is failing.
To clarify, I'm not saying comedy was ever right wing. Just that it used to not really take sides so much. There was a pretty equal representation of both sides in vintage stand up, late night, and SNL. Dennis Miller is right leaning, and he used to do weekend update. Norm Macdonald would not be considered left by today's standards. None of the old guys would.
But thanks to Jon Stewart and his underlings, this is what comedy has become.
That's a weird way of spelling coup.
I went to a Liberal stand up show last week and this meme is pretty accurate.
"I'm white, as you can tell."
"I'm so white, it's like ewww, you know? Why am I so white? It's gross how white I am."
>booing intensifies
"I'm so white that I'm not even gonna dignify that joke with a punchline, that's how dumb white people are."
>audience cheers
"I was walking home the other day..."
>audience inexplicably starts chanting "IN-TER-RACIAL! IN-TER-RACIAL!"
"Actually, I was on my way to the Interracial Breeding Ground with my two daughters..."
>everyone in the audience gets up from their seat and starts signing "Whoop There It Is!" at a deafening volume
I got out of there before it was too late. You do not wanna caught being white when they start the "reparations" bit
>David Cross
>anti-"Git er done" David Cross
>"I hate rednecks" David Cross
>"I was in all the Chipmunks movies" David Cross
Well, of course.
not netflixes fault for funding comedians who used to be funny but suddenly decides to force their political opinions down people throats without even wrapping them into jokes
Can't wait to hear his latest bitching about having to do those Chipmunk movies.
>It's why every late night show / traditional platform for comedy is failing.
Except that's not happening (with the exception of Larry Wilmore, who no one cared about anyway), because you just made it up.
The only one thats not failing is Fallon, of all people. Guess why?
Colbert even tried pulling Stewart out of retirement for ratings, but he just ended up lecturing people, not being funny, and pushing more people to the right. Or just, not the left.
Why do alt right nu-males have to ruin everything just because some comedians make fun of their cheeto emperor? Is it autism?
>ruin everything
Stop projecting. You can't ruin something that was never good.
>alt right nu-males
really ironic since most nu-males are leftist cucks
Considering they produced this piece of shit and called it a "documentary", yes.
Newspaper comics are as retarded as webcomics these days.
>Except that's not happening
Look at the Neilson Ratings sometime, boyo.
>Why do alt right nu-males have to ruin everything
I wasn't aware the "alt-right" were the ones rioting every fucking week.
>"All those leftist cucks made a sweeping generalization in calling me a racist, how could they"
>people in show business that vote conservative are afraid to make it public because of the very real risk that it might sink their careers
>other people in show business openly encourage violence against people on the right and are commended for it
>lol there aren't any comedians in show business that espouse right wing views because rightwingers aren't funny lol!
Are you ready for the big enchilada? Brian Regan is the most subversive comic in recent history
Actually he toned it down. If you listen to his old shit it's daunting how liberal he is its the stereotypical "isn't religion and Republicans dumb lolol" I liked this a lot more than his older specials. And this is coming from a sjw liberal type.
His newer one is better, he's toned it down.
>Cross is propaganda
>Trump is also propaganda
I'll let the markets decide. Also, elections and democracy don't constitute markets
Not many. Atleast in entertainment. Sup Forums is funny sometimes but mostly they are fun ironically
How progressive of you user
10/10. You should write for the next Seth Rogen flick bro