I'm seeing double here... four Rock!

I'm seeing double here... four Rock!

Other urls found in this thread:


>Vin's waist is higher yet still smaller
lmao why is big Vinny standing on a box?

I see they've finally mastered forced perspective

The rock is 196cm, Vin is 182cm

What is this trickery?

he borrowed RDJ's shoes

I can't be the only one who wishes Rock was Marvel and Vin was DC can I? I fucking hate Vin Diesel.

CGI to make Rock look bigger than Vin

It seems like Vin Diesel standing on the sidewalk while The Rock on the street

That's more like it

what street has 7" curbs

They were standing side by side you moron. But sure keep posting

He is a big guy.

it's a shoop, look at where their arms meet

these movies are fucking terrible but im interested in how they keep making them even bigger and more retarded

I fucking love 0:05
It looks like a little baby Rock next to a giant baby Vin Diesel
Like in old FPS games where you walk up to a wall and the perspective goes all fucky

for Sup Forums

? how come vin is taller?

Damn its comfy to see this webm again

These movies are so beautiful


only the rock and the two ladies don't look awkward. Vin is standing like a 14 year old kid.

Rock and Vin are the only ones who wear "special shoes"


I doubt Rock could do this

it was nice of the Rock to share his roid cycle with Vin, i guess they're friends again


>192 cm


why does the guy with red shirt look dead?

Vin pls. Get clothes that fit.


Those are some big guys.

anyone who isn't retarded knows the rock is taller wtf are you guys even talking about.

they aren't supposed to be eye to eye...

I'd go climbing on those rocks.


so no one noticed the height of vinny's heels?

Someone explain this webm to me without using the letter 'e'

Thy ar standing nxt to ach othr sidways

Thǝy wǝrǝ standing sidǝ by sidǝ you moron.

its a big guy thang

Is this XXX 3?

Vin is wearing 5 inch heels here lmao


Not only is Vin a manlet, but he also has a pretty weak chin and his cheeks are kind of chubby. He only looks kind of bad ass because his beady eyes and bald head make him look like an ex convict. He's actually ugly though.


wait is this real? lmao

when did f&f jump the shark Sup Forums?

F&F has always been kino

Wait... People all this time thought they were face to face?

who is that semen demon in the middle?

big guys

>Vin will never be as buff as Rock

> Vin wearing two shirts to hide his gyno

dude roids lmao

Elsa Pataky, currently hammered by Thor

couple of big guys here op


When toretto stomped the ground

that is some shitty montage senpai

This is the worst meme for this franchise.

Holy shit, that's actually hilarious. Which part is that from?

is that actually cgi?
i thought it was some perspective shit.

There's a shortage of fitting pants in the USA ?

come on this is cinematography 404

why do manlets try so hard to appear taller?


did you just draw this?

no I have a special mspaint typeface installed where each letter has a dozen different squigglies that are chosen from randomly to give you that human feel

wow that sass.

I meant did you make it and not saved from some other user?

The 6th one. It's the most over the top and ridiculous and also the best

are you implying i'm autistic?

no, just wrong

>FF is still a thing

It managed to do what Die Hard didnt. Go off the rails in style

just like in my anime

which one is the top? when they give each other blowjobs it's like staring into a mirror.

The rock is the definition of an alpha male.
The man is literally perfect in every way

>when the bigger guy is wearing the same shirt as you

Do you even roid?

Because they reconverted the franchise into entertaining flicks full of actions an special effects, exactly what people want to watch in big screen.

Vin diesel looks like such a faggot

vin is the straight one though

Not according to way too many rumors to ignore.

so they both gay? Who's the bottom?



Who /cringe/ here?

Rock, more likely, if either of them. The rumors about Diesel say he's a macho fag.

Is there a more disgusting sounding language than portugese? I feel nauseous whenever I hear it.

manlets, when will they learn.


The stupid ones

Rock stood right of Vin so Rock looks small in comparison to Vin, but Rock is actually tall in comparison to Vin.

the engine is in the rear, anyone can do that if they actually lift weights

would be like deadlifting 400 pounds once. easy stuff.

...and holding it locked out for a while. Also there's the issue of grip, it's easy to forget how much harder lifting is when the object is thicker.

Me on the far left

Fuck off, Fast Five was better.

that is some impressive roiding

>have millions and access to top doctors, chefs and nutritionists
No shit, retard.

you seem upset

you seem dull :^)

me on the left