Remember when Marvel movies used to take themselves seriously?
Remember when Marvel movies used to take themselves seriously?
They still do
>childrens entertainment taking itself seriously
that's like saying "remember when Rugrats used to tackle serious social issues?"
Remember when the movies flopped?
1 pours into 5 quickly as its pipe is fitted low
5 pours into 2 quickly as its pipe is also fitted low
2 will fill up until it has a enough water in its pipe that zig zags up to 4
No, because that movie wasn't Marvel, or rather it wasn't MCU.
Does that mean I have autism or I don't have autism?
#5 because its not actually connected to #2
>Does that mean I have autism or I don't have autism?
i dont think so
but this guy might
look at how thorough and detailed his answer is
although he is in fact wrong
>that movie wasn't Marvel, or rather it wasn't MCU.
Then why does Tony Stark show up at the end? And General Ross appear in Civil War?
5's pipe doesn't spill into anything, its clearly blocked off, meaning 5 and 1 are the only ones that would will up.
Joss Whedon was a mistake.
yea no shit
you definitely have autism since that wasnt up for debate and was the obvious answer
you felt compelled to say that
ergo autism
Pretty much everything after Iron Man 2 became a quipfest.
Its the 6 retards.
What happened to his dog? He went back and found it, right? Right guys?
#1, obviously
wtf is wrong with you people
>You won't like me when I'm hungry
No, I honestly don't.
Now when is best Marvelfu coming back?
The answer is 5, you idiot. The pipe is blocked up.
You can literally trace all the current Marvel problems to the Disney buyout.
Iron Man, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, and Captain America were all produced solely by Paramount. They used experienced film directors (Jon Favreau, Kenneth Branagh, Joe Johnston) who each had a unique vision for their film that went largely untouched.
Iron Man 2 was largely made by Paramount in 200&, but underwent reshoots in February 2010, two months after Disney took over. These reshoots changed the tone of the film to be funnier, and cut out a storyline about Tony struggling with his alcoholism.
The Avengers was the first movie produced solely by Disney from start to finish, and it shows. They hired Joss Whedon, a tv director, because he was more used to taking orders from a creative committee. Everything was about jokes, characters acted different from before, and the movie looked bland and cheap.
Because the Avengers was successful when it came out, Disney realized this was an easy formula for pumping out movies, and continued to hire inexperienced tv directors with no sense of artistic vision and run every story through a creative committee. The last straw was when Shane Black, a legitimate filmmaker, decided to take a gamble with the story on Iron Man 3. When audiences didn't like the plot twist, Disney threw him under the bus and used it as an excuse to return to their factory formula.
Guardians was pretty good though
This looks like an edit of the original pic, so 3 if that block is a mistake, 5 if it was intentional
>People saying anything other than 5
We're doomed as a species.
>and cut out a storyline about Tony struggling with his alcoholism.
Why they do that?
they are all garbage
only small kids and manchildren watch these shits
Which one are you?
definitely not a small kid anymore
Don't forget about them Wright mid production, not even with fucking Ant Man they are willing to take minimal risks.
Also GotG was good because Disney didn't give a fuck about the movie so Gunn was able to make it without much meddling. I had zero (0) hopes of GotG2 being good but when I saw that quipfest between Rocket and le baby Groot xD it was confirmed. Dropping that one HARD
Got to keep it suitable for the kiddos.
rude bamboozle
Take your unnecessarily hostility back to Sup Forums where it fucking belongs. Sup Forums is a board of peace we don't need this crap here.
You're literally fucking retarded if you didn't laugh at "I AM GROOT!". Shit was hella cash dude.
>children's picture books
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting friend
How da fuq is liking a movie ironic shitposting? Why don't you jump off a bridge for being a contrarian faggot? Oh wait that's because you're too much of a god damn coward to actually do us all a favor for once.
Still pissed on what happen on Wright's Antman. The shodtcut joke was there in spirit but Disney mostly fucks it up.
Wright's Antman was too kino for Disney.
yeah marvel movies have now been reduced to
they are on the same quality as the transformers movies
Paramount only distributed the movies. They had no creative input. It was all Marvel then, and it's all Marvel now.
Didn't rugrats actually attempt social issues at one point? I distinctly remember Chucky struggling because lol dead mom and i think one kid is adopted.
In that first Avengers movie there was that scene with the old German, familiar with tyrannic figures, refusing to bow down to Norse Hitler or whatever. That's a nice message, but why are we so infantile that we need to have people in spandex punching other people in stupid costumes to tell that story?
Thor 3 will be the best film they made so far.
>It was all Marvel then, and it's all Disney now.
>trace all the current Marvel problems
>11 billion in worldwide reciepts
>82% average RT score
>pioneering business model emulated by everyone
>Biggest stars in the world
>Biggest merchandise in the world
>Movies progressively getting higher RT scores and boxoffice revenue
>Marvel problems
Because Sup Forums is pro-Norse Hitler
>The Incriedible Hulk was not MCU
Were you even alive in 2009?