Take dvd out of the player

>Take dvd out of the player
>Doesn't resume where you left it
>Have to manually swap through the scenes and get spoiled by the pics
>Never resume exactly where you left

Why do people even use DVD?

DVDs are quickly growing outdated.

>DVD doesn't auto resume

You have a shitty DVD player then.

The real question is why do you want VHS?

LaserDisc is better.

they've been outdated for few years

This. It's expensive making the disks. Selling the digital download is better, as downloads can't be taxed.

How come? What is replacing them? USB keys?

Be real it's still the only option if you want to watch movies in high quality.

Shut up, this bait is horrendous.

>Everything I disagree with is bait

The manchild's killer argument.

>not having a DVD player with a resume feature

Want to know how I know you're a grade A pleb?

When you watch those tapes do you have to watch the whole movie from beginning to end or can you go forward? How does that work?

They cost in the hundreds. I only had a 50$ budget.

I pirate all my movies from yify and watch them on VLC like a real man

My DVD player cost £30 and it has auto-resume and all that shit

>DVD is the only real option for watching films in high defination.

Nah, that's retarded bait. You lose.

So what's the other options? Getting a pirated Russian version off a Chinese convenience backroom on a USB stick?

Going online risking scams, bloatware, virus, blowing your internet cap and paying a fortune each month to watch movies while they lag like hell?

>These people post on Sup Forums now

Have you never been on the internet or something?

Even if you aren't baiting surely you see why what your saying is so retarded it could be.


USBs can hold more than blurays

I use internet all the time but I'm careful not to overdo it with massive downloads like movies and games.

I have always bought everything from a store and always will. Fuck that digital shopping crap it's a mess and I'm not posting my credit card number on these websites I don't even know who's running.

fuck off.

LD actually was a good format for its time. Better quality than tapes and high fidelity audio. It had chapter selection and multiple audio tracks years before DVD. The only real disadvantages were the short running time per side and the amount of space they take up, but those 12-inch sleeves were amazing.

You could fast forward.

>It's expensive making the disks.
No its really not, manufacturing is the least expensive part of a dvd, you're paying for licenses.

>careful not to overdo it with massive downloads
>Fuck that digital shopping crap it's a mess and I'm not posting my credit card number on these websites I don't even know who's running.

Damn dude, you need to chill the fuck out.
All you need is some common sense and you'll be right.

>Fuck that digital shopping crap it's a mess and I'm not posting my credit card number on these websites I don't even know who's running.

So you're saying you specifically go against the tide on the fact that DVD have been outdated, and because you disagree with the majority everyone else must be wrong.

Nigga you can even buy blurays at shops. You're wrong on all counts.


This is some retarded bait right here.

Because of superior audio and video to VHS, as well as special features. And who pauses their kino anyway? Watch it all the way through at once.

DVD's aren't even HD. Did you mean Blu-rays?

>blowing your internet cap

I'm not ''buying'' a good off a random webpage that doesn't even guarantee I'm going to receive anything or the right merchandise.

I'm not posting my credit information online when it could be grabbed by hackers or fraudulent websites. And everything you have to figure out how to use a new clunky website, make an account with a different password than your others and so on.

I'm not paying a fortune for the few reliable consistent websites in addition to sucking my internet cap.

How hard is it to understand basic principles?

Is this what you think about when you see a butt? Farts?

Fuck off.

I fucking wish. Damn near everyone I know who owns a bluray player just keeps buying DVDs for some reason.

>High quality

Low quality bait

>not your dad
>not your grannys

what a piece of material shit you are

>internet cap
do you live in 1999?

Pffft. All you people are outdated. I pirate all me movies and store them on a 5000TB chip stored inside my head!

>better repost this reply for free (you)s