ITT actors who did nothing wrong

ITT actors who did nothing wrong

He played a dentist in Houseguest starring Sinbad.

Why did Sinbad like McDonald's so much?

According to Bieber at least

>"hey can I get a pic with you, my manager tells me you're from some cult movie I haven't seen, hey how come I haven't seen you in any movies lately?"
>the post has since been removed





Houseguest was a fun movie. Too bad I can't find a torrent anywhere.



>Got caught with a bunch of cocaine
>Gets his wake up call, decides to do the right thing and turn his dealers in too since they're too bitch to do it and would rather continue selling deadly drugs to idiots
>Gets a less harsh sentence in return

Why do people hate him for this again? Anyone who wouldn't turn in a scumbag drug dealer is a piece of shit imo


How did he go this long withough getting neck'd for ratting on coke dealers

They must have been small time dealers. If he ratted on the Mexican cartels or some shit like that he'd have died in prison.

snitches are wack

it was the 70's. shit was different then.

they were just some street corner hustlers, its not like they werent expendable

Coke dealers are subhuman and they deserve whatever they get.

He's a big guy

Didnt this guy play the king in Amadeus?

Holy shit!

I'm curious as to what he did.

Guy's a diddler

there's literally nothing wrong with selling drugs


It's on the official Sup Forums torrent site: PTP.


Snitches get stitches.


I get that you just wanted to spout am 8th grader meme but he did the right thing.

t. snitch

t. 14 year old.

t. 40 year old who's still in Sup Forums

t. 40 year old who's still in Sup Forums


YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I'm telling mom.

You got bamboozled, kiddo.

>Push it to the limit starts playing