You just described literally every story with exclusively white characters. White people don't have real problems.
is that vince playing as MAX PAYNE?
will they make season 3? hopefully they will hire a screenwriter this time
Everyone's depressed.
i love you annie
>It's a dog eat dog world Ray, but I'm the fuckin' Chinaman.
Is this a new Sup Forums recruitment tactic?
It feels good to be at the end of history.
Why can't the dusky put magical thinking and preposterous self importance behind them?
>white people don't have problems
>knew friends growing up who worked jobs as teens to help mom pay for rent
>knew people who grew up in trailer parks
>niggers think every white person is handed everything
>not knowing class is the only privilege
got a commie here
why don't you move to russia or china then?
Yeah because there's only one class in Russia and China r-right...
I love frankposting.
both seasons of true detective are about teaching normal people how sick, twisted and evil white people are
Any black people here? I wanna kick your ass!
>You think you can have your cake and eat it too? Well guess what...I'm the cake and I'm about to start eating myself.
vinceposting one of the best tv menes
they haven't given up to a life ruled by statistics, stupid, mediocre people and a lack of talent
Class is an empty identifier. Good luck categorizing me in a Starbucks with a smartphone in my hand.
Am I rushing or am I dragging? I am beautiful. I am white.
The MSM is doing a good enough job. Not even sure pol needs to do recruitment drives.
kek, u cuck
why did the security expelled sheriff Bezzerides from casino in the first episode?
This isn't real right?
no, in the real one she browses hardcore porn
She was getting testy with the group at the table and she was really drunk.
>class is an empty identifier
You have no idea about what you are taking about, do you ?
Fuck off reddd.it
Never let someone else objectivize you. White people are subjects only. Pure subjectivity.
Our problems is caused by economy, your problems are caused by you being feral deranged savages.
i take it youre not familiar with noir?
it's nu-noir
If Jewgle and cuckipedia can be trusted, I got something for you
4 poorest counties in the US:
1. Kalawao Hawaii
>25.85 percent white, 17.02 Asian, 48.30 Pacific Islander, 2.72 from other races and 6.12 from two or more races.
2. Buffalo County, South Dakota
>81.59 percent Native American, 16.34 white, 0.10 black or African American, .30 from other races, and 1.67 percent from two or more races.
3. Owsley County Kentucky
>99.2 percent white, .10 Black or African American, .006 Native American, .004 Asian, .002 Pacific Islander, .002 from other races, and .054 from two or more races.
4. Clay County Kentucky
>93.92 percent white, 4.80 Black or African American, .21 Native American, .12 Asian, .002 Pacific Islander, .023 from other races, and .71 percent two or more races.
>there are niggers on Sup Forums
What did they mean by this?
Wow. You're a reaaaaaaaally special boy.
People like you ruin pretty much everything they are associated with.
stupid fucking autist
Why are nonwhites except a lot of Asians so whiny?
well, they do have to live among niggers...
It's why the south votes reliably red in spite of having the largest black population in the country.
Kind of like how Arizona knows what's up with the beaners (no idea what the hell happened with California, I swear thy have more beaners than us)
>have to live with niggers
>poor as shit
>get meme'd by Jew York comedians and Hollywood for so long that people believe literally anything about the south that's in a movie
Stay strong dixie brothers, you'll rise again someday and I'll come fight for you.
White neckbeards love to whine about everything
stop whining bitch tits
Why is this shit board so easy to bait
With politically charged things? Because you can't tell when these ding dongs are being serious
That statement isn't far fetched at all, there's a hundred stupider things said on tumblr since I made this post
>not best detective and character
>good detective
>great character
>well resolved character
Shitlanta just got BTFO by the Patriots last night. Keep dreaming, sweetie :^).
her looming shadow grows
>Never lost my keys
>Never even had a fucking keychain
so the diamonds were in the jacket, right?
>white people cleaning up the problems caused by other white people
niggers mad because they can't understand this