Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Is there any chance at all that this will be good? Could it be the beginning of a new age of cyberpunkino?

No, it is going to be shit.

I am predicting a RT score somewhere around 12%.

anime has been saved!

Not a fucking chance.

They took a gritty, cyberpunk masterpiece and castrated it with highly polished CGI and convenient censoring. Also, everyone working on the film is incompetent.

ScarJo has really ugly lips, nose and eyes.

Ya know the more Sup Forums says it'll suck the more confident I am it won't

They're taking a philosophical masterpiece and turning it into a generic revenge against the systematic oppressors plot.

>Ghost in the smell

they had to waste more money on CG because fatjo couldn't do her own stunts

The only decent thing on this fucking miserable picture is Jonathan Herman.

I knew this shit was DoA when Avi said he was producing it, and that was before Sanders was picked up to direct. Fuck Avi.

It will be mediocre for general audiences and a giant burlap sack filled with turds to fans.

Looks ok. Might see it in theaters. Can't be as bad as pic related.

I hope this bombs.

They ripped sequences right from the Oshii movies and somehow managed to make them look mediocre.

I don't think a live action dragonball was ever possible, but damn did that movie just fuck everything up.

They made Goku the exact opposite of his actual character.

This film is doomed to be rotten even if legit good. SJW critics will bash it for white washing alone. They jump at the opportunity to appear woke.

Japan gave it the thumb up approval tho.

if they keep all the gore and shit from the anime it will be cool and god help them if they try to add some sort of romantic sub plot.

Yeah because it's netting them monies.

No, Oshii did, and Oshii is a fucking hack now.

He's been a hack for nearly two decades. Listening to Oshii's opinion on this is like being told by George that your movie is good.

Anything Americans try to remake turns to shit. Not even baiting or trying to sound controversial...

I honestly don't give a shit. I'm just glad that Anno is a fucking sick cunt and won't let the hollyjews bastardize his work with a (((adaptation))).

Oh god a live action Hollywood version of NGE would be the be so fucking horrible. I would kill myself before watching that.

That is absolutely incorrect.

It's when you try and improve upon perfection, do you fail miserably. Oshii actually proved this when he made 2.0 in an attempt to make the 1995 version "better", just because George made the fucking Special Editions.

>Will it make me money?

Wrong. White peole do adaptations really well, look at American Psycho. The problem is that jews as a race have a chronic lack of creativity and passion, and that most movies are made by them. Movies made without jews involved are almost always better. Name one exception.

he bastardizes his own fucking work by constantly retelling the story with shitloads of changes.

did you not see the remake movies? the first 2 were dope but then what the hell happened after that?

They will just replicate the most iconic scenes from GITS and mesh it together into hollywood trash.
Probably some evil corporation stuff too.


The remakes are a metaphorical commentary on the difference between society at the time of the original series and now. TOO DEEP

>Probably some evil corporation stuff too.
What about a billionaire real estate mogul becoming Prime Minister of Japan but he's actually a RUSSIAN PUPPET and then nukes?

>White people bitch about white washing
>suggest the only Japanese actor they know, Rinko Kikuchi
>"She's Japanese right? She must look like Motoko by default"

Fucking retards.

>what the hell happened after that?
The third one has Shinji as a point of view character. We see everything from his perspective, so we as viewers are as disoriented and confused as he is in the movie.

That is actually the plot.

Kuze is in the movie. Kuze redpills the Major about how she was in a terrible accident, that they took away her memories, and made her into a fullbody cyborg. She even has, "I don't know who I am." moments. Not in the fucking philosophical way, as in "What is it to be human?" but in the "Someone erased my mind, and took away all agency from me as a character so that they could make a 'secret' bad-guy in the form of a corporation."

I bet some Japanese person approved of fucking Dragon Ball Evolution, why should that mean shit?

It always baffles me how people keep falling for this marketing shtick.
They get anyone attached to the originals whether it be a director, writer, producer or just someone who liked it and then get them to say it's looking good and then everyone just takes their word for it.
Every single time.
You really expect they'd say "nah looks fucking shit"?

>(((White people))) bitch about white washing
fixed that for you m'gentile

Sure why not.

I wish these fucking turbo autists would understand that if your ART STYLE MAKES YOUR CHARACTERS LOOK WHITE, THEN GUESS WHAT? THEY WHITE.

No one would say it was fucking racist if Batou was canonically a black dude, who lived in Japan, had a Japanese name, and acted Japanese then they cast a black dude from America/England to play him. Yet for some fucking reason it's not okay to make the obviously white chick, a fucking white chick all because of her name. This makes even less sense when you consider SHE'S A FUCKING FULL BODY CYBORG, SHE CAN LOOK LIKE WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE WANTS.

anyone would be better than Scarjo.
I wouldn't altogether be opposed to a white actress but at least get one with a pretty face that could look like Motoko.
The fact they went for a rat-faced jew is what makes it so disgusting, not necesarily that she's not asian.
Asians just typically don't look like jews.

the art style doesn't make her look white though, you're just projecting.

1. normies will love it
2. gits fans will hate it
3. cyberpunk enthusiasts will hate it
4. objectively shit kino

Motoko is literally American though. I mean it's not even an issue of art style she was stated to be American in the original works.

i liked the first and second movies cause they mostly retold the first 66% of the original series with some interesting changes and less gay shinji monologues but then they dun goofed which is probably why they never bothered with a 4th movie.

The biggest problem with going with ScarJo (beyond the obvious) is that she likely ate up a significant portion of the budget. This film doesn't exactly have the largest budget in the first place. The only reason they picked ScarJo is because of Avi's Jewish nepotism. He has a hard-on for her.

The better, and most sensible choice if you were the accountant on this project was to either find a no-name, or cast Antje. I'll even take the Roonie option over ScarJo. Either way, they are both significantly cheaper, and aren't frumpy fat-bodies.

That's gonna be great.
That's great.
That's gonna be great.

her home country is explicitly Japan.
you are wrong.


poltards need to die

fuck white """"""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""

Has she ever?

That's never stated. She has zero backstory in the original works, even her name is an alias.

My home country is Algeria DOES THAT MAKE ME A FUCKING NIGGER? Fuck you are a retard.

>if you don't agree with my bullshit you must hate white people!
you know this retarded us vs them logic is what causes SJW cucks to protest the new meme king right?


was about as big a waste as putting her in that stupid "Her" movie when you never even get to see her. they just piggyback off her fame to get normies and casuals to watch it.

this seemed like a movie that could get by with less known actors and cast members.

Really? She don't look white? Tell me.

Who would look closer to Motoko? Pick any Asian actress out there you think fits the part, and then stack them up against Antje.

It's a remake of a perfect movie.

Even if it's good it's going to be worse than the original so what's the fucking point?

He literally said she was American.
She is not in any sense.
American is not a race either, unless you're suggesting she's an indian now.
Fuck you are a retard.


I'll be surprised if it makes money not lose them.

>It's a remake of a perfect movie.
There were no Geishas in GITS, so it is no real remake of the movie.

>American is not a race either
American is a race you historical revisionist cunt. White Americans (which is what AMERICAN means idiot) are mixed various North European int a distinct sub-ethnicity. That's like saying Anglo-Saxon isn't a race, you retard.

I was ambivalent about it until I actually saw the original and now I've got absolutely no hope at all that it'll get anywhere that movie.

I don't know of any asian actresses.
I'd be fine with a white actress as long as they look the part.
The image you posted looks closer at least.

Animes being white is a total meme though.
It stems for a complete misunderstanding of caricature.

Brand awareness.

That's really all. Like if people saw the live-action film and liked it, or didn't like it I could then engage them in a conversation about the original. Perhaps even get them to watch it. It is like when they adapt a book to film, if you read the book and really enjoyed it but you can't get your friend to read it... Maybe if they watch the movie, they'll take an interest in the book(s).

gits isn't cyberpunk

Everything is possible live action, if they actually stick close to the damn source material. Problem is, everyone loves to deviate.

i think they are borrowing some elements from the second GITS anime movie but a lot of the shit from teh trailer was straight from the original.
>water fight

>the one with the doge on the cover

Americans are sub-human* not a sub-ethnicity.
Although it is weird how you guys have smaller dicks than the european average, even japan has the same average as you now.


kill all white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

My problem is that I can already tell it won't have the melancholic, weird tone of the original film. Which is fine, but applying an action focused tone to the original film makes it feel generic as fuck

good joke.

jfc, scarjo is a fat, pudgy piece of shit who can't act

fuck this shit

>kikes decide to make live-action weebshit film
>weebshit neckbeards everywhere have mental breakdown

This, coming from a Brazilian Monkey. I know who you are bitch.

>b-but there are countries less white than us!
Americans are so funny.

Jesus Christ, that jawline! Why do white people think they look like anime, when all of their "Models" have faces like refrigerators?

I just can't stand the actor. Her facial reactions and her mannerism are just too similar across her movies. She doesn't act like Major, she acts like the bitch form the Avengers on a mission

She's not white she's jewish. How dare you insult her beauty, we jews are the most beautiful people on Earth.

Because 1995 Motoko's jawline was insane, senpai.

It's not going to be good. Only thing GiTS movie had was visuals. Does anyone even remember the plot or meaningful dialogues? Really garbage script that original movie was.

Its not a retelling it's all in the same continuity. Did you not see the coffins on the moon?

I'm white and it really seems dumb to me
>dude they have big eyes and colorful hair so they're white!
>the small noses, rounded heads and slim jaws don't count!
pic related, this is how japs draw whites

>The problem is that jews as a race have a chronic lack of creativity and passion
I think that's really unfair. Jews typically make good writers and have written and produced many excellent creative products in the past.

The real problem with Jews is their obsession with money. That's why they don't produce original things anymore, and the unwashed masses really only have themselves to blame; people nowadays buy a lot more tickets to some garbage remake or reboot than they do for something original

Some people just don't get it, too deep.

Why DO jap cartoons make their characters look white?

I dunno. I think dragonball is just too silly for live action. Especially the appearance of characters.

Goku has crazy hair. Krillin has no nose. Tien has a 3rd eye. You have to compromise somewhere and you really can't win.


>Does anyone even remember the plot

A cyborg detective uncovers a mystery while exploring ideas about existence, what it means to be human, implications of technology, etc.

Big eyes are more expressive.

I seriously hope you don't think this proves anything. Motoko's jaw is slim here.

Looks fine, although I don't really like Scarlett Johansson because she can't act.

But hey, the same thing worked for Arnold while playing a robot in Terminator so why not here?

n-no racist words on Sup Forums!!!

>I don't really like Scarlett Johansson because she can't act.
Hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

they don't really.
for every white feature anime has they have asian ones that people can't explain away.

The truth is anime styles are almost always heavily simplistic in order to keep costs low and produce easily merchandisable attractive characters.
Anime characters don't really have a race outside what is explicitly assigned.
You'll have a japanese temple girl with the exact same face as a rich British girl and an indian hindu girl and the only difference will be their coloring.

People who don't understand cartoon or animation think that the big eyes makes them white but it's just the ideal way to present any cartoon character.
They're not very well going to draw themselves like pic related.
When you're working with simplistic drawings and line work you need to take shortcuts to affordably convey what you want to convey.
In faces it's by making the eyes really large and emphasizing mouth movements, subtlety is simply harder to pull off, which is why you only see it in more serious motion pictures like Ghibli stuff.

>Scarlett Jewhansson

Nope. RIP. Cyberpunk in cinema depends on Blade Runner 20somenumber now. It might not be complete shit. GITS will be.

Arnold has charisma though.

This is my exact theory thank you .

Literally only "fat nerd" characters have proper slanted eyes in anime, what are you talking about? All sympathetic characters are White. Prove me wrong.

name ONE (1) movie that Sup Forums was wrong about.

>Global Rule #3: You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, racism, ...

>Japan gave it the thumb up approval tho.
Japan is essentially an american whore so deep on the dick, there is no such shit as "japanese approval". you can literally spit on a japanese if you are a burger and they'll have to apologise to you.

nukes man, that shit is wick-wicked

we're more attractive

Fug your rules....nigga! XDDDD

Literally 0% chance. You can already tell by the trailer that there is no soul.

Faggot nigger.

Ironic faggot nigger.