Congratulations Sup Forums, your autistic meme has reached normiebook status

Congratulations Sup Forums, your autistic meme has reached normiebook status.

you mean reddit

Nope, Sup Forums

Actually, the star wars -core pages on fb have been producing better OC than Sup Forums for the past year. Though every now and then their content gets shared to bigger normie pages.

it was a shit meme anyway
Now lets get back to Baneposting

Every single movie of Star Wars always was normieshit though.

no memes are sacred
only the most deprived sperg memes have the privilege to stay isolated here without being stolen
is baneposting on facebook at all? i know redditors know about it at this point at the very least.

there are no website specific memes anymore, as soon as a meme is created in any corner of the internet it's replicated and spammed by the thousands of oh-so randumbly named facebook meme pages.

You have to win your memes back with fire and blood

We seized our rightful meme from the talons of Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj themselves and you guys can't even stop Facebook soccer moms from taking yours?

Nope, Baneposting isn't on facebook yet. But I guess that's because it doesn't really translate well into images, which is what all facebook memes are. There's no use when posts on facebook get thousands of comments.

It works on Sup Forums and reddit because the amount of replies is low compared to facebook, and people can actually have conversations on here.

Pepe has definitely been used by facebook normies.

im southamerican and theres nothing i loathe more than our "meme" pages. holy shit they are filled with cringe shit, like pirated memes translated into chicano disgusting lingo and then plastered with a huge watermark of whatever spic site that posted them.

Not anymore, thank Kek

All Sup Forums memes can appeal to normies, it's inevitable that they'll be taken by them. You need stuff like anime in your memes to ward off normie appropriation.

>when you see a decently funny image on facebook
>open comments section to read the epic comments
>its just retards tagging his retard friends

why people do this?


Cat in the hat was always a forced normie tier meme.

normalfags can't into original thoughts

top kek

Baneposting is so 2012.

It's been on Facebook for like a week.

>mobileposter complaining about normies

Jesus, I don't remember this movie at all

Wow, this meme really has legs. How far can we take it? Pepe became recognized as Nazi iconography. Bane killed a plane full of people. How do we take this meme to the next level?

From my understanding (from memes, I have not seen this movie), this movie has resurged due to it's stilted, off-beat humor. If there were some youtube reviewer who appreciated that type of humor they could greatly spread it. I know some of you watch youtube reviews, and many reviewers take requests.





The black and white version is better


Not gonna lie, kinda like this meme

The movie is actually fucking hilarious and I totally forgot about it

Every fucking meme thats come out since baneposting redditors coined up the term baneposting has been a normalfag twitter/facebook approved meme you mong

>that shit quality

Why is that part of memes?


Who ever colorized this fucked up
The houses are purple? Come on
