[Awkward Laughing Intensifies]

[Awkward Laughing Intensifies]

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[Quiet Audience]

The bit where he was firing into the water to finish off any survivors was pure stand up kino.

> Awkward Laughing Intensifies]

So it's just like his podcast?

Should I watch this, just to see how bad it is?

I might pirate this, why are people not liking it?

His last special in b&w was literally carlin-tier mastery, but actually funny.

But, he's in a mixed raced marriage, so lets keep laughing, despite his lack of funny.

Since liberal viewpoints don't trigger me like they do to you fags I'll give this a go

Wait, are people disliking it?

I thought it was great.

The audience wasn't too into it. I'm enjoying it so far

I dont blame the audience, kept thinking "yeah get on with it" his bits were too long, unfunny and felt like he was just whinning about shit. Also I dont know how many more bits about Hitler and "lol black people are held back, whites get away with anything" I can watch and still stay awake, its just boring.

Dont, its ultimate level cringe. You know some comedians say edgy shit and the audience has a backlash...this isnt it, Bill literally thinks hes being super edgy because either the crowd wasnt reacting at all (because the joke was plain shit) or had a very slight, natural "oh shit" reaction with no real offense taken.

He was backpedaling too much.
As if he was afraid of some backlash for being a "Trump supporter" or something like that. Remember when half of his routine was calling women out of their bullshit double-standards?
Now he makes Hitler/Stalin jokes, is there something more stale and old than that?
He just made one little bit on equal payment for women, and you could see the old Bill from 5 years ago just for a moment in there. Being too happy makes a comedian lose their edge, he didn't made his fame for being the guy making animal jokes.

christ is that pic real? that writing. that smile. looks like a sinatra album cover

Spot on. Seems like ol' billy red balls finally succumbed to his sjw nigger wife.

His father most be rolling on his grave

>Wait, are people disliking it?
just go back to r3ddit you mongoloid piss baby

Does he have anything to offer?

He does the "character" bits too long, where he talks in a dumb loud voice to imitate another person. This cruise ship bit is going on way too long.

Yeah I'm at the part where's he's sinking cruise ships in a sub. Very boring. I liked the mcdonalds chunk I guess.

Yeah I saw him live a year ago and he did a whole 10 minute bit about ghosts. I can't even remember one line of it, it was all just fucking bullshit like HOW DUMB IS IT TO BELIEVE IN GHOSTS or whatever. Only laughed twice in the whole set 'cause the rest was all tame garbage like that.

It fucking sucks because it's verifiable fact that nia is the cause of this. that fucking nigger cunt whipped him into submission. he decided it was worth debasing himself for the rest of his life just to get her to quit nagging him and look where we are now.

He should be married to a fucking hooker-hot blonde or something I just don't get why the fuck he did this. Was bill unsuccessful with women all his life until he met Nia? It seems like the only explanation.

And it was also the only good part of the entire special

Here's the show all summed up.

>Trump's fucking crazy, right?
>Black people aren't given enough chances
>Hitler wasn't the baddest dude out there
>Hitler wasn't the baddest dude out there
>Hitler wasn't the baddest dude out there
>Hitler wasn't the baddest dude out there
>Hitler wasn't the baddest dude out there
>Did you know there was a sign language gorilla?

>gets married and has a kid in his late 40s
>becomes more restrained
>loses his edge
it'd almost be tragic if it wasn't Bill's own fault

It starts off good, then it's ok, then cringe worthy, then finishes off decent.

Billy Bitch Tits is pretty red pilled.

His podcast is one of the funniest things I think I've ever discovered but I think the stand up special was effected by the fact that he burns so much material on it.

I thought the bit about drunk driving was fun but in general it was way too long and stale and sjw pandering. Nia pulled his teeth out. It's sad because Bill Burr fought tooth and nail to make a name for himself, he did his time in the trenches. Then he does a few specials and gets comfortable and frightened that mainstream media will turn on his edgy humor so he starts doing Trump jokes and talks about discrimination against blacks.

Its pretty much a rehash of older shorter jokes dragged out to fill time. Also his performance seemed unsure at times.
> yells at audience so they'll laugh

The sad thing is, is that sjw's dont even laugh at that shit, they just nod along. I dont know how you can get a belly laugh out of "blacks have a glass ceiling guyz!"

This whole special was really unfunny. It's like he didn't tell any jokes or put any comedic spin on anything, he was just talking like he does with his podcast.
He didn't have any energy.
It's like before the show even started he was like "well they're gonna hate me anyway so why bother?"
Maybe he's getting old. Or I'm getting old. But this sucked.
Still love the podcast (when Nia isn't on it)

Bill should stay away from bigger topics that don't involve some kind of double standard, that's why his jokes about women killed because there was an edge and a logic to it. If you want to see how you tackle subjects like fat people, hitler or fucking gorilla just watch a Ricky Gervais stand up.




>it's a Sup Forums gets triggered by Burr thread
As the man once said: fuck you and fuck your group lol.

I enjoyed the special quite a bit. I agree with that some of the character bits go on a bit long, but it's still a pretty great special.

Give it a chance before joining the Sup Forums circlejerk of hatred.

It's 7/10 but Sup Forums is upset that he isn't as right wing as youtube clips of his standup would suggest.

This. Sup Forums are easily triggered.

You people can't even function without making yourselves victims. Even criticizing comedy is Sup Forums now holy fuck.

>making yourselves victims.
