Do I want to see this with my gf this weekend?
John Wick: Chapter 2
Think...of're the daaaark
you have to unless you wanna face the no singles policy
Is the CGI blood back? If so than no.
Yeah, make sure to remember to bring your falcon
Just make sure to tell us what you think we thought you should have thought about it
the first one was weirdly overrated, just because it wasn't total shit. I'd skip.
Go see it, come back, and ask us ,"Just saw this, what did I think of this?"
You saw the first one and decided that anything further would be derivative.
It's a sea of shit, man. I'm just glad it wasn't another 0.5 nano second cut action sequence editing which is every action film nowadays. Fuck at least those faggot Wachowskis know how to shoot an action scene.
I hope Ruby Rose dies.
Why would you ruin a perfectly good action flick by bringing a bitch along?
Why is she suddenly in everything?
>resident evil
>john wick
>f8 of the furious
Why are (((they))) pushing her so hard?
Who is this man-milk mephistopheles?
Should I watch the first one or is it throwaway action trash
>he hasnt seen the first one yet
how about you fuck off and die
>How dare you not see this single film in a sea of other films!
Is that your inner plebbit going off
i repeat
fuck off & die
Hola Reddito
>watches part 2 and not part 1
kill yourself
I just said I havent seen the first one should I watch it.
To let you know I haven't seen the second part either fucker
I repeat
>R E D D I T
Not an argument.
Were we having an argument? Does hurling insults constitute an argument to your fucking nut of a brain?
Low quality bait
I think I enjoyed that album almost as much as the film.
>oh man they called my reddit
autismos actually think this is an insult
>Being called a member of a website for retards and special ed schoolkids isn't an insult
It's the same as saying someone gets the retard bus in school
>Low quality bait
Not an argument.
dude people dont called people reddit because its a "website for retards and special ed schoolkids"
its because Sup Forums has a special snowflake syndrome epidemic and they dont want to be considered normies
idk if the users of that site are actually retarded because i dont go there but at least get your shit right if youre going to be like this
Saying not an argument isn't an argument.
>Sup Forums has special snowflake syndrome
>Reddit is a site with accounts while anyone who has a tripcode on Sup Forums gets laughed at
>Sup Forums and reddit are rivals
holy shit man kek
you know im willing to bet for someone who supposedly hates reddit you probably mention it at the very least once a day
its like your the one britfag obsessed with america and cant want to say something negative lel
Batman is probably better
no u
Take your dog, too.
What? Guys is this seriously a thing in BritBong land?
Reddits first pure action flick: The Movie
I'm guessing OP isn't 12. He would be a retard to give money seeing a reddit sensibility kid's animated quipfest over a good R rated action film.
But John Wick is quintessential Redditcore!
You got BTFO'd
Are you reading my posts?
I never said they were rivals redditor, but that your site is shit
Fuck off Ameri-Newfag, and never return
I don't know how anyone could really be Reddit. I mean I visited the site once and saw the layout and came back here a minute later.
>look up schedules of three cinemas for February 9-10
>it's "50 shades of shit" all day everyday
As a old fag who saw you idiots create this meme, I can tell you to shove it up your very loose ass.
Isn't your bull ready to be prepped?
Prove your an oldfag and triforce right the fuck now
Ah, a connoisseur! Enjoy your quality meme of calling people cucks
Wait a week and watch that smooth KORSUB HDRip on your gf's phone.
>doesn't like no singles policy
>uses le cuck meme out of nowhere
Yeah, probably going with this desu
Cheers, bruv