

>Not linking the vid in the OP
I liked the part where Rich had to tell beardfat that no one gives a shit, because for some reason Beardfat always thinks this show is an actual in depth discussion about the plot points of shitty B-movies.

Could somebody please make a GIF of the little boy jerking off that guy?

I like them all to a degree event he Canadians but Josh kind of sucks. He never really offers that much or makes anything funny and sometimes makes thing a little awkward.

His re:view was alright i guess.

they just get better and better

No Jay, no play.

Beard fat? Avoid that.

I like that they made fun of Josh in the last 20 seconds, he kept talking about shit while everyone froze

yea I like how they're aware of how annoying he is and are making a joke out of it now

How did they still for so long?

He takes himself and his opinions way too seriously, like all SJWs.

when will you fags realize Josh is the straight man?

You don't get to decide his sexuality.

Official Power Rankings 2017 version 3.0
Drunk Mike > Rich > Jay > Tired Mike > Jack > Max > Canadians > Jessi >= Texan Jay wants to bang > Len Kabasinski > just having two hosts > Beardfat

Roger Corman is the best at shitty movies

When that actually works in a joke instead of derailing comedy and trying to actually talk about movies.

A straight man only works when its in service to a bit, not interrupting it to do something else unrelated to comedy.

Granted he's been in on the joke like twice, but its a result of people complaining about what a fag he is.

It was a shitshow. They didn't really show anything of the supposedly "good" movie so I never saw anything they were talking about that was supposed to make it good.

shes gone user

ranking beardfat that high

what's the half in the bag where they all say YEEEEEP a bunch of times at the start

it was a fairly recent ep

i don't know, bros; I just don't find them funny anymore. There's a pathetic quality to them, it was always there, but now it's the only thing that truly stands out when I watch their stuff

I want to say BvS

You're right, but the the dynamic isn't quite perfect for a silly/straight comedy styling. As the other anons mentioned, they're discussing stuff so it's not quite the time to try and play off people joking about how silly a movie is.

I wonder if they'll ever ecnoledge us, they clearly know about us because they said that some people are praising batman v superman and in this one they talked about how some people call mike an alcoholic.

thank you

You do know those things aren't exclusive to Sup Forums right?

They were never knee slapping funny, its more comfy-core than anything else. It's basically like MST3K, it was funny, but I was never rolling on the floor holding my sides.

But Mike was noticeable tired, he kind of looked miserable, pateron money must have been light this month.

>RLM will die in your lifetime

I never saw people praising BVM outside of here.

Are you just pretending to be autistic? Please tell me you are.

Jesus christ dude


I don't watch them anymore.

Since I have nothing to lose I'll freely admit that it was because they gave Rogue One a bad review.

Yes, I do have an account on the popular website Reddit and should probably have stayed there.


Do it

You're an alright guy

mind if I save this background user?

Its almost like he was in on the joke, woah