Well, do you, Sup Forums?

Well, do you, Sup Forums?

Lisa goes Gaga is one of the best episode.

I don't watch the Simpsons

nobody cares about the superbowl stupid that happened literally yesterday ago


not exactly a hard thing to predict

Well how much did they predict? Because if they just "predicted" her playing the show then that is literally nothing. If they predicted the songs, outfits, and effects then I'll be impressed.


>Lisa episode

Season 31 when?

More impressive

No because I haven't watched the Simpsons in over a decade

Not even the movie?

season 8 was the last good season

I cracked up at this and then hesitated, googled "simpsons current season": 28. Dear God, 28.

>Headline uses the word "Totally" like some vapid teenaged girl

29 and 30 have been confirmed

This. The fact that it took so long for her to get it was the real surprise.

Fuck, I did. Last time I saw a full episode on TV was 2002 or 2003, though.

The only reason I know its still on the air are the Simpson threads on Sup Forums

Damn it couldn't possibly mean people got ideas from a 5 year old episode could it? Also the Trump thing, he ran for president before that episode aired and said multiple times before then he would consider running.

Did those click baiting fags not get the memo about that trump prediction bs from the Simpsons being false or what?

Or, more probably, they based the animation sequence on Gaga's live show. Of course that's too obvious...

first tranny president when?

>"news" site
>headlines sound like the titles of reddit posts
the one nice thing about low-quality journalism that it's easy to spot

Would the show die with Groening?

Hard to say. It's an institution now and the characters are about as widely known as any. Might end up like Mickey mouse, a cultural icon that never goes away.


you can't kill the the undead

it's almost like she did that stuff before the simpsons parody!!!!

gaga playing a piano!?!?!? nobody could predict this!!!!!

how could the simpsons predict such a thing?!?!?!?


Reminder Gaga is a rich kid who is only famous because of her dad's money.



you jealous?

i know you are but what am i

cry harder poorfag and go back to uploading music to soundcloud that no one will ever listen to

You both missed the point.

No, you're just a faggot

It'll die with the voice actors. Even zombie Simpsons won't work if someone other than Dan is voicing Homer.

Very original comeback.

You have no point. Money doesn't buy you fame on Gaga's level.

People can force you all they want, if there's no star factor, you won't be that famous.

This isn't a fucking rap battle bro

There's probably someone out there who can do Homer's voice better than neoDan but they won't find someone who can do all his voices.

This. Richfags like her are a dime a dozen

She actually has talent.

It's amazing that you guys can't realize when you're being used. So much for that "redpill", right?

wtf are you even talking about?

Not an argument.

If you have to ask...

I don't care if they predict the beginning of WWIII and how to survive. I'm not watching that piece of shit.

>x is everything
>x is the most y thing ever
>x is y-goals

These make my blood boil.


This is rather good bait. You actually seem halfway sincere about being autistic
So I commend you for riling up the other people posting in this thread

the german voice actor of homer died and they simply found some other voice actor with nearly the same voice, I bet there are more than enough ppl who can imitate the original voice

and on topic: simpsons has done everything by now, that's why it is repeating itself (whenever I see a new episode because it is running on tv and I thought I could give it a try it is a plot from an older episode rehashed)

>((( ((())) )))

How did Groening handle both the Simpsons and Futurama?

Or did he not have time to really commit to both? Is that why Futurama took a nosedive after it came back?

Redditrama took a nosedive because adult cartoons have been over for years now.

Besides, the show only had one good episode and it was the one where Bender has the sex change.

I guess Cohen had more to say with Futurama, but he was pretty invovled in both afaik

dunno why it more or less failed, guess their break was too long and they lost their touch to that 'universe/theme'